40 subtle signs Your body tells you that something is seriously false

What part of your body of your hair to your nails tries to talk to you about your health.

When you stop thinking about it, your body is an incredible thing. Every day you are able to think, breathe, eating and moving, thanks to all your systems working together. But while the body is typically an oiled machine, there are sometimes problems - whether in the form of illness, infection or injury. Fortunately, he tends to besigns when something is off with your machine. To help you notice them more easily (and to follow them quickly with your doctor), we have gathered 40 subtle signs of simple illness to spot once you know what you are looking for. And for more health advice, seeThe 50 secret messages that your body is trying to tell you.

Your eyes are always super dry.

Tired Stressed Man Rubbing His Eyes Silent Health Symptoms

Although there are many reasons for dry eyes, including fixing your computer from your computer all day - a more serious culprit isSJOGREN syndromeAn autoimmune disease that causes inflammation of the glands secreting tears in your eyes, resulting in a reduction in the production of tears and chronic dry eye problems, according to the founding of Sjögren syndrome. It can also dry your mouth. And for more things to search, check17 signs of warning that your eyes are trying to talk about your health.

You have white spots in your mouth.

Man is having mouth pain, toothache

White spots inside your mouth or white spots on your tongue could beleucoplakia. According to the American Cancer Society, this disease occurs often in those who smoke or use tobacco, and if it is not treated, it can turn into cancer from the mouth.

You always feel cold.

Cold man trying to keep warm under a blanket

You usually look for an extra sweater or blanket to wrap you? When you have low thyroid production, this can cause a cold. According to Harvard Medical School, it's due to the fact that yourSreaded cells Burn less energy, which causes your body producing less heat. Because of this, you might often find you reach a sweatshirt when everyone seems to be happy with the temperature. For more warnings, your body gives you, check23 unexpected signs that you risk heart disease.

You have really intense dreams.

Woman Sleeping health tweaks over 40

Your dreams may seem unimportant, but they can sometimes tell you a lot about your health. According toAmerican Parkinson Disease Association, having super intense and living dreams or nightmares - especially if you act in your sleep - can be an early sign of Parkinson's disease.

Your fingers change color after being out in the cold.

Hands of an old man on the wood table.vintage tone - Image

If your fingers change color after being exposed to cold temperatures - usually turn the white, then BLUE - it could be due toRaynaud's disease. According to the Mayo clinic, discoloration occurs when the arteries that provide blood with skin become too narrow. It can also bring your fingers to feel cold and numb until you warm up. For more your well-being, check7 ways of being in quarantine has been bad for your health.

You always feel spaced.

middle-aged man napping on yellow couch, health questions after 40

If you feel tired, forgetful and Spacey, it could be another sign of hypothyroidism. According to the Mayo Clinic, these symptoms can occur when yourThe thyroid gland is sub-activity And do not produce enough hormones that your body should work properly.

You always feel swollen.

Black woman with stomach pain

The bloating can occur because of what you eat, but it could also happen because of something more serious. One of the most visible symptoms ofOvarian cancer in women The bloating, which occur due to the accumulation of excess liquid in the abdominal cavity, depending on the action of ovarian cancer.

Your face looks inflated.

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It could be a sign ofhypothyroidism, which often causes an inflated or inflated face, as well as hair and muscle weakness, because of your thyroid gland, not producing enough hormones, according to the Mayo clinic. This can lead to serious issues such as infertility and heart disease if they are not treated. And for more messages from your body, check15 subtle signs Your loneliness hurts your health.

Your hair falls outside.

Man looking at hair loss

While millions ofPeople know hair loss Every year, theAmerican Academy of Dermatology Said if it suddenly begins, it could be due to a disease. Two possible underlying medical conditions are thyroid disease and anemia, which both cause hair loss that can be treated and reversed.

You lose weight without trying.

Woman stepping on scale to check weight

For some, the idea of ​​losing weight without even trying sounds like a dream come true. But when this happens in reality, it could be a sign that something is seriously wrong. InexplicableWeight loss is a symptom of stomach cancerAccording to the American Cancer Society, as could be the result of a loss of appetite or a direct loss of the disease.

Or you earn a lot of weight - and you do not know why.

Woman schecking the scale with a concerned look on her face

If you suddenly start gaining weight, even if you have not changed routine from your diet or exercise routine, it could be due to hypothyroidism. Because the thyroid hormone governs the metabolism, those who haveThyroid Glands Sub-Activities tend to have low basal metabolic rate (BMR), which can play a role in weight gain, depending on theAmerican Association of Thyroid.

You have a strange freckle or a taupe.

irregular mole

While normal freckles and freckles are usually round and regularly shaped, asymmetric, irregularly lined tasks or size could be due to melanoma, aMortal form of skin cancer, according to the foundation of skin cancer. This is why the regular execution of a self-examination of the body is one of the most important things you can do for your health.

"Skin cancer is the most common cancer around the world. In the United States, there are more new cases of skin cancer each year than all other combined cancers," says the dermatologistKeira L. Barr, MD, founder and director of the well-being ofResilient health institute. "By simply" partying "in your birthday costume every month and looking for non-invited guests, you have the opportunity to save your own life."

Your teeth are discolored and sensitive.

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Dental erosion is often a subtle indicator of gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). "Ontimes, patients do not know that they suffer from GERD because they have no pain. As dental professionals, we can identify the unique model that is formed regurgled acid in the mouth," says "" "Inna Chern, DDS,General Dentistry New York.

"The damage is usually with upper front teeth on the palace side and the lower teeth from the bottom side of the tongue; the areas are very smooth and often discolored due to the loss of enamel," she says. She says. "The general signs of dental erosion due to GERD include sensitivity, discoloration, thinning of enamel, shredded edges, teeth pain, and possible teeth loss due to fracture and decomposition . "

You always have a bitter or acid taste in the mouth.

Upset Man Reading News Sensitive

If you already know that you have GERD, you will want to be looking forBarrett's esophagus, a serious complication of Gerd which causes the irritation of the lining of the esophagus as a result of repeated exposure to gastric acid, according to the Summit medical group. Take note that you have a bitter or acid taste in the mouth, as well as a hoarse or raspy voice and unexplained dry cough. And for advice on improving the way you feel, check23 easy ways to be a healthier person during quarantine.

Your nails are clubbed.

cutting nails superstitions

Nail clubbing - which involves tips with your fingers becoming enlarged and your nails curved around your fingers - could be a sign of pulmonary disease. According to the Mayo Clinic, the symptom occurs slowly over time due to theLow amount of oxygen in the blood.

You always leave things in strange places.

spare keys things to throw away

Alzheimer's disease is wreaking havoc on your memory and your mental functions, changing your behavior over time. A subtle symptom? Lose things regularly. Due to the disease, it becomes easy to forget where you put objects and often, they find themselves in usual places, according to theAlzheimer's company.

You lose your sense of smell.

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Having a cold is not the only reason your sense of smell could start disappearing. Loss of smell called hyposmia-is also aEarly sign of Parkinson's disease, according to the Parkinson Foundation. Because many people are going years before realizing that the symptom is due to Parkinson, it's always a good idea to bring something to your doctor as soon as you notice.

You burn yourself very easily.

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If you find that you have had bruising more easily than normal, present it to your doctor. According toJohns Hopkins MedicineThis could be a symptom of liver insufficiency, which occurs when a large part of the organ is damagedDue to a liver disorder.

You have inflamed gums.

woman smiling on white background, what do you call jokes

If your gums are inflamed, it's worth bringing the problem to your dentist and your doctor. According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, those with gum disease have an increased risk of having a heart attack or a stroke.

"ChronicInflammation levelsIn the mouth have been linked to heart disease. The gum tissue is very vascular and a theory is that the mouth is a portal in the bloodstream so that the bacteria can move from the mouth to various other parts of the body, including the blood vessels of the heart, "explains Chern. "Another common theory." Do the inflammatory cells present in the mouth come off a cascade of vascular damage throughout the body, leading to a heart attack and a stroke. And for more way your mouth affects the rest of you,That's what happens to your body when you do not make the dental silk of teeth.

You have rigid and inflamed joints.

man with neck and back pain, signs you need a new mattress
Shutterstock / Prostock-Studio

If you wake up every morning with inflamed and stiff joints, it could be a sign of arthritis, according to theFoundation of arthritis. In rheumatoid arthritis, the problem occurs because of the immune system attacking the mucosa of the joints.

You are experiencing back pain.

man with back pain, health questions after 40

Most people think that a heart attack is known when the person who suffers, she catches the chest of pain. But it's right in cinema. In reality, the signs of warning are actually very subtle. According to the American Heart Association, aheart attack Could also present as pain or discomfort in the back, neck, jaw, stomach or arms.

You fluently get wounds elsewhere.

Canker sore Silent health Symptoms

If you usually get aphole wounds in your mouth, you could among the 25% of people who have the symptom due to lupus, according to theJohns Hopkins Lupus Center. Inflammatory disease causes attack on the immune system of the body to attack its own tissue, resulting in everything, rashes cutaneous organ damage.

You are tired all the time.

exhausted woman, working mom

If you had extreme fatigue that suddenly comes and you drain with all your energy, it could be due tofibromyalgia, a disorder that can also cause problems with your sleep, your memory and your mood, according to the Mayo clinic. It also has widespread pain all over your body. For tips on cleaning safely, check5 ways your disinfectants hurt your health.

You are extremely thirsty all the time.

man drinking water after exercising, look better after 40

NumerousSymptoms of diabetes are subtle and one of the most revealing signs is an increased thirst, according to theMAYO Clinic. If you always feel the desire to reach your bottle of water, you should appear to your doctor, especially if you also have a blurred vision, increased hunger and fatigue.

Your muscles continue to contract.

MS symptoms

Muscle contractions should not be taken lightly.DISEASE OF THE ENGINE NEURON Is a group of diseases that affect nerves, causing muscle weakness and stiffness that can ruin your ability to talk, eat, and more, according to the MND Association. As the muscles weaken, an uncontrollable contraction can occur.

Or you encounter muscle pain without reason.

old elderly man suffering from knee pain

You have not worked recently, so what's new with your muscle pain? Well, if you are often hiking, camping or spending time in nature, it could be a transmitted disease. According to disease control and prevention centers (CDC), be bitten by an infected checkmark could bring you back withLyme disease-Some the most common symptoms of which are muscle pain, fatigue, headaches, fever / chills and circular skin rash.

You have constipation or diarrhea.

Constipated Woman Random Facts

Experiment with problems such as constipation or diarrhea, abdominal pain, feel super filling after eating, and flatulence might seem like problems that you can reject. But according to theCanadian Intestinal Research SocietyThese symptoms are also signs of ovarian cancer. That is why go to the doctor to be checked when these problems can not be explained by a large meal or a food allergy is so important.

You are often irritable and angry.

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It is believed that depression is a condition characterized by a sadness and feelings of constant despair. And although these are indeed signs of mental illness, there are also less known symptoms to be aware, including irritability, angry explosions, frustration and agitation. According toMAYO Clinicwhen someone hasa depressivist episodeSymptoms can occur just about all day, every day.

You have a rash on your body.

Female patient showing a doctor her arm rash

Cutaneous Eruptions - Called Dermatitis Herpetiformis (DH) -Can Come hand in hand withceliac disease, forcing you to become itching and even blister on your elbows, knees and rear, depending on Celiac. One way to tell if your skin thrusts are due to celiac or not is simple: does the rash seem after eating gluten? If this is the case, it could mean that you have a sensitivity or intolerance. For more search, check11 subtle signs Your fast weight loss is something serious.

You regularly get migraines.

Businessman with Migraine

If youget more migraines That you can not count every week, it's something you can not continue to illuminate drugs for pain, you should discuss it with your doctor. According to a 2016 study published inBmj, there is an association betweenMigraines and cardiovascular disease, which can lead to a heart attack and a stroke.

Your feet are swollen.

Swollen feet Liver Warning signs

The swollen feet may be due to spend too much time standing, but the problem could also be deeper than that. It could be a sign of very serious health problems, including heart failure, liver disease or kidney disease that can result in liquids from accumulating, leading your feet, legs and / or other parts of your body are swollen, according toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL.

You are dealing with erectile dysfunction.

Man Suffering From Erectile Dysfunction

You can assume that you livedystem Because of your levels of stress or age, but according toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLIt is also a sign of warning of heart disease. If your heart is not healthy, it will not be able to pump enough blood for an erection.

You encounter numbness.

stroke symptom

If you notice a numbness or weakness in one or more of your members, this could be aSign of multiple sclerosisA disease that affects your brain and spinal cord. According toMAYO ClinicThe cause of the disease is unknown, but it can occur at any age and is not currently healing.

You are always itching.

black man itches arm, only arms are shown
Shutterstock / 9nong

Are you still scratched a wildline place? Do not fear dry skin. According to the UnityPoint health unit, this could be due torenal failure, which causes accumulation of waste in your blood that can lead to serious itching. Because 26 million people in the United States currently have an undiagnosed renal disease, it is important to have small changes checked.

You have hemorrhoids.

Man with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

If you encounter hemorrhoids - which are inflated in or around the rectum that bleed, swell, damage and cause general embarrassment - it could be due to something a low fiber diet to push too hard during intestinal movements. But there are other more serious causes to be aware. According to IBD Clinic The hemorrhoids - as well as skin tags and tears in the lining at the end of your rectum - are a symptom of Crohn's disease, an inflammatory bowel disease.

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