If you are here, you are more likely to catch Covid, says CDC

A new study published by the Agency revealed that the opening of these places causes peak cases.

The desire to go back to normal life is growing up, because we reach a year's anniversary of an American lock and as more and more Americans are vaccinated. This has led some state officials to start restoring significant security restrictions, even though experts warn that new daily COVID case numbers havepleading at a dangerously high rate. Now, it is proven that these decisions could have major consequences: a new study of the American disease control and prevention centers (CDC) found that not only the dining room causes peak cases, but customers who havesummer in a restaurant are more likely to catch Covid that those who did not do it. Read it to see what the study has found another, and for more information on what could endanger you, checkIf you did this recently, you have 70% more likely to get Covid.

Eating in a restaurant doubles almost your chances of catching Covid.

Customers at tables and waitress in busy restaurant interior

Revelation comes in the context of a new study published by the Agency on March 5, which examined the county data throughout the United States to determine the effect of mask masks andInland Restore Restrictions on COVID-19 case numbers and mortality rate. The results showed that areas where the on-site dining room has been authorized, which it has seen new cases starting to increase by 41 to 100 days after eliminating restrictions, followed by a 3% increase in Death between 81 and 100 days after reopening.

The researchers pointed out that previous studies considered as part of the broader report had contributed to discover the troubling trend. This includes a September report that found that "adults who confirmed Covid-19 were about twice as likely that control participants were reported.Dinner at the restaurant within 14 days before becoming sick. "And for more where cases are climbing right now, checkThis is how high the level of risk of Covid is high in your state, shows data.

Restaurants could become more risky because more diners become comfortable eating again.

Young people with face masks on chins toasting with champagne flutes amid coronavirus
CharmeFrightph / iStock

The last authors of the study pointed out that conditions can become more risky as a result of restaurants that finally become busy, writing that "potential restaurants of restaurants could have been more cautious when restaurants originallyReopens for meals on the spot But could have been more likely to dinner in restaurants like past time. "

During a press briefing of March 5th, discuss the last study, director CDCRochelle Walensky, MD, noted that the conclusions were clear: "You have increases in cases and deaths when you haveRestaurant dinner in person. "And for more about what else could put you in danger, seeIf you had this common disease, you are more likely to die from COVID.

The CDC exhorts restaurants to always follow their published instructions.

A male and female couple are waited on by a female server at an outdoor table while all wearing face masks

The last study concluded that basic security measures were important to maintain Covid to spread, the authors writing that "policies requiring universal use of mask and restrict any on-site restaurant restaurant are important elements of a strategy. Global to reduce exposure to transmission and transmission SARS-COV-2. " They also pointed out thatVery contagious variants of the virus which are currently spreading, such security measures are even more important.

Research comes as a growing number of states have begun toRoll or completely remove restrictions on the restoration, with the agency that warned that all the restaurants that have chosen to operate should be sure to follow theGuidelines posted by the agency,The New York Times reports.

But even the quarantine staff who test positive, requiring customers to wear masks and the priority to the outdoor restoration does not guarantee security. "It does not matter what it is a restaurant, a spin class, a gym, a choir practice - if you are inside without masks, weak or no ventilation, we knowit's higher, "GERY P. Guy, a scientist with the COVID response team of CDC and the corresponding author of the study, saidThe temperature. "Respiratory aerosols accumulate inside. It's as simple. It's a real problem for restaurants." And for more COVID news, delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Dr. Faisci said he is not ready to stay eating in a restaurant.

People eating in restaurant together

Although some may be eager to book dinner reservations, head of the House White CovidAnthony Fauci, MD, recently admitted that he wasNot ready to start eating xrestaurants Although it is completely vaccinated. "I'm alwaysDine ... I always take to take away, "he told Washington D.c. Local NBC Affiliate WRC-TV.

But that did not stop it to help its preferred local institutions. "I want to continue to support the restaurants of my neighborhood that I would normally go to. We could cook at home every night, but we're just going out deliberately to take take away, at least several times a week, maybe more ," he mentioned. And for more than you could do to stay safe, check outThese 3 vitamins could save you discoveries from the severe Covid study..

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