The CDC says vaccinated people who are covid have in common
A new report of the agency highlights how revolutionary infections are played.

vaccinated people are quickly finding the joy of being able to go less and remote mask without their loved ones. But despite the relief thatCovid vaccination should provideSome vaccinated individuals are still worried about coronavirus infection. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognized thatRevolutionary infections can occur In fully vaccinated individuals, no vaccine is 100 percent efficient. However, new research indicates that vaccinating is always beneficial: the CDC found that vaccinated persons who end up being infected with COVID will have a more benign disease than unvaccinated persons who are infected.
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A new study published by the CDC on June 7shows how vaccination With one of the two AMRN vaccines available (Pfizer or Moderna) benefits completely vaccinated individuals who undergo revolutionary infections after vaccination. Johnson & Johnson vaccine data has not been included in this study.
Researchers analyzed data of nearly 4,000 health workers, first responders, front-line workers, and other key workers from December 13 at 10 using Nasal swabs to test Covid and test positive cases for Determine the amount of detectable virus in the nose, also known as the viral load and the number of days of positive tested individuals, also known as viral excretion. They also compared the vaccinated people who got Covid with unvaccinated infected patients.
On aReport accompanying the study"Several results have shown that those who have been infected after being entirely or partially vaccinated were more likely to have a softer and shorter illness compared to those who were unvaccinated. The researchers concluded that the totally or partially vaccinated people who obtained Covid spent, on average, about six days of less sick and two days of less sick in bed. People with revolutionary infections also had a 58 percent lower risk of developing some COVID symptoms, such as fever or chills, which unvaccinated people who have been sick.
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The CDC also found that people who are totally or partially vaccinated that get COVID could be less likely to spread the virus to others. According to the study, these participants had a lower viral load of 40 percent, and viral excretion was detected for six days less compared to unvaccinated individuals who are infected.
"Although these indicators are not a direct measure of a person's ability to propagate the virus, they have been correlated with the reduced spread of other viruses, such as influenza and chickenpox," researchers said in their report.
Finally, the report also confirmed the effectiveness of vaccines in the prevention of COVID infections. Of the nearly 4,000 participants in the study, only 16 people partially or totally vaccinated have been infected with COVID, while 156 unvaccinated people did. On the basis of these results, both Pfizer and Moderna reduce the risk of infection of 91 percent for completely vaccinated people. Even partial vaccination is the vaccine reduces the risk of infection among participants from 81 percent.
"Covid-19 vaccines are an essential tool for overcoming this pandemic," Director of the CDCRochelle Walensky, MD, said in a statement. "The results of the prolonged period of this study module for the accumulation of evidence that the COVID-19 vaccine mRNAs are effective and must avoid most infections. »
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