23 unexpected signs that you risk heart disease
Do not ignore these subtle symptoms of an imminent heart attack.

Nowadays, we are more interesting about our health than ever, but that does not mean that we necessarily believe in our hearts. You do not need us to tell you thatyour heart is one of the most important organs in your body. Day after day, behind the scenes, the machine of fist pump blood in your veins and keeps the constant rhythm that keeps you alive. The best thing to do in return? Listen to the teltatal warning signs it sends you - often manifested in the form of apparently banal symptoms, such as insomnian pain or upper back. If you do not do it, you put yourself in danger for all kinds of heart disease. Here's what to watch. And for more symptoms to become aware, learn these30 signs of warning that your heart tries to send you.
1 You have a teeth.

A teeth harm does not always need a trip to your dentist; In fact, it may be aSignal of a heart attackas a cardiologistAmar Singhal writing. "The pain may feel to scratch out to the outside of the teeth or along the jaw, or may even feel like illness," he explains.
It's because, according toGreg Gobmyer, DDS, a dentist withDental authority"Oral bacteria can penetrate blood circulation in inflamed tissues and settling on cardiac valves, creating bacterial plates leading to cardiac disease andCardiac crises, shots and more. "And for more symptoms to search,These are the signs of heart attack warning that hide with a view to view.
2 You spit pink or white mucus.

If you find that you spit pink or white mucus, as opposed to the standard mucus, it could be a sign that your heart is unhealthy. "Durable cough that produces a strange mucus could be the result of cardiac failure," saysNate MastersonofHolistic medicine website Maple holistics. "White or pink color can be the result of blood leak in the lungs."
Of course, heart failure does not mean that your heart has stopped, or is about to stop working - it would be a cardiac arrest. It simply means theheart is not able to pump blood The way it should, according to the National Library of the United States of Medicine. Discuss this symptom with your doctor to offer a plan that will improve your cardiac health.
3 You have swollen extremes.

The inflated limbs, also called edema, could report something that happens in your cardiovascular system. "Feet and hands being inflated for long periods of time are a sign of blood do not pumped through the body correctly," says Masterson. "When the blood is not pumped properly, it will naturally collect in the areas furthest away from the heart." If you find that any part of the body is constantly, inexplicably inflated, ask your doctor.
4 You lose hair on your legs.

If you have found that your legs do not require any more shaving, it could be because of underlying heart disease. "The nutrients needed for hair growth are distributed via the blood," saysLina Velikova, MD,medical director in Synevo Bulgaria. "If nutrients do not reach hair or if the hair does not get enough oxygen, they are likely to fall."
In other words, a sudden hair loss on your legs could report your heart to pump enough blood towards your ends. You will notice this symptom on your legs first, because they are furthest away from your heart. And if you are afraid to stay healthy, discover30 crucial ways to reduce your risk of having a heart attack.
5 Your nails are purple.

Unless you recently stipped on your toe, purple or blue nails could mean that your extremities do not receive enough oxygen. "This is probably due to a blocked blood vessel, which indicates disturbed circulation," says Velikova. If the question is left unattended, it could result in the loss of a toe due to dead tissue.
6 You can not catch your breath.

While escaping occasionally is completely normal, you feel like you're constantly struggling to catch your breath. "If climbing the stairs suddenly becomes more difficult than before, it could be a sign that you have a problem with your heart," says Masterson. "People can think that they are just out of shape, but running at the gym while your heart is in this affection can actually induce aheart attack. "
In addition, because the arteries do not simply melt at night, it is normal that such symptoms aggravate time. Of course, shortness of breath can also be aSymptom of coronavirusSo it's definitely worthwhile to monitor.
7 You can not do such difficult exercise as you used it.

Even if you do not notice intense shortness, you may notice changes in how much you are able to exercise. "A gradual decrease in exercise tolerance can be a sign of aggravation of cardiac function," saysTarak Rambhatla, MD, a cardiologist with theMiami Cardiac & Vasculate Institute. You may notice something fatigue and weakness to something more alarming, like chest pain.
8 You suffer from vomiting and uncontrollable nausea.

When the lower mucosa of the heart that surrounds the structures of the stomach is inflamed, it can "produce reactions similar to feelings of nausea, abdominal pain and even vomiting," Rambhatla. According to the Mayo Clinic,This symptom is more widespread in women than in men. And for more warning signs to become aware of,That's all your stomach tries to talk about your health.
9 You have trouble in the room.

Although it is quite possible that your erectile dysfunction is simply a sign of stress or aging, Rambhatla indicates that it could also be a sign of an underlying heart condition. If your heart does not pump as strong as it should be, the decrease in blood flow could result in lower erections. Bring this symptom to your doctor so they can help you reach the root of the issue.
10 You sweep excessively.

If you do not exert or if you were particularly active, excessive perspiration couldReport the beginning of a heart attack, according to a study of the cited presented at the annual meeting of the American Heart Coor Association in 2005. And of course, that means you would like to go to the hospital as soon as possible, especially if the perspiration is accompanied by discomfort In the chest, arms, neck or jaw.
"We can stop a heart attack during the process, but you must first arrive at the hospital," said the author of the studyCatherine Ryan,Search Assistant Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing. "The actual thrust for improved survival is to get them early." And if you want to know more about what a heart attack looks like, read a person's account:I survived a heart attack. Here's what it was like.
11 You have open wounds on your feet.

Especially if they do not heal themselves, noneOpen wounds on your feet Should be checked by a doctor immediately because they could be a sign of specific heart disease called aortoiliac occlusive disease, or the blocking of the aorta, the main vessel of your body. According toNYU LANGONE HEALTH, Do not look for that the treatment of this disease could result in tissue death, or gangrene, finally leading to the loss of members if it is not properly treated.
12 You encounter pain in your jaw.

"Sometimes LManifestation of a heart attack or a cardiac event can be felt in jaws, teeth and neck, "according toSteven D. Bender, DDS, director of the facial pain and sleep medicine center at Texas A & M's College of Dentstry. "It's not just the left side; it can also happen on the right side,especially for women. "
This means that the pain of the jaw could point out that something happens to your heart at that time, so be prompt to solve so that the pain persists.
13 You feel the desire to hit the bathroom constantly.

If you have not recently increased your water consumption, a hyperactive bladder could be a sign of cardiac problem. In fact, according to a 2018 study published in theInternational newspaper of neurology, up to half of allPatients with heart failure to suffer from a "urinary incontinence and a hyperactive bladder".
14 You want to stifle.

The British Foundation of the Heart warns that a feeling of choking around your neck could point to aimminent heart attack. "The word" angina "actually means" choking ", and sometimes the tightness or the pain can be in the throat. People tend to describe a" restriction "or" stifling "sensation, the foundation warns. If this feeling choking persists, consult your doctor immediately.
15 You feel a float in your chest.

If you feel a "cut" or a float in your chest, you may experience the most common symptom associated with atrial fibrillation (AFIB for short-lived), a particular type of irregular heartbeat that occurs when "Abnormal cooking of electricity pulses cause Atria (superior rooms in the heart) to shudder (or fibrail)," according to theAmerican Heart Association. Once again, if this feeling persists, make sure to see a doctor since Quefib can put you on aIncreased risk of heart disease and stroke.
16 You encounter confusion.

Did you generally feel generally recently? Well, according to theAmerican Heart AssociationThe confusion, the loss of memory and the altered thought could be due to "the evolution of the levels of certain substances in the blood, such as sodium" resulting from a bad blood flow caused by heart failure.
17 You have sleep apnea.

Because sleep apnea, a persistent sleep disorder that pushes your breathing to stop and start all night, prevents you from getting agood night's sleep, the Mayo Clinic warns that this could lead to a stroke,heart failureand arterial hypertension. According to a 2010 study published in the journalTraffic, men with severe sleep apnea were 58% more likely to developcongestive heart failure that men without disorder.
18 You want to have a panic attack.

When you want to have an unjustified panic attack, with typical symptoms such as breathing shortness, tightness in chest, sweating, heartbeat, dizziness and physical weakness, the medical center from Pittsburgh University warns that it might not be a panic attack at all - but could actually be theSymptoms of a heart attack. That is why it is essential to consult a health professional if your symptoms do not fade and are not progressively worse.
19 You have terrible headaches.

Sometimes a headache is just a headache - and other times, it could be a sign that you have aBlood cabin in your heart, according to the Mayo Clinic. Especially when the pain is paired with nausea and vomiting, a headache that simply will not disappear could be a sign that your heart is in trouble.
20 You are vanished.

Although fainting can be the result of getting up too quickly or the drug that you are currently taking, this could also result from a hidden heart problem. According to the Mayo Clinic, this decrease in blood pressure that has led to an evolution of your evolution could be due to arupture of your aorta. This break occurs in a weakened area of the aortic wall, withHypertension Emphasizing the fabric and leading to the initial tear.
21 You have a pain in your left arm or shoulder.

Sometimes a lack of oxygen at your ends will come in your left arm or shoulder. "The pain in the left arm and shoulder is angina sign," says Velikova. "The muscle cells of the heart die and the pain indicates the lack of oxygen supply." Although angina is not a heart attack, if it is not treated, it can lead to one.
22 You are experiencing back pain.

Unlike popular belief, thePain associated with a heart attackThis does not happen only in the chest - it can happen anywhere in your top of the body, according to Cleveland's clinic. When the heart has trouble functioning properly, it can activate the nerves that cause pain elsewhere, including the back. If you are dealing with back pain and discomfort that does not seem to be triggered by nothing at all, it may be time to see a doctor.
23 You have trouble sleeping.

Insomnia is not just a risk factor for heart disease - this can also be a symptom as well. According to the College of American cardiology, "evidence shows potential links between insomnia and hypertension,Cardiovascular eventsAnd the dead. "If you are launching and turning, especially if it's due to shortness of breath, the safest thing to do is consult a doctor-statistical. And for more things to avoid protecting your ticker, check27 daily habits that ruin your heart.

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