This bathroom behavior could spread 3,600 coronavirus droplets

Rinse the toilet with the seat could create clouds of viral particles.

Since the beginning of thecoronavirus pandemicScientists have sought ways to slow the spread of the virus, just as we have worked to keep us safe. There are so many potential methods of infection that it can feel intimidating, but fortunately, the more we knowHow the coronavirus spreads, the better we are to stay healthy. In fact, a new study examines how something we do many times of day could actually transmit Covid-19 and includes an easy way to prevent infection: put the toilet seat. Otherwise,Rinse the toilet could release thousands of coronavirus particles in the air.

In a study published on 16 June in the journalFluid physicsThe researchers examined whether the "turbulence" caused by a toilet rinsing would be sufficient to propel aerosol-potential particles with the bowl virus. The results were alarming:Nearly 60% of the particles reached up above the toilet seat. And this could mean "the spread of large-scale viruses".

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As disease control and prevention centers (CDC), "the virus causesCovid-19 was found in the feces Some patients diagnosed with COVID-19. "Whether possible or not in feces is always unknown, although the CDC believes that the risk is low. Nevertheless, scientists have not excluded the possibility, which could make the toilet blush with the headquarters a proposal negligent.

Researchers have discovered that rinsing "canCreate a cloud of aerosol droplets containing virus It's great and widespread and lasts long enough that droplets can be breathed by others. "The study used 6,000 particles, including nearly 60% nearly 3,600 to 3,600 years older. The particles could then be inhaled, but the droplets could alsoEarth on surfaces, which could be touched by others.

close up of hand lowering toilet seat

Although this is certainly an unusual way of contracting Covid-19, it is not impossible. And the risk is higher for shared toilets, whether in a family home or inpublic toilets. As co-author of studyJi-Xiang Wang From the University of Yangzhou stated in a statement: "We can provide that the speed will be even higher when a toilet is used frequently, as in the case of a family toilet during a busy period or a public toilet serving a densely populated area. " This velocity would increase the propagation of potentially infected droplets.

If you are worried - or simply on the idea of ​​a cloud of viral particles in your bathroom, the simplest solution consists in lowering the toilet seat before rinsing. The study says that "can essentially prevent the transmission of the virus". Researchers also recommendCleaning the toilet seat before use in the case of viral particles that are installed there, as well aswash one's hands In depth to get rid of all the viral particles you may have picked up from the toilet handle. And for more ways to stay healthy,This easy turn to remember can help you protect the coronavirus.

Categories: Health
By: ryan-luke
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