48 percent of Americans needed to do this during the pandemic

Nearly half of the Americans have delayed doing this essential thing in the coronavirus environment.

Thecoronavirus pandemic put a lot of our normal activities waiting to eat in a restaurant, shop, andGet a haircut were suddenly impossible. Now thatStates reopen Through the country, people come back again in their pre-pandemic lives, but with restrictions such as masks and social distance. And in addition to dinner outside and get a well-needed balance, it could mean to see a doctor for the first time in months. According to a recent poll of the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF),Nearly half of the Americans have delayed medical care due to coronavirus.

More specifically, 48 percent of the Americans said they or someone from their families hadskipped or delayed Get medical care because of the pandemic. Of this 48 percent, 11 percent said that the state of health had worsened without care.

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The good news is that doctor offices opening and more information available aboutHow to go to the doctor safely-Beautiful people in the United States in will receive their medical care late soon. Over half the Americans who said they had put out of seeing a doctor, 68 percent said they planned to get care over the next three months. And overall, survey respondents said that their health did not suffer during the pandemic, with 86 percent of the reports that their physical health remained the same.

young female doctor with face mask checking the heartbeat of older woman with face mask in wheelchair

However, this does not mean that the prospects are quite rose,. Although physical health has been mostly coherent, even without being able to see a doctor, mental health is another story. Among the respondents of the adult survey, 39 percent said thatAnxiety on the coronavirus pandemic had aggravated their mental health, with 12 percent say the crisis had a negative impact of "major".

And there is still the question of paying for medical care. A recent study revealed that among the high risk of coronavirus,More than 18 million are uninsured or insufficiently insured. With unemployment reaching new heights in the middle of the pandemic, many more people have lost their health insurance or are also the difficulty of paying for care. The KFF survey showed that in households who have suffered a job loss,23 percent of people struggled to pay medical expenses. In addition, 15 percent had trouble paying for health insurance coverage, and 13 percent had trouble paying orders.

If you have a trip to avoid the doctor about the more coronavirus concerns of the contract, make sure that you are aware of the measures you can take to keep you healthy and then plan a visit. There are risks for any appointment in person, but the long-term consequences of skipping medical care are also a source of concern. And before going, discoverThe worst thing you can do if you have the appointment of a doctor.

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