Study finds people in the morning may have a lower risk of breast cancer

Good news for Alouettes.

If you prefer to get up early to stay late, you're lucky. According to a new study published Wednesday in theBritish medical newspaper (BMJ), so-called "Alouettes" have a risk of breast cancer lower than that of "Night Owl" counterparts.

Previous searches have shown thatNight owls have a higher risk of fast deathAnd are more likely to suffer from obesity, insomnia, anxiety, depression, ADHD, substance abuse and mental disorders than early birds. But the researchers of Imperial College London wanted to see if the genetic factors that determine the chronotype - when one naturally feels the most alert and the most tired - are also related to their risk of breast cancer.

To do this, they analyzed the genetic variants associated with three sleep-chronotype, sleep and insomnia sleep traits - more than 400,000 women involved in 28 previous studies. They discovered that one of the 100 women who described as a type of "morning" type breast, compared to two out of 100 women who described as "evening" types.

Unfortunately, according to experts, there is not much night owls can do to reduce this risk, since your chronotype is genetic. "It is important to note that these data do not suggest so as to change sleeping habits could eventually lead to a decreased risk of breast cancer"Dr. Luca Magnani, Principal Investigator in the Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial College London, saidThe Scientific Media Center. "It seems that the risk of breast cancer is associated with a trait (ie not editable) which is itself associated with a preference" morning "or" night "- what we call" alouchs "and" owls "."

That being said, the researchers emphasize that if you prefer to get up early or that you stay late does not have as much impact as othersfactors that increase the risk of breast cancer-Such as your alcohol consumption and your IMC, which are modifiable.

And if you feel that you are neither an alouette nor a owl, checkNew research show that there are not only mornings from morning or night there.

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Categories: Health
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