The CDC says not to do it with the second dose of your Covid vaccine

If you can not get your second shot after the exact waiting period, here's what you need to know.

SinceCOVID vaccine Beginned to be administered at the end of December, we were all informed that, following the recommended chronology between the first and second doses, is essential for obtaining complete protection of 95% against the virus. But with the deployment of vaccine occurring in the midst of winter storms that have causedDelays in vaccine shipments And temporarily stop vaccination sites, it is not always possible. If you are afraid of not powerGet the second shot From your Covid vaccine, exactly 21 days after your first dose of Pfizer or 28 days after your first dose of Moderna, the disease control and prevention centers (CDC) have new advice you must follow. "You shoulddo not get the second dose earlier that the recommended interval ", the agency advises. Read it to know what you should do and should not do if you can not stand at the recommended vaccine timeline and for more tips for getting your photos, know thatThe CDC does not tell this within 2 weeks of your Covid vaccine.

The CDC says you have a "grace period" if you absolutely need to get your second dose early.

A senior woman of is getting her COVID-19 vaccine injection from a male medical doctor.
FatCamera / iStock

In his advice for clinicians administering the vaccine, the CDC clearly says: "People should not be planned forreceive the second dose earlier than recommended (ie 3 weeks [Pfizer-Biontech] or 1 month [Moderma]). "However, if you are in a situation where you absolutely need to get your second shot early, the agency says that you have a grace period of a few days." Second doses administered within a grace period of 4 days earlier than the Recommended date of the second dose are always considered valid ", reads on CDC guidelines.

However, if for any reason, you get your second shot, even earlier than it (before 17 days for Pfizer or 24 for Moderna), it does not mean you have to restart the process. "Inadvertently inadvertent doses earlier than the grace period should not be repeated," says the CDC. And for more about what is not correct to post-shot,Do not do this before a month after your Covid vaccine, experts warn.

Later can be better than earlier when it comes to your second dose.

A man receives his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine from a female healthcare professional. They are both wearing protective masks.

Of course, "better later than ever" never applies to the second dose of Covid vaccines. But "better later than earlier, according to the CDC and other medical experts.Diane Griffin, MD, a virologist at the Bloomberg Public Health School of Hopkins, told theLos Angeles Timesthat she "would be personallyChoose a few days late as soon as possible. "

"Your immune response will work perfectly if you take longer,"William Schaffner, MD, medical director of the National Foundation of Infectious Diseases, told AARP. "But if you do it too early, thesecond dose can invoke an optimal answer. "

In Walgreens, whereRina Shahis the vice-president of the group of operations and pharmacy services, "patients canreceive the second dose As long as he follows the vaccination window "- the keyword" follows ", like Shah told NBC News." We encourage patients to plan the appointment of the second dose as close to the appropriate date the earliest appropriate, but a little after the OK "Shah said. And if you want to have your shot at your local pharmacy Walgreens, checkIf you live in these states, you can now be vaccinated in Walgreens.

The CDC says you can wait six weeks to get your second shot if necessary.

Vaccination against the coronavirus for elderly over 85 years old
Joa_souza / iStock

According to the CDC, "if it is not possible to respect the recommended interval and a vaccination time is inevitable, the second dose of Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines can be administered up to 6 weeks (42 days) after the first dose. "

The CDC says that there is limited data on the effectiveness of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines administered beyond a six-week window. However, once again, the agency warns that "if the second dose is administered beyond these intervals, it is not necessary to restart the series". And for more COVID news, delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

But even if it's later six weeks, there is no harm in getting this second shot.

doctor with syringe injecting vaccine on young woman patient against coronavirus -

"You should get your second shot as close as possible to the recommended interval of 3 weeks 3 weeks or 1 month," said CDC. "However, there is no maximum interval between the first and second doses for the vaccine." Meaning, even if it is greater than six weeks, you should always get this second shot.

Buddy Creech, MD, the director ofVanderbilt vaccine research programAt the Medical Center at the University of Vanderbilt in Nashville, Tennessee, has supervised clinical trials for the Moderna vaccine. According to what he has seen, the vaccine should work even if your second dose is delayed more than what is recommended by the CDC. CREECH told NBC News that people should "do not panic" if they have to stretch the 21-day or 28-day interval between doses. "Even if it's four weeks, six weeks, eight weeks before you can get this second dose, it's up to the point of view of the immune system," Creech said.

Thomas Denny, director of the operation of the Duc Human Vaccine Institute, saidAmerican scientistThat all this amounts to the length of clinical trials, which were shorter to learn the vaccine approved and administered to the public as soon as possible. "You could have doneDOSAGE STUDIES For two years, but it would not be the most responsible for doing in a world like this, "said Denny." Do not let the perfect being the enemy of good. "And for more to expect to expect your vaccination, I found whyThe CDC says that these 3 side effects means that your vaccine works.

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