Do not use a mouthwash if you take these 2 drugs, experts warn

This seemingly harmless combination can have dangerous consequences.

To mix bad antidakers together to swallow yourPills with grapefruit juiceThere are innumerable combinations of drugs that can seriously affect our health. But even something also seemingly harmless and banal like a mouthwash can be dangerous when mixed with some requirements. In fact, doctors warn that you should avoid using a rinse-mouth altogether if you take two specific medications. Continue reading to learn more about this troubling combination, and for worse medication mixtures,If you take these 2 over-the-counter medications together, you put your liver at risk.

You should not use a mouthwash when taking two specific antibiotics.

Closeup of man hand pouring capsules from a pill bottle into hand. Senior man taking daily medicine to consume. Close up of male hands taking daily dose of drug.

Most people know they should not be drinking alcohol while taking antibiotics, but some antibiotics are so powerful that they should not be taken even with products containing alcohol, like a bath mouth.Jessica Nouhavandi, Pharmacist, pharmacist and co-founder ofOnline pharmacy Health Honeybee, says inside that metronidazole antibiotics (Flagyl) and Tinidazole (Tindamax) have such aa strong reaction with alcohol That people who take these antibiotics should even avoid using a mouthwash. Metronidazole isan antibiotic used to treat a wide variety of bacterial and parasitic infections, and Tinidazole isan antibiotic Used to treat certain types of vaginal infections, according to WebMD. And for more drug problems,If you take this medicine, you are more likely to get a blood clot.

Using a mouthwash with these antibiotics can cause significant side effects.

Guy feeling unwell with a stomach ache while sitting at home

Nouhavandi says the mixture of these two antibiotics with a mouthwash is likely to produce strong side effects. In fact, according to Webmd, evensmall amount of alcohol In a product like a mouthwash can trigger side effects of these drugs. As the site explains, "metronidazole and tinidazole the cause of an intolerance to alcohol by modifying the way the body breaks down the alcohol. In terms of side effects, you can meet Thinning in the head and neck, an irregular heartbeat, fast heartbeat, blood pressure, sweating, nausea and vomiting. And for more drug reactions,If you have gained recently, this TBT drug can be blamed.

These strong reactions can last up to several hours.

Senior couple is laying in bed, men is holding a medicine and calling a doctor

WebMD says these unwanted reactions can last from 30 minutes to several hours depending on the amount of alcohol you have consumed. Fortunately, according to Nouhavandi, side effects should normally disappear in a few hours. If they last longer or you think you encounter a severe alcohol and antibiotic mixing reaction, you need to contact your doctor immediately. And for more useful information directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

You must wait three days after your last dose of antibiotics to use a mouthwash.

Close-up Of Person Hands Pouring Blue Mouthwash Into Bottle Cap

According to Nouhavandi, you can continue to use alcohol-based products as a flip-flop three days after the last dose of your antibiotics. This is usually when antibiotics have erased your system if no negative interaction should occur. You should not ignore the doses of your antibiotics or try to leave them early without talking to your doctor, by Webmd. And for more medication warnings,If you swallow your medications with this, stop immediately.

Categories: Health
Tags: Alcohol / medicine / News
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