If you suddenly want to eat salty, it could be a sign of this disease

The desires are not rare, but a new persistent desire can be a sign of something serious.

He is barelyrare to want Some salty pretzels or fries each now and then. Fringales all come so often, kicking especially whenWe are stressed or anxious, Like carbohydrates, fats and sugar produces a calming effect on our body, according to Webmd. However, just because the cravings of food are normal does not mean that they are never something to worry, because desires can be symptoms ofVarious health problems. So, if you notice that you are suddenly and massively envied salty foods, there may be something else in play. Continue reading to find out what disease could be behind your desire for salt.

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If you suddenly feel the salty foods, it could be a sign of Addison's disease.

Concept take potato chips with you to watch movie. Close up. Blurred background.

If you meet a new, persistent and excessivewandingThe experts from the Mayo Clinic say it could be a sign of Addison's disease. Also known as adrenal insufficiency, Addison's disease occurs when your body, especially your adrenal glands on your kidneys,can not produce enough Cortisol hormones and aldosterone.

There are two causes of Addison's disease: primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency. Primary adrenal insufficiency occurs when the outer layer, or cortex, of your adrenal glands is damaged. Secondary adrenal insufficiency is caused by the pituitary gland too little of the corticotropic hormone (ACTH), which is responsible for stimulating the adrenal cortex to produce key hormones.

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You are likely to experience other body gastrointestinal symptoms and complete with Addison's disease, too.

Sick young woman lying on the couch and holding her head with hand. Ill woman lying on the sofa with high temperature.

Salt desires are not likely to be your only symptom of Addison's disease, however. You can also feel fatigue, weight loss, hyperpigmentation, low blood pressure and sugar, gastrointestinal symptoms, abdominal pain, muscle or joint pain, irritability and depression. Women can also deal with body loss of body or sexual dysfunction.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the symptoms of primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency are largely the same. However, those with secondary adrenal insufficiency will not experience hyperpigmentation and also have less susceptible severe dehydration or low blood pressure, but are more likely to have sugar in the blood.

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People with diabetes may be more at risk for Addison's disease.

A mature man in his fifties at home testing his blood sugar levels.

Having another autoimmune disease is a risk factor for Addison's disease, according to the Mayo Clinic. But people who haveType 1 diabetes seem to be at a significantly higher risk. A study published in 2018The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolismfound that the risk of developing Addison's disease is more10 times higher In type 1 diabetes that in the general population.

Other risk factors include cancer, having a chronic infection such as tuberculosis, or undergo surgery that has removed part of your adrenal glands by the Mayo Clinic.

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And some medications can also put you at increased risk.

age, medicine, healthcare and people concept - close up of mature man hands with white pill and water glass at home. Health care and medical concept. Male taking medication, feeling ill. he is going to take some medicine

People whotake some medicines, Like anticoagulants or steroids, may be more at risk of developing Addison's disease. Steroid drugs can be prescribed for a multitude of reasons and different forms, as in skin creams, ophthalmic drops, nasal sprays, inhalers, injections and pills for asthma, sinus infections, the Pain, lupus and inflammation.

"Exposure to these steroids over time can cause adrenal insufficiency because itDeletes your capacity to do your own hormones, "Elizabeth Mcaninch, MD, Endocrinologist in Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, said Healthgrades. "I'm not saying not to take them, but check with your doctor if necessary and why it's necessary. »

It also noted that, even over-the-counter steroids (OTC) can remove your hormone production, but you must use a considerable amount over time to drive potentially to Addison's disease.

Leaving untreated Addison disease can have serious consequences.

male doctor injecting injection to female patients intravenous drip in the ward at hospital

Although it is easy to ignore fatigue, a stomach ache or a desire for salt, addison's disease is not something you need to neglect. The untreated Addison disease can develop in a crisis of addiction, which is an acute adrenal insufficiency than that of your body to enter a state of shock threatening by life. Unfortunately, according to the Mayo Clinic, the diagnosis of Addison's disease is difficult because it progresses slowly, peak symptoms to often be ignored until they are so serious that it reaches the level of a crisis adjoined.

"The treatment is relatively simple, but theThe diagnosis can be difficult do because it can overlap with so many other things "Patrick CodyDo, an emergency medicine doctor in the Norman Regional Health System in Oklahoma, said on the medical company's website.

If you feel symptoms such as serious weakness, confusion, lower back pain or legs, severe abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea or low blood pressure, you need to search for emergency medical treatment. because they can all be signs of acute adrenal failure.

RELATED:25 warning signs that your kidneys send you.

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Tags: food / Health Facts / News
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