If you feel that, your risk of convulsions can be high, a new study indicates

According to new research, these items in everyday popular days may not be as safe as announced.

Whether it's a diffuser or lighting of scented candles, aromatherapy is a popular daily ritual that many use to relax or relax. But it turns out that some perfumes could trigger aMedical emergency. A new study of India found that the smell of some widely used products could increase your risk of having a crisis. Read it to see what you should know about the next time you shop for perfumes and for more warnings related to odors,If your breath feels like that, check your liver, say experts.

Some essential oils can increase the risk of having a crisis.

Bottles of various essential oils sitting on a table top with flowers in the background

In a study published in the newspaperSearch for epilepsy On March 26, researchers analyzed 350 cases of seizure of four South Indian hospitals over the four-year period. The results showed that 15.7% of the conversion crises of 55 patients in the group - can potentially have been induced by inhalation, ingest or applyEssential oils of eucalyptus or camphor.

The researchers found that, while some patients in the group had a history of epilepsy, 40% had never experienced an entry before. In addition, once patients were advised to stop using essential oils, their follow-up visits with doctors over the three years revealed that almost no one had another seizure. And for more things to avoid,If you take these 2 supplements, your risk of cerebral stroke can be high, the study says.

The ingestion or inhalation of essential oils of eucalyptus or camphor could be risky for some.

A bottle of eucalyptus essential oil in front of a eucalyptus branch

The study notes that most patients had reported with toothpaste, balms, pills or other items containingEucalyptus or camphor, which are popular products in India to treat daily diseases such as pain, headaches or cold symptoms. But in an interview withAcademic times,Thomas Mathew, PhD, one of the authors and head of the neurology department of the St. John's Medicine Hospital in Bengaluru, India, called the first results of the "surprising and shocking" study.

"Ingestion of eucalyptus and camphor has been reported to trigger seizures, while topical application is generally perceived as safe. However, our comments from the current study indicate that it may not be true, "wrote the authors of the study. And for more know how to keep other vital organs safely,If you drink a lot of coffee a day, your heart is in danger, studies.

The authors of the study say that other research is needed to fully understand the link between essential oils and convulsions.

Female patient touches her temples while explaining her headache pain to a caring female doctor

Despite being "one of the greatest studies on essential oil-related crises in adults", researchers quickly highlighted the limits of their research, stating that the small number of patients in a region of the India meant a more widespread study should be done.

The "real impact of these neurological disorders related to essential oil such as seizures are difficult to determine, because doctors rarely pose them in their history because they are not mentioned in conventional manuals or programs. teaching, "said MathewAcademic times. "We need big epidemiological studies to find the real prevalence, unfortunately not available at the moment." And for more health news delivered directly into your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Some experts already warn people with epilepsy against the use of essential oils.

Essential oils

Although the Indian study has been the most important to date, this is not the first time that the use of essential oils has been linked to seizures in some people. According to the epileptic society of the U.K., There are some oils that anyone hasEpilepsy should avoid, including rosemary, fennel, sage, eucalyptus, hyssope, absorggamism, camphor and advanced lavender. And for more on how you can keep your brain healthy,Do this one thing twice a day reduces your risk of dementia, the study says.

Categories: Health
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