If this happens after your vaccine, the FDA says you should call 911

It is not a reaction of coronavirus vaccine that should be ignored.

You couldExperience the pain or swelling in your arm After getting a Covid vaccine, with fever, headaches, chills and fatigue. But these reactions are not a cause of alarm, asThese are normal side effects This indicates that your "body is the protection of construction", according to the disease control and prevention centers (CDC). However, some side effects should not be ignored. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) indicates a severe reaction to Covid vaccine that justifies a 911 call. Read on to find out what lateral effect requires emergency response and for more vaccine guidance,If you have these side effects of vaccine, do not get another shot, "said CDC.

The FDA says you should call 911 if you have a severe allergic reaction after the Covid vaccine.

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ForThe two moderna andPfizer Covid VaccineThe FDA says there is a "distance chance" that the vaccine could cause a serious allergic reaction, otherwise called anaphylaxis. If this happens, you must call 911 or go to the nearest hospital, according to the FDA. Normal side effects, on the other hand, do not generally require further action, but if they bother you or do not give up, "says the FDA you should call your vaccination or health care provider. And for more vaccine reactions to become aware,Dr. Fauci says he had these side effects of his second dose of vaccine.

There are different signs that you encounter a serious allergic reaction to the vaccine.


A severe allergic reaction to Covid vaccine can produce multiple symptoms. According to the FDA, you can have difficulty breathing, swelling of your face and throat, a fast heartbeat, a bad rash on your body, vertigo and weakness. The administration says that for the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine, you should expect a severe allergic reaction "a few minutes after a dose". The CDC recommends that anyone with anapylaxis history bemonitored for 30 minutes after getting the vaccineAnd everyone is monitored for at least 15 minutes - perfectly reducing the number of serious allergic reactions that occur outside health settings. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

If you start experimenting with gastrointestinal symptoms, your allergic reaction can worsen.

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The CDC says that anaphylaxis can alsoresult in gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. These symptoms can in particular mean that your reaction is to be even worse, pushing an even more immediate need for a visit of an emergency room. According to health care services, the ADA site, stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting are symptoms that appear as "anaphylaxis quicklyProgresses from its more severe form, anaphylactic shock. And for more reasons, you may need emergency care,If you have any of these symptoms, the CDC says go to the hospital now.

The CDC states that severe allergic reactions for both Covid vaccines are rare.

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Although health leaders want to make sure you are aware of the possibility of living a severe allergic reaction after vaccination, they do it out of abundance of caution. After all, the CDC reported that anaphylaxis after the Covid vaccine is a very rare event: according to a report of January 6 of the agency,Only 21 cases of anaphylaxis have been reported After more than 1.8 million vaccine doses against Pfizer were given, 71% occur within 15 minutes of vaccination. With regard to the Moderna vaccine, a report of 22 January of the CDCidentified only 10 cases of anaphylaxis After more than 4 million doses have been administered, with nine of these cases occurring within 15 minutes. And for more reported vaccine reactions,Tyler Perry stated that he had these side effects of Covid vaccine.

But you should not get a second dose of vaccine if you have an allergic reaction to the first.

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The two vaccines currently available in the United States require two doses and while health officials have the importance ofObtain the two doses, the FDA states that serious allergic reactions are harming. If you encounter anaphylaxis after getting the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, you do not have to get a second dose of the vaccine, in accordance with the FDA. And for more on the future of the pandemic,Dr. Fauci says you should be able to do this only thing from April.

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