Christiane Amanpour urges women to do this after revealing the diagnosis of cancer

The beloved journalist has just opened on the fight against ovarian cancer.

Christiane Amanpour has gained admiration over the years through its unshakable coverage and without fear of international conflicts. Now, fans again admire his strength after recently sharing that she had beenFight ovarian cancer. Amanpour, an international anchor of 63 years for CNN, was outdoors for four weeks and, on its return, on June 14, it revealed its diagnosis to viewers. Amanpour says she is "confident" in her prognosis, but she also took the time to offer his own advice to others with respect to ovarian cancer. Read on to see the urgent message she sends viewers.

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Christiane Amanpour urges others to avoid ovarian cancer.

CNN anchorwoman Christian Amanpour moderates a media event in Budapest, Hungary, on November 6, 2003.

Amanpour admitted that in recent weeks have been "a little Russian mountains" for her after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer. But she also noted that her diagnosis was only one of the millions of people around the world. Now she said she wanted to take the time "to exhort women to lower on this disease."

"Get all regular projections and analyzes you can," said Amanpour. "Always listen to your body and of course ... Make sure your legitimate medical concerns are neither rejected nor diminished."

She credited her early diagnosis with her confidence in her gratitude.

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Amanpour said she had a surgical procedure to remove her cancer and that she now suffers several months of chemotherapy. She also revealed that she was confident in her recovery, as well as "lucky to have health insurance through work and incredible doctors who treat me in an underestimated country, of course, the brilliant NHS", which is National Health Service in Great Britain

While Amanpour did not reveal what the stage of cancer to which she was diagnosed, she created an early diagnosis as a major reason for why she feels optimistic about her recovery. "I tell you that in the interest of transparency, but in truth, really especially as a cry of early diagnosis," she said.

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Ovarian cancer affects thousands of people every year in the United States.


According to disease control and prevention centers (CDC), ovarian cancer is gynecological cancer the second second most common of the US, and heprovokes more deaths that any other cancer of the female reproduction system. Approximately 21,000 people in the United States receive ovarian cancer each year and in women of the US, this type of cancer is theeighth - the most common and the fifth cause of the death of cancer, by the CDC. Although all people with ovaries can be threatened for ovarian cancer, 90% of those who get more than 40 years old, and the highest number of cases of ovarian cancer occur in 60 years or more.

You should be on the lookout for possible symptoms of ovarian cancer.

Cropped shot of a woman suffering from stomach pain on the sofa at home

The CDC says most peoplewho get ovarian cancer Are not necessarily high, so it's hard to know if you will end up diagnosing. However, the American Cancer Society says about 20% ofOvarian cancers There are at an early stage and when it is found early, about 94% of patients live more than five years after the diagnosis. According to the CDC, ovarian cancer can cause aNumber of symptoms, including vaginal bleeding or discharges that are not normal for you, pain or pressure in the pelvic area, abdominal pain or back, bloating, feeling too fast or difficult to eat, and a change of Your bathroom habits, as a more frequent or urgent need to urinate or constipation.

"Pay attention to your body and know what's normal for you," said the CDC. "If you have unusual vaginal bleeding, consult a doctor right away. If you have one of the other signs for two weeks or more and they are not normal for you, consult a doctor. They can be caused by something other than cancer, but the only way to know is to see a doctor. "

RELATED: If these two parts of the body hurt you, it could be a sign of cancer, the study says .

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