The FDA says the Johnson & Johnson vaccine has this great advantage
The discovery arrived as part of the agency's analysis on the new clinical trial of the vaccine.

Since December, the United States has beenRelying on two double dose vaccines Developed by Moderna and Pfizer-Biontech pharmaceutical companies. However, a third type developed by Johnson & Johnson waiting for approval is a simplified option at the single dose that isalways very effective against the SARS-COV-2 virus. Now, a new report from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) revealed that not only Johnson & Johnson vaccine offers sufficient protection, but it also has an extra surprising advantage with regard to how patients react to their shots. of fire. Read it to see what the agency found, and for more information on what you need to hold once you are immunized, checkDo not do this before a month after your Covid vaccine, experts warn.
The Johnson & Johnson vaccine produces no severe allergic reaction and softer side effects.

The FDA announced on February 24 thatofficially approved Johnson & Johnson's vaccine, the establishment of probable approval for emergency authorization when FDA vaccines and the Related Organic Advisory Committee meet on February 26th. The Agency has associated its announcement with the publication of new documents, including its technical analysis of the clinic of 45,000 vaccination. trial.
The analysis revealed that no cases of severe allergic reaction or anaphylaxis have been reported during the test, unlike those of Moderna and Pfizer, who have seenvery rare cases in his recipients. It also noted that, although the most common side effects were still fatigue, headaches, fever, muscle pain and nausea, Johnson's vaccine and Johnson produceSide effects significantly milder that both existing,The New York Times reports. And for more new vaccines, check, discoverThe CDC does not tell this within 2 weeks of your Covid vaccine.
Overall efficiency is greater than that originally suggested.

The Agency's analysis also offered a better review of the most essential function of the vaccine. The shotshowed a rate of efficacy against symptomatic covidation 72% in the United States, 66% in Latin America and 66% in South Africa - where the virus mutated variant B.1.351 had raised a concern for potentially capable of avoiding the effectiveness of vaccines, CNBC reports.
But the data has also shown that theEffectiveness of the vaccine was very favorable in terms of result. "We know that this vaccine prevents 85% of the serious illness ... It was 100% effective in the prevention of hospitalization and deaths, and that's really what is important,"Nancy Mr. Bennett, MD, Professor of Medicine and Public Health Sciences at the University of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Rochester, saidThe Washington Post. "These facts are the most important thing to recognize." And for more information on what you can go back to the post-firing, checkDr. Fauci says it's sure you can do that once you're vaccinated.
The vaccine is easier to transport and store.

outragedto be an immunization at the single doseJohnson & Johnson also reported that its vaccine flasks can be shipped and stored at standard refrigeration temperatures from 36 to 46 degrees Fahrenheit for at least three months. This contrary to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, which must be kept between -112 and -76 degrees Fahrenheit and -13 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit, respectively. And for more Covid news sent directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
The potential approval of Johnson & Johnson's vaccine should help some current offer problems.

The managers have long announced the possible approval of Johnson & Johnson's Vaccine, which could come from Friday, as a major relief on the deployment program of contradictory vaccines. And whileThe initial shipment of nearly four million doses Is about a third of the 12 million inhabitants, initially promised approval, the leaders ensured that 100 million doses would be ready by the end of June to fulfill the promise of society,The New York Times reports.
"With a J & J vaccine, we will be able to accelerate the deployment of the vaccine for our country and for the world"Dan Barouch, MD, a virologist at the Boston Israel DeaConess Medical Center in Boston who led early research on the vaccine, saidThe temperature. And for more where you could get your shot, checkYou can be vaccinated at any Walgreens on this date.

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