If you notice this brand on your nails, consult your doctor immediately.

Look for this irregularity because it could be a sign of a major health problem.

Your nails can contain the key of all kinds of health problems, with subtle symptoms that can help youspot diabetes,thyroid disease, Wherelow levels of oxygen in your blood. But what you can not achieve is that they can also report an early red flag of skin cancer, especially melanoma, the most deadly form. More than one million people in the United States are currentlyliving with melanoma, According to the panel-certified dermatologists with the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). And while you might know how to look for irregular beauty grains or strange bumps about skin cancer, you also need to keep an eye on your nails and nails because they can show signs of hidden melanomas . Continue reading to find out how your nails can reveal a diagnosis of skin cancer.

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If you see dark streaks on your nails, it could be a melanoma.

thumb with a streak on nail
Von ichbinjeffee / shutterstock

A series of black on your nail, known as Melanonychia, could beMelanoma sign warning,SKYLAR SOUYOUL, MD, a certified dermatologist, recently declared the DAA. Dark streaks are generally vertical and tend to look like a "brunette or black band in the nail," says-Souyoul, but they can vary from light to darkness.

They are most likely to appear on the thumb or large toe of a dominant hand or on foot of a person, but may appear on any nail. According to the National Biotechnology Information Center, the thumb and large toe account for 75 percent to 90 percent of theCancers of the coulted bed, Which are known as the ugly melanoma. And this sequence is often one of the first signs. "Earlysubungal melanoma often present as longitudinal melanonychnia, "wrote the authors of a 2016 study on the subject, published in the journalAustralian family doctor.

"Whilesubungal melanoma is a relatively rare condition for other skin cancers, it can result in serious complications, "experts at Healthline say. Early detection and treatment is a must. It is important to learn signs of subungal melanoma so that you can get help before cancer spreads ".

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Other nail-related issues can report melanoma.

Podiatrist treating feet during procedure
Creative Interior House / iStock

An advanced melanoma sign could be when the skin around the nails is darker, says Souyoul. It is also important to be aware of the lifting of the nail bed, which can happen in both fingers or nail toes watching more. Nails This fraction in the middle or have a bump below are also guard against the signs of melanoma. Other symptoms may include "friability of nails and cracking or bleeding at the pigmentation site," Notes Healthline.

"Nail melanoma is often diagnosed at a more advanced stage than melanoma on the skin, making it more dangerous for health," said Souyoul. "If you notice changes to your nails, including a new dark band on your nail, make an appointment to see a certified dermatologist. »

Melanoma Nail is more common in the elderly and in people with darker skin.

A senior woman, wearing a protective face mask, talks with a female nurse during a medical appointment.
SDI Productions / iStock

As Nté noted, the melanoma on the ends is the rarest subtype of skin cancer. It representsLess than 5 percent of all melanomas,Visha Patel, Assistant Professor of Dermatology at George Washington University School of Health Sciences and Washington Medicine, DC, saidTodayIn 2019. "But it represents about a third of all melanomas that African Americans, Indians, Asians and other people with darker skin develop, which is an increase of ten times compared to the population General, "explained the exit.

Souyoul warns that a personal or family history of melanoma or nail trauma could also be risk factors. According toRachel Nall, Msn, Crna, medical news today, having an immunosuppressive disorder, like HIV, can also do youmore likely to develop a nail melanoma.

Melanoma Nail is "Very treatable" is at the beginning, doctors say.

doctor looks at a patient's nails
Von Nicole Glass Photography / Shutterstock

"Once found early, melanoma, even on the nails, is very treatable," said Souyoul. The authors of the 2016 cited aboveAustralian family doctorAgreement, noting that "detecting subungal melanoma at an early stage has potentially a significant impact on the healing probability of a patient. »

Souyoul says "the best way to find skin cancer on your early nails, when it's easier to process, is what you need to look for and regularly check your nails. The DAA has a useful video that can guide you in the process ofCheck your nails for melanoma.

The good news is that the five-year survival rate for people who discover melanoma in its early stages - before it spreads to the lymph nodes - is 92%, according to the AAD.

RELATED: If you notice this on your skin, you might be at risk for 13 cancers .

Categories: Health
Tags: Cancer / News / Symptoms
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