If you do not know this meal, your heart can be in danger, studies say

The research found that when you eat can be as important as you eat.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner are all important meal, aseat several times throughout the day gives us the nutrients we need to proceed. When life gets busy, though, it can be difficult to remember the importance of three meals, which means that some days you can end up missing a whole. Unfortunately, staying healthy is not just about what you eat, but alsowhen you eat. Research has shown that skipping a particular meal could put your heart at risk. Continue reading to find out what meals you must ensure to eat, and more to keep your heart healthyIf you drink it every day, your heart could be in danger, study.

People who skip breakfast are more likely to develop heart disease.

Businessman With Cup Of Coffee Leaving Suburban House For Work

A meta-analysis published in the journal in 2020clinical nutrition highlighted the results of seven different studies regarding heart health and skipping breakfast. The researchers analyzed more than 221.730 participantsfound that skipping breakfast was associated with a high risk of 22 percent of cardiovascular disease.

Another meta-analysis published in 2019Development of Journal of cardiovascular disease and found similar results after analyzing data from four different studies of those in the United States and Japan. The study found that those who regularly skipped breakfast were 21 percent more likely tothe experience of cardiovascular disease that people who regularly consumed breakfast. And the things you should avoid,This supplement can cause cardiac arrest if you take too much, doctors say.

These people are also more likely to die of heart-related problems.

Senior Woman Suffering From Chest Pain While Sitting on Sofa at Home. Old Age, Health Problem, Vision and People Concept. Heart Attack Concept. Elderly Woman Suffering From Chest Pain Indoor

A 2019 study published in theJournal of the American Cardiology College foundpeople who skipped breakfast were also more likely to die from heart problems. The researchers studied mortality rates for 6550 Americans aged 40 to 75 between 1988 and 2011, with about 15 percent said they ate "never" or "rarely" the breakfast. When adjusting for other factors, the researchers concluded that patients who regularly skipped breakfast the increased chances of death from any cause by 19 percent. But they raised their risk of dying of cardiac events such as heart attack or stroke by a staggering 87 percent compared to people who ate breakfast every day.

Another study in the same year also found that skipping breakfast increases yourPotential worse after a heart attack. The study's researchers, which was published in theEuropean Journal of Preventive Cardiology, A analyzed the eating habits of 113 patients from a heart attack and found that those who skipped breakfast and ate dinner near bedtime were four to five times more likely to die, another heart attack or angina experience in the 30 days after leaving the hospital. And for more reasons to be concerned,If this Wakes up at night, your heart may be in danger, warn experts.

People who skip breakfast tend to be more unhealthy overall.

Mature man communicating with female doctor and complaining of chest pain during home visit.

According to the American Heart Association (AHA), other research has found thatpeople who skip breakfast are more likely to have diabetes, obesity and high cholesterol. Unfortunately, all three of these complicationsthe heart disease risk factors, By the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The AHA also notes that people who skip breakfast are more likely to have other bad habits as well, including exercise and do not consume more calories throughout the day.

"Overall breakfast, not eating ismarker to be unhealthy and having an unhealthy lifestyle, "Penny Kris-Etherton, PhD, Professor of Nutrition at Penn State University and President of the AHA Council on the way of life, Healthline says. "What we eat and also the way we live our lives can affect body weight, the size, and, in turn, cardiovascular disease. And for more useful information directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Less than half of the Americans eat breakfast every day.

Young man eating sandwich for breakfast at dining table.

Given the risks to cardiac health, it is clear that breakfast is a meal and essential that people know. In fact, 2009 health and food survey revealed that 93 percent of Americans agree that breakfast is theThe most important mealof the day. But just because the Americans think it's an essential meal does not mean that they actually follow their beliefs. The same investigation revealed that less than half of the Americans (only 44%) say they actually take breakfast each day. And this may have aggravated over the years: a 2019 survey conducted by a brand of OnePoll and the Sabra food mark found that The average American Eat breakfast only three times a week, while 13% rarely say, or never eat. And for a specific food, you should add to your diet, Eat this only thing can reduce your risk of cancer in two, a new study says .

Categories: Health
Tags: food / Heart Health / News
By: lucy-caso
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