If you hid it several times a day, you should see your doctor

Your moving frequency of the intestine could be of concern. Here's what doctors say to look for.

As the Children's Book says, "Everyone caca" - but everyone caca at the same frequency. The status of your intestine fluctuations and how often they happen can tell you a lot about yourdigestive health. Going too much to the bathroom, it concerns too much that too little could be as much indication as something is wrong. According to experts, three are the magic number with regard to the frequency to which it is normal to coca.If you go more than three times a day or less than three times a week, you should talk to your doctor. To learn more about other ways to discern if your intestine fluctuations (or absence) are a source of concern, read it. And for more bathroom behavior to be aware,That's what it means if you do not do enough pee, according to science.

According to Healthline, "What is considered" normal "can actually vary from person to person - anywhereThree intestinal movements One day at three a week. In addition, or less that this amount could be a signal that something is disabled.

DoctorEsteban Kosak, MD, aMedical writer and advisor For symptoms.Care, confirms that something outside this window is worth checking. "Fewer than three movements per week is generally considered a constipation, while three or more wide-day stools are considered a diarrhea," says Kosak. He points out that this can happen from time to time, but if you systematically know too frequent or too infrequent movements, that's when you should start calling into question yourdigestive health.

"Most healthy adults will undergo diarrhea or constipation at some point, but a constant change in intestinal habits should always be discussed with your doctor," says Kosak. "Be on the lookout for all the signs that an intestinal movement is outside the personal range of normal or that these movements of the intestine have changed over time and bring it to the visit of a doctor . "

The frequency of your intestinal movements is not the only aspect of paying attention to - here are other red flags of your stomach that you should see your doctor. And to make sure you take care of your private parts, checkHere's how often you should really change your underwear.

Claire color stool

Toilet in orange bathroom

"The color of the stool can also give some indications of problems, or it can simply be a reflection of what you eat," saysLeann Poston, MD,Medical vibifier donor. For example, Poston says, "An obstruction or problem in the biliary channel can cause a clear color stool." And for more health issues, you might be too afraid to ask, discoverThe part of the body you should never shave.

Yellow stool

Toilet in a bathroom

Cara Harbstreet, Rd, founder ofStreet Smart Nutritionsaid if you have a persistent steatorrhea, the term medical for yellow stool movements, you should talk with your doctor. According to the Mayo Clinic, this could be the result of amalabsorption disorder, like celiac disease. And for more symptoms to become aware of, here isSubtle signs Your body tells you that something is seriously false.

Bloody stool

Decorated bathroom

Poston says that "the blood in the stool can come from many causes". She advises to check if the blood is bright red or black, if it is present throughout the surface, and if there are drops of blood in the toilet. Take note of all these aspects can help your doctor diagnose the problem by hand. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Liquid stool

Decorated bathroom

"Diarrhea is defined as a loose or aqueous stool that arrives three times or more in a day," said posion. "Infections caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites are usually the cause of diarrhea. Food intolerances or magnesium-containing medications can also cause diarrhea." Poston says that diarrhea will often disappear alone, but if it lasts more than a few days, you should see your doctor. And to be sure you stay healthy in terms of your hygiene, checkThese are the only 3 parts of the body you need to wash every day, says the doctor .

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