Dr. Fauci said he had pain in these 2 places after the Covid vaccine

Here's what to expect when you receive your shot.

As continues to deploy and take speed, more than us are the Nation's Covid-19 vaccination program finally received our first shot. In fact, according to the latest estimates of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 33 million Americans havereceived their first doseAs of February 9, but that means there are still 300 million more to go. So, if you wait for your turn and you are curious to know what to expect afterwards, know that somephysical side effects the process are normal even completely so a little painful. Main White Covid Counselor HouseAnthony Fauci, MD, revealed during an interview this week with theWorking Group on the Future of Prince George In the Maryland that his own experience with the vaccine has left him some pain in some places.

Health experts areSpeaking about their side effects In order to ensure the public that a lot of what may seem negative or painfulReaction to Covid Vaccine Is normal; In fact, it's just a sign that your body works to confer immunity against the virus if you eventually come into contact with it. During a January 28Interview with MSNBC, Fauci said, "The vaccine, because you give in the arm, it gives a systemic reaction. You know that because sometimes after the second dose, youfeel a little endolori, a little cold, Which means that the immune system is really packing ".

Like the highlights of the CDC, bothVACCINES ARNM COVID Currently approved in the United States, Pfizer and Moderna, do not inject beneficiaries with the inactivated virus as some immunization processes are (for example, vaccines against hepatitis A and Traveling influenza). Instead, theyTeach your cells to mimic certain features COVID virus so that your immune system can lead to fighting later, if you need to be infected. For all details of Dr. Fauci's experience, read the following, and more about the side effects thanto doReport something is wrong, check outIf this happens after your vaccine, the FDA says you should call 911.

The pain of the arm after the first shot

Photo of mature man suffering from pain in arm
Ljubaphoto / iStock

In its February 8 discussion with the Physicians and Prince George County officials, who received the Modern vaccine, said he had "the prototype experience" with shooting, which means the answer the answer. more typical. "After the first first, my arm wound a little. If I hurry, I felt a little bad in the arm, "he recalled. "I went to bed at night, woke up the next morning, he may have lasted the next day, but the night of the second day he disappeared. »

According to data from Moderna Clinical Trials, which included 28,207 participants,pain at the injection site was indeed the most common side effect, With 92 percent of the topics of study experience. And for more vaccine news to be aware, seeYou are more likely to have side effects of vaccines if you did that.

Bottom of the back / muscle pain after the second shot

Axial pain. Close-up photo of a hurting woman, who is sitting on a couch and holding her lower back with her left hand.

Fuci found that things were a "little different bits with the boost", referring tohis second shot, That he received 28 days later, as recommended to the Modern Vaccine. "Once again, I had a little pain in his arm," he said. "Maybe a little lower back, muscle pain that made me feel 100 percent normal. »

Once again, aligns the eager's experience with this moderna found with their clinical trials, where 61.5 percent of experienced myalgia participants, which means muscle pain. And for more COVID news, delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Fatigue after the second shot

Young man feeling tired in cafe

Fuci also recalled how after his second shot, "Towards the evening, I started to feel a little tired. But, he assured, "he did not stop me from coming to work. I did everything I normally do a day of work. Then he said, he "went to bed, awake, [and felt] a little better the next day. »

Fatigue is a frequent side effect in vaccinated subjects in the modern trial, with 70 percent of them reports this side effect. And if you are worried about your drowsiness is due to the virus, seeHere's how to know if your fatigue could be Covid, doctors say.

Side effects should be stronger after the second dose.

man on couch checking his temperature for fever

While the vaccine process can trigger short-term side effects, the experience of Fauci, and that of many others, shows that these symptoms are the way of your body to respond to the mRNA vaccine in the way it should. "We clearly know that you get an answer after the first, but the maximum answer ... After the boost, is about ten times higher than it follows the first," he said. "So you get a very good advantage of getting a thumb. »

Because the second shot gives you optimal protection, the side effects can be stronger post-dose 2. Moderna noted specifically that, in their clinical trial, the secondary effects of the 3rd year, as swelling, pain, bodily pain , headaches and fever, were more common. reported after the second dose.

"When you get this first dose, consider it a workout dose. You train your body to recognize that it is a foreign invader and it looks like coronavirus"Greg Poland, MD, from the Mayo Clinic told HealthDay. "Now, what's going on?get a second doseAnd your immune system shouts through this megaphone to say, "OK, the foreign invader is here! It's here! It's here! To kill! "" And for more advice on doses, check whyDr. Fauci says do not do it after your first shot Covid.

But they should still not last more than a few days.

Person setting clock at bed time for alarm clock

Fauci pointed out that this reaction is completely normal and should be short-lived. "During the next night, I was back at 100% normal. So, for about 24 hours, you could be tired, you can have a little muscular," he said his experience with the second shot . "I did not have a fever, but some people do."

Moderna warns that side effects could go slightly longer than that. "The local and systemic side effects solicited reported after the administration of the Modern Covid-19 vaccine had a median duration of 2 to 3 days", reports society.

'"In most cases, discomfort of fever orthe pain is normal, "CDC notes." Contact your doctor or health care provider ... If your side effects worry or do not seem to leave after a few days. "And for more information on the only signs that mean you should not get your second dose, checkIf you have these side effects of vaccine, do not get another shot, "said CDC.

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