Here's how you destroy your eyes without knowing it

Daily habits that seem unofficial could put your vision at risk.

Your eyes help you navigate throughout your day, but along the way you can beput them in danger without knowing. Apparently insignificant things you do (or do not do it) daily can cause damage that accumulates over time, thus increasing your chances of being diagnosed with eye disease or loss of vision.

The health of the eyes can sometimes take a rear retention to yourOther health concernsBut it is worth considering as a key part of your daily well-being: about 93 million adults in the United States are likely to lose serious vision, but only half saw a doctor of the eyes. during the last year, according to theCenters for the fight against disease and prevention (CDC).

Improve your ocular health in nixing these habits that hurt your eyes silently and your eyes. And for more information on your windows in the world, here is 17 signs of warning that your eyes are trying to talk about your health.

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You do not wear sunglasses.

Shutterstock / Roman J Royce

It is clear that you should bewearing sunglasses When you searched on a sunny beach, but it's also important to wear them from all kinds of time - and every season. Long-term UV exposure to Sun's non-protection UV rays may increase your risk of eye disease, including cataracts, macular degeneration, eye constructions, and a rare shape of eye cancer, indicates theAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology.

Even the short-term exposure to the reflective sun out of the water can cause a painful sunburn on your eye called photokatite, which causes a blurred vision, redness and even a temporary loss of vision in rare cases.

Your solution: Systematically wear sunglasses that block UVA and UVB rays at 99 to 100%, and look for oversized frames for more coverage (wrapping styles are also perfect for protecting your eyes from the sides). And for more your vision, here is here13 myths of health on your eyes you have to stop believing.

You do not put the sunscreen on your eyelids.

Woman applying sunscreen in the winter

It can feel funny at first, but you should be carefullysolar screen on Your eyelids to protect them from the sun when you jump on your SPF. "You can get skin cancers that affect the eyelids, but it's actually quite common that patients will not get sunscreen on their eyelids," saysGary Lelli, MD, an ophthalmologist in Weill Cornell Medicine. "Have this protection is important."

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States and is caused by ultraviolet rays of the sun, tanning beds and sun flashes, according toThe CDC. These rays can damage skin cells, so it is important to use a broad spectrum solar screen with a 15 or more SPF each day.

Of course, be careful not to have sunscreen in your eyes when you apply it. Mineral formulas made with zinc or titanium dioxide can be good choices because they are made for sensitive skin, like that around your eyes, by theSkin cancer fund. Sunscreens Stick can also double the protection without disorder for your eyelids and surrounding areas.

You constantly rub your eyes.

Woman rubbing eyes because of vision problems

Rub your eyes from time to time probably probably will probably not cause problems, but chronic eye friction can result in a weakening of the cornea and keratoconus, or the distortion of the cornea, according toHealth of the University of Utah.

This can also lose elasticity with your eyelids over time. "Rubbing your eyes, you increase the risk of stretching very delicate eyelids, which can predispose it to develop a falling gray or eyelid that turns out or inside," says Lelli. "These types. Eyella malpositions are quite common because people get older. "

You do not eat enough fruits and vegetables.

Women preparing vegetable meal for cooking, everything is so green, healthy and freshly harvested from garden. Making compost from leftovers.

Healthy diet can help protect your vision for years to come, which is one more reason for packing fruits and vegetables in your diet. Research has connected nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, essential fatty acids, zinc and lutein and zéxanthine (found in green greens) at a lower risk of certain diseases of the eyes, according to theAmerican optometric association.

For example, a December 2015 study on more than 100,000 journal participantsJama Ophthalmology I found that higher lutein and zepananthin consumption through fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of advanced macular degeneration related to age.

Meanwhile, although clinical trial data is limited and evidence has been mixed, there is a lot ofvitamin C has been associated with a lower risk of cataract training, says theNational health institutes.

You spend too much time watching screens.

close up of woman's hands closing computer

During the Pandemic of Covid-19, you can be more stuck to your screen than ever. However, if you do not give your eyes frequent breaks at rest, you could toss them.

The reason looking at a screen tries your eyes more than reading a book, it's because you tend to flash less by looking at a screen - in fact, the screens lower the speed of your flashing of the third to half and dry your eyes, according to theAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology.

While the search did not discover that the blue light filtering glasses help relieve digital eyes strain, there are some simple steps you can take: Try working about 25 inches from your screen (eyes) must work harder to see close-up than far away), adjust the lighting so that your screen is not much brighter than the surrounding light in your room and follow the 20-20-20 rule by pause all The 20 minutes to watch something 20 feet for 20 seconds. And for more information on how to get away from your devices, check7 easy ways to reduce your screen right now.

You sleep in your contacts.

Checking Email with Contacts Predictions About the Future

Whether you are exhausted late at night or can use a nap, take your contacts first. Sleeping in contacts blocks the oxygen of the cornea of ​​your eye, which can lead to a neovascularization of the cornea (a proliferation of new blood vessels in the cornea), says theNational Sleep Foundation. This triggers inflammation and can even prevent you from bringing contacts in the future.

The capture of Z in your contacts can also lead to severe red eyes, ulcers of your eye or (most often) an eye infection. When you sleep in your contacts, you are more sensitive to microscopic tears on your cornea, which increases the risk of bacteria entering your eye and the development of conjunctivitis. And for more useful health information delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

And reuse daily disposable contacts.

woman holding colored contact, look better after 40
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If your contacts are only designed for everyday use, make sure to throw them at the end of the day. Using disposable contact lenses beyond their recommended wear and even using an expired saline solution can cause eye health problems, by theAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology. If you have reusable contacts, clean them correctly is also important.

"If you wear contact lenses, you must be used to practicing safe use of your lenses," says Lelli. "Take your contacts at the end of the day, clean them, and all these things are really really Important to prevent eye infection. "Your eyes doctor can give you best practices to use your prescription safely.

You use the wrong type of makeup.

Young beautiful woman applying cosmetics make up on her face, health beauty skin care and make up concept

You want to get the most out of your eye makeup, but it's important to throw it after three months and get new products, says theAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology. Bacteria caused by infection can develop particularly well in the makeup of liquid or creamy eyes.

If you expand an eye infection such as the pink eye, throw all your makeup for the eyes immediately and stop using it until your infection is part. In general, it is also better to never share eye makeup - even with your loved ones.

You put a eyeliner on your eyes.

Makeup artist applying eyeshadow on woman

Some makeup tutorials can call it, but do not apply makeup on your eyelash line. By applying a eyeliner away from your eyelash line, you avoid blocking the oil glands in your upper and lower eyelid. These glands are important because they secrete oil that protects the surface of the eye, by the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

On the makeup note, save the sequins for special occasions: metal, sequins, spark powder and other makeup can relax and fall into the eyes, which can lead to irritation. The corneal irritation or the infection is commonly caused by the makeup of glitter eyes, especially in those carrying contact lenses. Larger glitter flakes can actually scratch the eye, similar to sand or dirt.

You do not get enough exercise.

Lazy man not taking care of himself

The exercise of course benefits your overall health, but it can also protect your eyes specifically. By remaining active, you help prevent orControl diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which may otherwise lead to certain eye problems or vision, according to theNational Library of the United States.

For example, diabetes can lead to diabetic retinopathy, which affects the blood vessels of the retina and can cause loss of vision or even blindness, indicates theNational Eye Institute. High blood pressure or high cholesterol as well as diabetes can further increase your risk of diabetic retinopathy.

According toMAYO Clinic, sameHypertensionOnly damage to tiny blood vessels that provide your eyes with blood, leading to problems such as bleeding and loss of vision.

You do not wear glasses when you swim.

Older man swimming in ocean

When you swim, chlorine and other chemicals found inpool Can wash your film of tear. The film of tear is a layer of moist and thin tears that covers the surface of your eyes and keeps them moist, smooth and clear, by theAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology.

As a result, your eyes could become uncomfortable and red, and frequent swimmers can possibly develop dry eyes that lead to a blurred vision. In addition, not only can chlorine itself cause a reaction that leaves red eyes and itchy, but all persistent water bacteria can also cause eye infection like a pink eye.

It is important to protect your eyes by wearing a pair of glasses every time you swim, which will keep the chemicals of the pool out of your eyes and protect your film from tear. You should also splash water on your eyes after swimming to get chlorine and other chemicals from your eyelashes and eyelids and use lubricating eye drops before and after hitting the pool. Staying hydrated when you swim can also help keep your eyes dry.

Your eyes are always super dry.

Woman putting eye drops in dry eyes

Even if you do not have vision problems, you should always see a doctor's eye at regular intervals so that your eyes are healthy - or to detect eye problems as soon as possible. It also gives your doctor the chance to give you advice to get you better and protect your eyes, even if you have no symptoms or discomfort.

If you have no problem with vision and you are healthy, theMAYO Clinic Recommends seeing a doctor of the eyes every five to 10 years in the 1920s and 30, every two to four years from 40 to 54, every one to three years from 55 to 64, and all one to two years after the age of 65.

You may need your eyes to be checked more often if you wear contact lenses or glasses, have a family disease of eye disease or loss of vision, a chronic disease that increases your risk of eye disease or Take medicines that have serious side effects.

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