If you take these 2 supplements, your risk of cerebral stroke can be high, the study says

Take them together could increase your risk of nearly 20%, search shows.

We all spent most of last year as we worry about our health. To watch it on the brilliant side, it could mean that you have recently made healthy changes to your lifestyle. However, if you startedTake supplements To help stimulate immunity or as a preventive care, you must make sure you enjoy the benefits and do not at risk of another serious condition. The researchers behind a meta-analysis of Johns Hopkins of 2019 suggested a predominant number ofVitamins do not increase longevity or reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease or stroke. But even worse, the combination of two supplements in particular could have an unfavorable effect and can increase your risk of stroke. Keep reading to learn what they are, and if you wonder what youshould to take,These are the only 2 supplements that help you live longer, study.

If you are taking calcium and vitamin D together, you can have a 17% stroke of stroke.

hand holding supplements in hand, calcium and vitamin d
Irina Timokhina / Shutterstock

The meta-analysis of 2019 Johns Hopkins medicine researchers, published in theAnnals of internal medicine, explored 277 clinical trials with 24 various interventions to determine whichSupplements benefit from your health, including when taken into tandem.

After analyzing 20 studies that evaluated the combination of calcium with vitamin D in the complementary form, the researchers discovered 3,690 patients had purchases during tests on 42,072 participants in total search. The researchers determined that the acquisition of calcium and vitamin D together had an increase of 17% risk of stroke, which they found a "risk of slightly accepted stroke".

In addition, a 2016 study published inInternational osteoporosistoCalcium and vitamin D reaches a similar conclusion. "We conclude that the moderate effect of complementary calcium and vitamin D on the risk of fractures is not big enough to prevail over theIncreased risk of cardiovascular disease, especially in women who are at low risk of bone fracture, "the main author of the studyGunhild Hagen, then a doctoral candidate in the Department of Public Health and General Practice, said in a statement. And for a vitamin to avoid for the moment due to a reminder, read whyIf you take this popular vitamin, the FDA says stop immediately.

Calcium and vitamin D are one of the most common combinations of supplements.

Shot of a young man taking medication while standing at home during the day.

Calcium, which is important for the growth and strength of bones, and vitamin D, that you can get from sunlight and helping the bodyCalcium regulation and phosphate - are both essential for your well-being, according to the national health service of the U.K .. and theseSupplements are often taken together,Erin Michos, MD, director of women's cardiovascular health at Johns Hopkins, told TCTMD, the website of the Cardiovascular Research Foundation.

Michos says about one-third of the adults in the United States, take calcium and vitamin D, although the numbers are even greater for the elderly. "More than 65% of women over the age of 70 take calcium, while an excess of 60% of the adults aged 65 and over take Vitamin D supplements," according to TCTMD. And for a vitamin that could benefit your body,This supplement can slow down the aging process, a new study indicates.

Calcium alone has also been linked to cardiac disease.

Calcium Supplements

Long ago beenConcern with calcium supplements, with theories that high doses and concentrated nutrient could quicklyIncrease your blood calcium levels, make it more likely to be deposited in your arteries, according toHarvard Heart Letter.

A 2016 report published in theJournal of the American Heart AssociationAlso outside Johns Hopkins, examined 10 years of medical tests covering more than 2,700 patients to examine the causes of heart disease. They found thatTake calcium in the form of supplements "Can increase the risk of plaque accumulation in arteries and cardiac damage."

"In the use of vitamins and mineral supplements, especially calcium supplements for bone health, many Americans think that more is always better," said Michos, co-author of the study, has declared in a declaration. "But our study adds to the body of proof thatexcess calcium in the form of supplements can harm the heart and vascular system. "

And for more supplements are wary, discoverIf you take too much of this vitamin, it could be toxic, experts say.

Other research has shown that there was no definitive link between vitamin D and the risk of calcium and cerebral stroke.

business woman taking a pill to ease her headache.

Stephen Kopecky, MD, a Cardiologist of the Mayo Clinic, says if you take calcium and vitamin D supplements simultaneously, you can be clear. "It was considered a lot. A few years ago, articles came out who said the same thing," said KopeckyHealth. It notes that previous studies may have "missed precision" and have been subjected to a human error if they rely on questionnaires conducted for a deceased patient.

According to Kopecky, studies that did not include the responses of the questionnaires found "No correlation" betweenVitamin D and calcium and an increased risk ofCerebral accident or heart attack.

Harvard Health Letteralso stresses that, although there is evidence of a risk of increased cerebral accident associated with calcium and vitamin D, "the largest and longest of these tests was the health initiative of women, and she foundNo increased risk of cardiac attack or stroke In women taking supplements together. "

In fact, the 2017 research published in theJournal of the American Heart AssociationI found that vitamin D can actually help offset the risks associated with calcium and stroke. "This study suggests that calcium supplements given as monotherapy at high doses canIncrease the risk of ischemic cerebral strokeWHEREAS their combination with vitamin D seems to compensate for this danger, "concluded researchers.

Clearly, there is no definitive answer, but as always, it is better to talk to your doctor about your specific situation. "I would talk about a primary or primary care provider. Say," Do I really need that kind of thing? "Kopecky suggestedHealth.

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It is always better to make calcium and vitamin D of the food than supplements.

Healthy Foods

Kopecky also noted that research shows that pills do not replace a lifestyle deficient in nutrients. "It's always better to get [vitamins and nutrients] in your diet if you can. People tend to take supplements to compensate for their diet," he said.

The research of Johns Hopkins 2016 on calcium also concluded that the risks seemed specifically related to the ingestion of the mineral as a supplement as as opposed to consuming it through the food. "A diet rich in calcium-rich food seems to be protective," concluded researchers.

According to webmd, the top 10Calcium-rich foods Cheeses, milk, yogurt, dark leafy greens, sardines, cereals like grape sound and totally fortified orange juice, soy and enriched breads, grains and waffles. During this time, if you are looking to consumeVitamin D in the food form, You should eat salmon, canned tuna, egg yolks, mushrooms and fortified foods like cow's milk, the Singhillin reports.

If you need supplements, some factors can also make sure that you take them in the healthiest way possible. According toHarvard Health LetterBy taking your calcium supplement with food and limiting you to 500 mg at a time is the best way to stay safe. As for vitamin D, the recommendedDaily Allowance for Adults is 600 IU, Johns Hopkins' reports. And for more information on the supplement to always avoid,It's vitamin that you should never take, say that doctors say.

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