If you bought these foods in Krogers, do not eat them, the authorities say
These two beloved chain foods can pose a threat to health and should not be consumed.

Kroger is one of America's most loved supermarkets, close to2,800 stores spread over 35 states. And if you have recently bought Kroger, you may want to check your purchases, now that two foods sold at the popular supermarket have been recalled due to potential health risks. Continue to discover if you should launch something in your kitchen now.
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A pre-made pasta dish sold in Kroger has been recalled.

On June 11, UkropOps's homestyle food announced that its 34 oz. Function Containers of Baked Spaghettidrawn shelves. The food, which was sold on the Ukroprox market room in Richmond, Virginia and Kroger shops in Virginia and Virginia West, can actually contain chicken shoe shoes from the size of the family. The reconditioned dish can be identified by UPC 72251524526 and a sales date of 13 June 2021.
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In addition to being poorly clear, the dish may contain undisclosed allergens.

The recalled Ukroprops bake spaghetti do not only have poor food in its packaging, it can also contain allergens and other unwanted ingredients. Unlike oven spaghetti that should be inside the packets, the chicken cord contains both meat and soy that are not disclosed on the label. Soy is one of the "big 8" -Most common allergens related to food-And, as such, must be identified on the packaging of any packaged food that falls within the competence of the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Kroger recommends that customers who bought the recalled product do not consume the dish.
If you have the recalled foods, you can return it to the store from which it was bought for a full refund, or contact the homestle foods of Ukroprox at 804-340-3050 on weekdays from the week from 8h to 5 time. AND.
A type of cookie sold in Kroger is also recalled.

June 11, the Consumer and Industry Services Division of the Tennessee Department of Agriculture (CIS) announced thatCookie sold at Kroger Shops is also recalled.
Six oz. Single empty chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate packages are drawn from Kroger's shelves after CIS's food tests revealed that cookies, which claim to be vegan, contain milk not included on their list of ingredients. . As another allergen, the milk must be described on the packaging of any FDA-supervised food that contains it.
If you have cookies at home, do not eat them.

Kroger states that anyone who buys affected cookies "should not eat the product".
Instead, cookies - which can be identified by UPC 11110-05278 and the best date of use of 17 November 2021 (written on 11/17/2021) -Can returned to Kroger for a full refund. If you have reminder questions, call too much Gourmet at 877-850-4663.
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