40 things that every woman over 40 should know about her health

Essential ideas about health changes Women can expect to follow after reaching 40 years.

Your 40s are a good time in your life. You feel more comfortable in your skin than ever before, you are at the top of your career and you finally take care of your health - or at least you should be. It's because as you get older, you become at risk of certain conditions of health,like heart disease. In fact, according to the latest data from the American Heart Association (AHA), examined in 2020,Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among women, with one in three women who fell victim of heart conditions each year. During this period of your life,Your body starts to go through other changesAlso, a slowdown in your metabolism to fall asleep the problems of menopause. To help you avoid unnecessary health problems, here are the main tips and ideas, each woman over 40 should know her health. And for other things to search when it comes to your well-being, check50 signs of poor women should never ignore.

You are at greater risk of sleep apnea.

Woman sleep apnea machine

Sleep apnea is incredibly common, especially among the elderly, according to theDivision of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School. As you go through your 40 years, your risk grows only - and, in turn it could increase your risk of all heart disease to teeth problems.

When you have an increased appearance of sleep apnea, "the jaw begins to progress in order to acquire more air, which is exposed by grinding of the teeth," saysInna Chern, DDS,General Dentistry New York. If you wake up with a tired jaw or sensitive teeth, you may want to wear dental guards to lie down and address the problem with your dentist. And for things to which you have been informed about your health that are not really true, check30 health myths of worst women who will not die.

Your metabolism will slow down.

Woman chopping vegetables

As you get older, your metabolism begins to slow down. It means that youProbablyI can not go out with some of the habits you've had in the 1920s and 30. To help go back, theCleveland Clinic Recommends adding a resistance training to your workout routine, load on proteins, adding spicy foods to your diet, do an aerobic activity and avoiding saturated fats.

It is more important than ever to stay at a healthy weight.

Woman being weighed by doctor

"Maintain ahealthy weight- IMC under 25 foods to eat a diet rich in plant and exercise reduces your risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and even depression, "saysNancy Elliott, MD, a breast surgeon toMontclair Tits Center in New Jersey. "The" side effects "of a healthy lifestyle include a better immune system and a better disposal. With this type of benefits, it is a win-win victory for everyone, regardless of their risk status . " And for ways, you can bring these books more in good health, check101 Ultimate Weight Loss Tips for Summer 2020.

Your mouth can feel drier.

Black woman of middle age drinks water, heath for women over 40

Your mouth felt much drier than usual, so what gives? "As we get older, we produce less saliva and, because of certain diseases, we take more systematic medicine. Many drugs list the side effects, which include dry mouth, better known as xerostomy, "Chern said. "This dry mouth can in turn cause a point in cavities because there is not enough salivary flow to wash the teeth and eliminate the bacteria causing the cavity." And for health problems that may occur as you get older, whatever your sex, check40 signs of poor health that no one should ignore.

You must pay attention to your bone health.

bone density

According toUniversity healthYour maximum bone mass - When your bones are at their maximum density and strength, start to decline in your 40s. Since this can put you at the risk of osteoporosis, make sure you get sufficient quantities of calcium, from vitamin D andregular exercise.

Your vision could start deteriorating.

woman getting eye sight test for healthy vision

If you have noticed a change in your vision, it's normal: according to theAmerican optometric associationThis generally becomes more difficult to see things clearly at close distances from your early mid-40, and it could mean that it's time to visit the doctor's eyes to get glasses or contacts. You may also need more light to see that you are not used to getting difficult with dazzling while driving and experimenting with changes to see colors.

Dental silk becomes particularly crucial.

Dental floss

If you do not want to switch a pair of prostheses in the future, do not line up on your oral hygiene now. It means to continueDaily secondeven if it's a pain.

"'' Brush and floss when you are young and you will keep your teeth when you are old" is my favorite quote, "saysSonya Krasilnikov, DDS, co-founder and general cosmetic dentist toDental house At New York. And for more useful information,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Your teeth can become darker.

Woman looking in the mirror and brushing her teeth, ways you're damaging teeth

Once you enter your forties, it can be difficult to keep your pearly whites, well, white. Of course, their darkening could be fromDrink too much coffeeBut it's also something getting worse with age.

"Women over 40 should know that they notice that their teeth become darker because of spots and lifestyle. As we get older, the cumulative force on the teeth causes the core (pulp) to go lower in the tooth (retreat), giving the appearance of appearance. Rare teeth, "says Chern." In conjunction with eating or drinking foods and drinks that tach you teeth - including wine, Some pigmented foods and sodas and smoking, the teeth can also appear yellow as these spots accumulate in the pores of the teeth and stain the inner layer of the dentin. "

You are more vulnerable to gum disease.

Dentist Patient

Gum's disease or periodontitis often comes from poor oral hygiene and can result in a loss of teeth. Unfortunately, as you get older, your risk of increasing while due to your changing hormones.

"Women over 40 should know that hormonal fluctuations revolving around PERI-MENOPAUSE can make you more vulnerable to the diseases of the gum," Chern said. "As progesterone and estrogen teetter-teachter hormones in our 40s, they affect the blood supply to gum tissue and increase the inflammatory reaction to the bacteria plate on teeth. Increased inflammation is a key contributor to gingivite. and to the periodontitis. "

You are at a greater risk of grinding and tightening of teeth.

Woman with mouth guard

"Women over 40 should know that they are more common grinding or tightening, which can affect the enamel of the tooth and cause an oral volume and fixation loss around the teeth," said Chern. "Para-functional habits may be due to an increase in stress, anxiety and depression, which all increase hormonal fluctuations due to peri-menopause or menopause." Yes, thosehormonal changes even causeproblems with your teeth.

You must take the time to reduce your stress.

white woman relaxing outdoors in hammock with laptop
Shutterstock / GpointStudio

Throughout your 20 and 30 years, stress has been a data. Whether due to your career, your relationship or the lifting of a family, you have probably used to feeling a little stifled. Now, make sure to take the time ofFight that this tension pent-UrereallyFeel it on the road.

"Many people reach the peak of their career and with management roles are long hours at the office and a significant increase in stress," says Krasilnikov. "Stress usually leads to bruxism, a condition in which one slows unconsciously and grinding the teeth. It will lead to wearing enamel, sensitivity, jaw pain and headaches."

Small healthy habits get more than you think.

Senior woman running
Shutterstock / Bokishiens

When you are super busy, some of your healthy habits - whether doing exercise, meditation or cooking a healthy meal at home - can be placed on the back burner. But, as Krasilnikov explains, it's something you want to avoid at all costs. Not only do these healthy habits help you live a longer and happier life, but they also serve as a good learning lesson for your children, if you have them.

"Forty is the news of 30 and more and more people have children in quarantine. Young children comeMore stress and less time for healthy habits And visits to doctors, "says Krasilnikov." Remember that children learn better, for example, show them how important it is for you to brush and have good habits to their lives. "

Putting your health on the back burner is a disaster recipe.

tired doctor or nurse working the night shift

Throughout your 20 and 30 years old, you may have tended to put everyone first: your other significant,your children, your boss, your friends - the list goes on and on. But now that you are in your forties, it's time to focus on your own well-being to live a long and happy life.

"Most of us had a lot of fun putting the needs of others, desires and desires before ours, often leaving us exhausted, submerged and even worse, resentment," saysKeira L. Barr, MD, Founder and Head of WellbeingResilient health institute In Gig Harbor, Washington. "Set your limits without my apologies and respect them so that others also respect them. Creating borders actually frees your energy and physically - so you have time and bandwidth to connect to things and people you like."

Your smile could start back down.

middle aged woman smiling and wearing a turtleneck

Nope, it's not a magic trick. As you get older, your smile really starts to disappear. "Women over 40 should know they may notice a" disappearing smile ", says Chern." As we get older, the upper teeth may seem to disappear or watch shorter than when we were in our 20 years . This is due to the aging of the musculature of the lip, which no longer has the same mobility and the same volume due to move it away from the enamel caused by grinding and clip. "

Hit your daily goals is not as difficult as you thought.

Portrait of sporty woman wearing a medical protection face mask while walking in the forest. Corona virus, or Covid-19, is spreading all over the world.

A daily goal of 10,000 steps was the return recommendation if you want to improve your health; But even a moderate goal can make the difference. A 2019 study published inJAMA internal medicine found that women who took only 4,400 steps per day had a lower than 41% mortality rate than those who took 2,700 people. So, put these sneakers and go on foot - you can reach this 4,400 goals ticket simply by moving your office.

You could feel acne again.

woman looking at her face in the mirror, things you shouldn't say about someone's body

Do you think you have your skin problems away from high school? A verification of reality could be on its way. "Adult acne is one of the common concerns for women aged 40 and is caused by hormonal changes," saysInna Knyazevych, a beautician toSpa Med In-Glow At New York.

Fortunately, there are available treatments. "It can be treated with prescription drugs or an appropriate combination of daily care and professional skin cleaning treatments," she says. "Because theSkin in your 40s Can also become dehydrated, focus on products containing probiotics and willow bark. They are naturally softer and help prevent all overhuming from occurring, unlike some of the popular products with salicylic acids and benzoyl peroxide. "

You can experience hair loss ... or hair in strange places.


Nope, they are not only men whoexperience hair loss as they get older-The women, too, all thanks to the changes of your hormones. "A fall of estrogen could be responsible for hair loss," says Knyazevych.

And at the other end of the spectrum, women over 40 could also feel hair on places where they had never had before. "The increasing levels of testosterone contribute to the growth of unwanted hair on the face and body," adds Knyazevych. "Both affect our self-esteem and self-confidence, but can be corrected with good treatments."

Your changing hormones can also affect your mouth.

doctor inspecting tonsils

It seems that your hormones change in your 40s take a toll onall. In addition to playing with your hair, they can also affect your mouth. "Forty is age is that some women start with hormonal changes and because the oral mucosa contains estrogen receptors, hormone changes directly affect the oral cavity," says Krasilnikov. "These changes can include dry mouth, burning mouth syndrome, caries, periodontal diseases and taste changes. These are all symptoms that should be evaluated by your doctor and dentist."

Your breasts become denser.

woman laying down about to get an MRI

At this point, you probably never thought about how dense breasts are dense. But according to Elliot, it's something you want to know. In fact, it could even save your life.

"Forty percent of women have dense breasts - something that is not determined not by the feeling of the breasts, but by assessing tissues via mammography," says Elliott. "Women with dense breasts are usually additional test candidates, such as MRI, which is a much more sensitive test."

You should give yourself a daily breast massage.

Woman with heart palpitations

If you do not already give yourself a breast massage on the daily, do it on your schedule, just like you do all the other important things in your life. "I recommend doing a daily breast massage. You must know your body better than anyone," says Elliott. "Does something seem unusual? Does something look different or feel different? Stimulate your lymphatic system! Do not you think it as" check cancer "-I think as part From your daily wellness routine, just like brushing your teeth. "

The power off your mammographic appointments is a no-non-major.

Doctor explaining

From 40 years old, theMAYO Clinic Recommends obtaining annual mammograms to detect any breast anomaly. Nope, they are not fun, but collaborating on a planning can keep you healthy.

"We want to avoid toxic treatments with a life of side effects, such as chemotherapy. The best way to do it is to capture cancer at the last step possible: step 0, floor 1 or step 2," says Elliott. "Fifty percent of the cancers we find are actually stage 0, which is a non-invasive cancer in which abnormal cells have not extended outside the channels or lobules in the surrounding breast tissue. These women are often Capable of treating their problem with a tumumetomy and a five-year prescription that can be scheduled for a week after diagnosis. It's a significant difference. "

And you should rethink the type of mammography you get.

Female doctor and patient

In order to make sure you get the best mammogram possible, it's a good idea to make sure the office you are going to have the best equipment for the job. "An installation that always uses a 2D mammogram is very frankly, without using the best available technology," says Elliott. "The 3D mammogram associated with a breast specialist increases your chances of detecting breast cancer at his first step and most treatable."

You should get to know your family history.

woman at the doctor

"Every woman should know his family history of cancer and should share this information with his breast specialist to determine if she is a candidate for genetic tests," says Elliott. "Most insurance will pay genetic tests if you encounter nationally recognized guidelines, but you need to know your family history (kindergarten and paternal) to see if it's an option for you."

Discover your personal risk of breast cancer.

woman visiting her doctor for breast cancer check up

While your general family history is important, so you know your risk of breast cancer, says Elliott. "Hereditary breast cancer or ovarian is most often caused by BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes mutations. These mutations considerably increase the risk of a woman for breast, ovary, pancreas, melanoma and possibly Other cancers, "she explains. "A quality breast center will be able to determine a life-like score, which will affect you or not a candidate for the MRI-one of the most sensitive tests available."

Your fertility is considerably declining.

Pregnant Muslim Woman in Bed, women's health after 40

Your maximum breeding years are in your 20 years, so if you want to get pregnant in your forties, be sure to do it as soon as possible in the decade as possible. "Fertility is decreasing as a mature woman, with a gradual decline beginning in the mid-1930s," saidAdeeti Gupta, MD, founder ofWalk-in Gyn Care At New York. "Fertility after the age of 43 decreases considerably."

Your risk of miscarriage increases.

breast cancer prevention, doctors office

With a drop in your fertility, an increased chance of something is wrong if you come pregnant. "Women are born with a fixed number of oocytes, which declines with age. The quality of the eggs also declines with age due to a higher risk of chromosomal errors," says Gupta. "This can lead to an increased risk of miscarriage ... In addition to the accumulation of genetic errors in the egg pool over time, other factors such as smoking, other environmental exhibitions and some medical treatments And surgicals can compromise the quality of eggs, the ovarian reserve, and the chance of a healthy result for pregnancy as the age of women. "

You should visit your OB-GYN more often.

young black doctor talking to female patient, subtle symptoms of serious disease
Shutterstock / Daniel M Ernst

In the past, you probably had an appointment of Ob-Gyn once a year. In your 40-year-old, you may want to plan appointments a little more to check some symptoms that tend to reach.

"In your forties, certain women's conditions find more frequent include endometriosis, fibromes, irregular bleeding, heavy periods and peri-menopausal symptoms," says Gupta.

You could meet a diminished libido.

couple fighting and heading for divorce

If your sex drive has been almost non-existent lately, it's not your age. "The decrease in libido can strike some women in the quarantine and affect their relationships and self-esteem," Gupta said. "Testosterone levels are starting to decline and if women do not fit physical and physical physics, they can begin to see also the effects of their sexual health."

Drought could become a problem.

female doctor and female patient talking to each other, heart health risks

Low libido Is it not the only problem that a change in your hormones can cause in your forties. It can also lead to vaginal drought, which becomes even more frequent after menopause, according toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL. You do not have to suffer through pain, though. Talk to your doctor to find a solution that can help you go back to normal again.

You could feel bloating discomfort.


You are not immune to bloating at any age, but your fluctuating hormones in your forties could make it happen much more often. Fortunately, there are things that can help with the problem. "Water retention and bloating causes a lot of discomfort," says Knyazevych. "Few people are aware of the power of lymphatic drainage. In Endermology - a treatment that deeply massages the body tissue - doing wonders."

Brushing symptoms is more dangerous than ever.

Woman Sitting Down Talking to Her Doctor Stop Lying to Your Doctor

When you were younger, you may have jumped the doctor even if you lived something strange. But now that you are in your 40-year-old, you should probably make an appointment at any time from something out of the ordinary exit. "Although all the symptoms do not require immediate attention, if something somed, culture, itching or bleeding, makes an appointment for formally evaluating it by a doctor," said Barr.

Be careful that your skin tries to tell you.

Woman with dry skin moisturizing her face in the mirror

Do you know how a bruise tells you that you hit a little too difficult? Well, it's not the only message that your skin sends as you get older.

"As your biggest organ, your skin is a real window and reflecting your state of health and general well-being," says Barr. "When you see things on your skin, these are clues on something deeper in your body and they can give you a lot of information about what it could be. And if you can tuneWhat your skin tries to tell youYou can take steps to feed the nanny to look better, feel better and become more confident in the skin you are. "

Give regular skin exams is a must.

woman doing face exercises

According to Barr, skin cancer is the most common cancer around the world, with new cases each year than all other combined cancers. Because of this, she says it's incredibly important not only to get skin exams by your doctor, but also do them regularly.

"Check for all new places that stand out from all your other or existing spots that have grown, modified or are systematically itching or bleeding," she says. "Simply checking your skin, you have the opportunity to save your own life."

Your periods could be closer together.

Period calendar heart disease risk factors

These light and easy periods of your youth can stop once you reach your 40 years. Instead, you could be allowed to deal with a barrage of problems that you have not previously either on both sides of the spectrum.

"When a woman becomes 40, estrogen and overterances become shorter, and above. This means that your rules can become more in-depth and heavier," says Gupta. "For some women, when they are getting closer to menopause, overvoltages can become less numerous and far between more insufficient periods, lighter periods and jumped periods."

Always do what is better for your body.

woman doing yoga, over 50 fitness

As you get older, it's easy to get caught in what others say are the best for "someone of your age". In reality, the only person who knows what is best for you is from you (and your doctor, of course). "Select in your body and be aware of how it responds to your diet, your lifestyle and your environmental exposures," says Barr. "That's what matters most toOptimize your health. "

You should never be afraid of demanding more of your health care providers.

Woman at the Doctor Getting Her Blood Pressure Checked Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

According to Elliott, one of the best things you can do in your forties is to be more demanding about your health care providers - and never feel bad about it. "Women should be empowered With the most accurate and in-depth information available, which includes a precise reading of its medical images, "Elliott said." Women should ask to have their results immediately and meet their radiologist. Women must be a defender of their health. A quality facility should be able to accommodate these reasonable requests. "

Your health is in your hands.

Healthy Older Woman women's Health myths

Sometimes it may feel like not controlling health problems that might appear, but it's the most distant thing about the truth. "You have control of your health"Elliott says." Although some disease risk factors are inevitable - including your family history and ethnicity - there are things you can change to reduce your risks. "

You may want to go up your omega-3 intake.

omega 3 fish oil supplements

Getting enough omega-3 fatty acids - like chia seeds, nuts and spirulina - are not just crucial to keep your skin shiny. They also help fight health problems that often come with age.

"Omega-3 play an important role in supporting a healthy immune response. Many chronic diseases are rooted in inflammation and the reduction of this inflammatory process can help prevent numerous conditions and symptoms in the body, including Cardiovascular disease ", explainsLeh Gordon, Naturopathic Health AdvisorNecessary. "Omega-3 can be the main factor in the prevention of other inflammatory conditions such as periods of periods, articular pain, depression and menopausal symptoms, because women go to their last decades of life."

It is important to make your health a priority.

a list of goals, over 50 fitness

According to Barr, your doctor can provide you with evidence-based recommendations, guidelines and recommendations in the world. But the reality? It's yours.

"At the end of the day, you must be ready to invest the time, energy and resources needed to achieve the results you want," says Barr. "Set up to succeed and intentionally your goals, then start taking action every day to reach them."

Second opinions are not a waste of time - they are smart.

female health concerns after 40

In the past, you may have thought that getting a second opinion was a waste of time. But at this stage of your life, do not be afraid to make sure you get the best result possible.

"Your body. Your life. Your decision," says Barr. "Depending on the complexity of the problem and the region of your doctor, ideas and recommendations for treating your doctor may vary, so do not be afraid to look for a second opinion so that you can feel Easy and confident in the final decision you make for your health. "

Categories: Health
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