The terrifying reason you can confuse Covid for a stroke
The case of a woman has totally excluded her doctors.

If you have passed a certain age, you probably know the most commonSigns of race. According to the AMERICAN AREAS association, these includeFalling face, speech and weakness or numbness in an arm. However, a recent case that the physicians raised initially show that even experts can confuse a COVID infection for a stroke.
A study published in theNeuroimmunology and neuronflammationDetails of the newspaper The experience of a 44-year-old British woman namedRebecca Wrixon who came to the emergency room who believed thatShe had a stroke. In the previous two days, the "patient has developed difficulties in searching for words and the progression of the weakness of the right arm," says the study, but no conclusion of the hospital corroborated this expected diagnosis. As doctors have struggled to understand the source of its condition "She was tested for COVID-19 Of course, "according to the news of the CBS. Wrixon has tested positive.

At the beginning and in mid-April, researchers were beginning to understand that Covid could result in many symptoms beyond those who were observed at the beginning of the pandemic. Wrixon told CBS News that she never suspected she had Covid because she had no fever, coughing, shortness of breath or loss of taste or smell. Before his numb arm, she had noticed a light pain in her chest and rash.
But find out that it had contracted coronavirus did not immediately lead to doctors to be able to handle the increasingly serious symptoms of Wrixon. (She had lost all the ability to speak, could not see, and all the right half of her body - not just her arm - had become numb. After several days in the hospital, she had an MRI scan that showed that "Half of his brain was severely inflamed," by CBS. However, his neurologist,Ashwin Pinto, determined that his brain was not directly affected by the virus, but by its own response from the immune system to the virus.
After aged Covid infection, doctors started treating his immune system, using plasma infusions (replacing the part of his blood that attacked his brain while attacking the infection) and steroids to put it back on the good way. For the study, it was when Wrixon started to finally become better.
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"There was a rapid clinical improvement of the neurological deficit after the start of immunomodulatory treatment," says the study. "The patient has had a normal word, almost full power in the right arm and leg, or any visual or sensory inattention on day 18 after five plasma exchange sessions and [IV methylprednisolone]."
Although Covid is known to cause blood clots thattraits, even in people without underlying conditions, Wrixon had never had. And by CBS, it is almost entirely recovered, although it sometimes has problems of speech or pain or a lack of feeling in its right hand.
A few months later in the pandemic and doctors are probably more prepared to treat neurological symptoms caused by Covid-or less to consider that Covid can be their cause. Some doctors even warn that seemingly light cases of coronavirus can lead toDebilitating cerebral disorders. So, pay particular attention to your central nervous system telling you and looking for treatment for all that concerns. And for more what to watch for, here is6 symptoms of covidation that are right in front of you.