How is coronavirus stacked compared to other pandemics?

Learn the similarities and differences between the epidemics of COVID-19 and the past and the pandemic.

In the fall of 2019, the idea that the global economy stops primarily at a stop because of aVery contagious virus would have seemed like something else of a sci-fi movie rather than real life. But also unprecedented that all this seems - and, in many ways, it is far from the only deadly disease to tear the world in our lives. It's not even the only epidemic of the last decade and at this point is far from the murderous that the world has ever seen. Understanding how the public health crises of the past have affected the world and the toll they have taken help us put the current surreal moment in perspective. Here are nine other pandemics and epidemics that the world has known and how the coronavirus looks compared to these precedents. And if you are looking to stay healthy, discover7 subtle ways you could get coronavirus without realizing.

Zika virus epidemic: 2015-2016

Zika virus

The most recent virus epidemic is very different from influenza and flu 's epidemics (including COVID-19) that we have seen for decades. An infection with mosquito that can also be sexually transmitted, Zika causes a light disease in most people, but has a specific danger because it affects pregnancies and causes significant birth defects.

While Zika persists, its primary propagation was of all Latin America and the Caribbean from 2015 to 2016. "At its peak in the United States in 2016, 5,000 people diagnosed were 5,000 pregnant people, about 10% had birth defects, "saysMichael Stein,MD, President of the Law of Health, Policy and Management atPublic Health School at the University of Boston.

It emphasizes how the difference in discussions on the disease and its victims was different because it afflicted mainly women and their children. It has also created controversial problems related to reproductive health care.

"The Legislative Assembly of the State has adopted laws that prevented women from having abortions for the main fetal malformations," says Stein. "But while Zika informed us of the particular risks of pregnancy, COVID disproportionately affects disadvantaged people, chronic patients, the elderly and the poor and we make aware of the conditions of the company that make some Americans much more vulnerable to Mediocre results. "

The Ebola epidemic of West Africa: 2014-2016


Ebola spreads through the contact via broken skin or mucous membranes in the eyes, nose or mouth.

While 11 people were treated for Ebola in the United States and a deceased person during the last epidemic, the virus took a lot of toll from the West Africa region, with 28,600 infected people and 11 325 dead, according to theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC), making it more delicate but less widespread than Covid-19. Although efforts continue to find a vaccine for Ebola, there is currently no treatment.

The pandemic porcous influenza H1N1: 2009-2010

Doctor checking for swine flu

While theOrigins of Covid-19 Are still debated, most experts believe that it has been transmitted from an animal (probably a bat) to a human. It is believed that pork flu started in pork herds where two or more influenza viruses have evolved into a new separate virus. According toCDC, "The mixture of influenza genes in pigs can lead to the emergence of pandemic potential viruses in humans. Improved influenza monitoring in pigs and other animals can help detect the emergence of viruses of viruses. Influenza with the potential of the disease and propagation between people, possibly leading to a pandemic. "

The H1N1 pandemic led to 1.4 billion infections around the world and 151,000 to nearly 600,000 deaths, according to the CDC. It had a relatively modest mortality rate of 0.02%, compared to 2% or more of many experts give COVID-19. In the case of H1N1, it has disproportionately impacted young people, with 80% of deaths under 65 years of age.

"Most believe that this is due to some seniors with protective immunity from the oldest flu 's variants," says Stein. "The available vaccine was not effective in preventing infections and influenza drugs had limited utility."

The World Health Organization has declared the end of the virus in August 2010, although it continues to circulate asSeasonal influenza virus. And if you want to learn the difference between COVID-19 and the flu, read our guide-Coronavirus vs. The flu: who is the murderous and spread faster?

The AIDS pandemic: 1981-

Aids test

TheFirst case of COVID-19It is believed to have taken place on November 17, 2019 and on 12 January, the Chinese authorities had identified and shared the complete genome sequences of the new coronavirus. As a result, the virus spread for weeks before it was taken seriously. But in relation to global spread and response to AIDS, everything on COVID-19 has occurred at the speed of breakneck.

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is supposed to haveCrossing Chimpanzees to Humans In the Democratic Republic of Congo around 1920 and sporadic cases have been documented over the decades that followed. But it was not until 1981 that the first official statement of what is subsequently known as the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was reported in an article published by theCDC. In 1985, after more than 12,000 Americans died of the complications of AIDS,President Ronald Reagan publicly declared the word "AIDS".

On32 million people Finally die of HIV-related illnesses from the beginning of the pandemic at the end of 2018. Worldwide, 37.9 million people currently live with HIV, with the majority (especially in the United States) using treatments that allow them to live a normal life. People living with HIV who have aundetectable viral load can not transmit the virus to others.

The Asian Grip Pandemic H2N2: 1957-1958

Doctor giving nurse flu vaccination

This pandemic, which has surfaced in East Asia before the propagation of the whole world, has been caused by a virus from avian and human influenza strains, identified as flu a subtype H2N2. As with COVID-19, it spread throughout China before reaching the United States, with many infected individuals only exceeding minor symptoms. Unlike COVID-19, this has particularly affected young children and pregnant women, in addition to seniors.

It would possibly demand the lives of more than one million people - including 116,000 deaths in the United States - according to theCDC. Compared to Covid-19, it was less contagious, but also happened in infected people much faster, which allows it to quickly identify.

"The number of breeders (average number of people infected with a person disseminating the disease) of Asian flu was between 1.4 and 1.6, while for COVID-19, it is up to 2.5 years, "saysDimitar Marinov, MD, of theVarna Medical University, Bulgaria, which is on a research team studies the hatching of Covid-19. "Covid-19 can also remain undetected for much longer, because the incubation period is 5 days to 14 on average, while Asian flu was only 24 hours."

The Spanish influenza pandemic: 1918-1920

Spanish flu

This pandemic influenza, the most severe in modern history, was caused by a H1N1 virus of avian origin, partly distributed by soldiers who returned to the House of the First World War I. He took a major fee. on the world, infecting about 500 million people (one-third of the world's population) and leading to the death of at least 50 million people (675.00 of them in the United States), according to theCDC.

Unlike the Covid-19 virus, which has had a relatively mild effect on the youngest, the mortality of Spanish flu were under 5 years of age and those aged 20 to 40 years.

As with the new coronavirus, the Spanish flureaches some of the most powerful people in the worldincluding SpainKing Alfonso XIII, as well as health workers accused of treating the victims of influenza.

Similar to COVID-19 lock, the pandemic resulted in theaters, schools and other gathering places to get up, and citizens were required to wear masks. He ends up going out by himself, with infected populations, developing immunity or dying from contagion. And to learn more about COVID-19, learn these13 coronavirus facts that you do not already know.

The American polio epidemic: 1916

Polio patient in iron lung

Just a few years before the Spanish flu started its devastating path around the world, the United States was fighting a polio epidemic. From New York, about 27,000 polio cases were recorded, including 6,000 deaths, according to theSmithsonian. Many of those who have survived have been left with permanent handicaps.

The disease would continue to torment the nation for decades. In 1946, aTime Read: "For many parents who had lived the nightmare fear of polio, there were statistical encouragement: in 1916, 25% of the victims of poliomyelitis died. This year, thanks to early recognition of the disease and Improved treatment (iron lung, physical therapy, etc.) The mortality rate is less than 5%. "

It was not until 1955 that a vaccine, developed byJonas Skalk, MD,Finally become widely available.

The Russian influenza pandemic: 1889-1890

Victorian hospital ward during the Russia flu

This influenza pandemic has been documented for the first time in May 1889 in three remote locations from Central Asia, northwestern Canada and Greenland. But it quickly extended to urban areas around the world, including St. Petersburg, Russia (hence his moniker), then major European cities.

In a few months, he had arrived at the USAD, as with Covid-19, although cases started to appear in the big American cities, the answer was slow, with a lot of rejection of his gravity. But as death increased in early 1890, attitudes moved.

It would beFinally kill 1 million people in the worldand just under 13,000 in the United States (more than 2,500 people in New York alone).

Black Death: 1347-1351

illustration of the black death epidemic with plague doctors and women burned at the stake
Shutterstock / Matrioshka

TheBlack death (Also known as bubonic plague) gives some perspective on how a bad crisis of global health can get. This pestilence ravaged Europe and Asia in the middle of the fourteenth century, killing up to 125 million people worldwide. While it's a jaw fall number by a measure, it is particularly surprising given that at the time, the world's population wasLess than 500 million people. Europe, which has lost up to 60% of its population in the pandemic, issays he took 200 years before he returned to his levels of the pre-plague population.

The plague has been spread by chips living on infected rats. Its devastation to public health was only associated with its impact on the economy, wiping the active population of Europe and destroying countless companies before things eventually found themselves in the late 1400s.

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