If you do this only thing at work, you are more likely to develop dementia

Do not sit until your next day of work before reading this.

Dementia is the fourth cause of death among seniors, after cancer, heart disease and cerebrovascular diseases. Thirty-six million people currentlysuffer from the condition around the world and the incidence rate increases by a new patient every seven seconds, a 2020 study published in the newspaperTranslational psychiatry WARNING.

That's exactly why it's so crucial to maintain your ownbrain health. Although there is currently no cure for dementia, some lifestyle choices can have a significant effect on your risk levels and cognitive decline rate. In particular, there is one thing that you were probably doing at work that experts say can lead to cerebral atrophy and dementia over time. Read it to know which habit you should stop immediately to preserve your cerebral health now - before irreversible damage is made.

RELATED:If you notice that when you eat, it could be an early sign of dementia.

Sitting for long periods of work can increase your probability of dementia.

Portrait of young man with face mask back at work in office after lockdown, working.

Over the years, a growing body of data suggested that a sedentary lifestyle is linked to a higher risk of dementia, but some results have remained "inconsistent and inconsistent", according to researchers. For this reason, the scientists of the above-mentioned study published inTranslational psychiatryLed a meta-analysis of 18 cohort studies to confirm what many other teams have suggested. Having examined a total of 250,063 subjects of study-2,269 of them wereDiagnosed with dementia-What research team determined that the session for long periods of the dayis, In fact, independently associated with a considerably increased risk of dementia.

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A sedentary lifestyle can bring the brain memory center to atrophy over time.

Brain scans

Researchers think that sedentary throughout the day of work can cause a thinning in the temporal medial (MTL), the brain region responsible for learning and episodic memory.

A separate 2018 study, led by a research team at UCLA and published inPlos one, Found this "sedentary behavior is an important predictor of the MTL and physical activity, even at high levels, is insufficient to compensate for the harmful effects of the session for long periods of time. Although the study did not go so far as to prove causality, the team demonstrated an association between long hours spent at the thinning session and MTL regions.

RELATED:If you want that, it could be an early sign of dementia, the study says.

An active lifestyle can slow the degeneration of the brain by 70%.

Senior woman running
Shutterstock / Bokishiens

A recent case study seems to confirm the link between a sedentary lifestyle and higher rates ofneurological decline. Posted last month in theJournal of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical SciencesThe study examined the health of the Tsimane people's brain, an Aboriginal group of Bolivia. Although Tsimane has little access to modern health care, they would be part of the lowest and slowest cerebral atrophy rates in the world.

Scientists in this study found that, compared to Westerners, Tsimane had a difference of 70% of smaller difference in cerebral volume between the Middle Ages and Old Age.

The key to their exceptional cerebral health, according to researchers? Their way of life physically active.

Active could prevent more than one million cases of Alzheimer's disease around the world.

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We know thatsedentary behavior Does a toll on the health of the brain, but how important the effects of activity? It turns out that even modest increases in activity levels could have amazing impact.

AsStrong underline "," studies have calculated that about 13% of Alzheimer's cases can beDue to the inactivityAnd that even a 25% reduction in sedentary behavior would reduce Alzheimer's prevalence of about one million cases around the world. "

Thus, before sitting for your next business day, consider this: get up and activate is not just good for your body - it's also good for your cerebral health. Take each step at your disposal to preserve your cognitive well-being begins by taking more not throughout the day.

RELATED: The sign # 1 that your oblivion could be dementia, experts say .

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