If you have this lettuce at home, do not eat it, "said CDC

This type of lettuce could put you at risk of contracting salmonella right now, says the health authority.

A nutrient-rich salad can be one of the most safe dishes. However, depending on the type of ingredients you put in your salad, you might be inadvertently compromising your well-being - and we are not just talking to load it with high calorie fittings and dressings.

According to disease control and prevention centers (CDC), a type of popular salad could be a serious risk to your health at the moment and that the health authority warned against consumption at the moment. Continue to discover if you should get rid of this popular food now.

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The CDC has published an alert for food security for a brilliant salad.

close up of mixed lettuce greens
Paul Pellegrino / Shutterstock

On July 15, the CDC released an alert for food security after eight people in the United States.Infected bySalmonella typhimurium.

The health authority determined that at least five people who became ill had bought or consumed bright lights of the sunny crunch salad before getting sick. At the moment when the food security alert was issued, no hospitalization had been neither related to the epidemic.

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The products have been distributed to at least four states.

young woman buying salad
Shutterstock / Sofikos

The eight people involved in theSalmonella typhimurium epidemic Live in Wisconsin and Illinois, but, in addition to being sold in these states, the BRANDFARMS BRAND SUNNY CRUNCH salad has also been distributed at Iowa and Indiana stores, the CDC states. The initial source of contamination was found at the installation of the rochelle burns, in Illinois, where salads were produced.

Although the CDC has verified that potentially contaminated salads have been sold in these four states, the health authority notes that they may have been distributed elsewhere in the US.

If you have home salad, eliminate it.

woman throwing away salad
Shutterstock / Andrey_Popov

The touched salads are packaged in plastic clamshell containers with the words "Shirill Salad Brillard" and "Fresh Rochelle, it" printed on the package.

To protect you from infection, "consumers, restaurants and retailers should not eat, sell or serve Bright Sunny Crunch salad burners produced in Rochelle, IL," the states of the CDC. However, throwing salad can not be enough to keep you safe because of the easy spread ofsalmonella. To limit your risk of getting sick, the CDC recommends washing all the surfaces that could have been in contact with the salad affected with warm soapy water and do the same for all items that may have touched the salad or execute through a dishwasher cycle. .

If you think you are sick of salad, contact a health care provider.

man with a stomachache

The symptoms ofsalmonella Infections, which usually include diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps, usually start between six hours and six days after contacting food or contaminated surfaces. Although, for most people, the disease usually resolves in a week without the need for medical treatment, this is not the case for everyone.

Young children, people over 65 and immunocompromised individuals are more likely to become seriously sick ofsalmonella. If you have eaten or enter into contact with the salad and you feel sick, contact a health care provider.

RELATED:If you eat this for breakfast, stop immediately, the authorities say.

Categories: Health
Tags: food / News / Safety
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