FDA draws all foods made by this company of shelves

Check your refrigerator. It's time to throw anything from this business.

Nothing says summer like fresh flavors of Mexican cuisine - but if your tacs Tuesday or your enchilada every day include one side of salsa or queso, your health could be in danger. This week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published a warning on the products of a company because of the serious health problems they can present to anyone consumes them. Read on to find out if you should start these foods right now and what to do if you have ever eaten some compromised products.

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Little Hatch products were first identified as potentially contaminated in May.

tortilla chips, potato chips, and veggie chips on wooden boards on a black table
Shutterstock / Indigo Photo Club

On May 20, food products, parent company Lakewood, Food company based in Colorado, Little Hatch's, initiated avoluntary Jalapeño cream cheese of Little Hatch with a sales date of 05/21. May 28, yetAnother notice of reminder Has been issued for Little Hatch products, including Jalapeño cream cheese of the brand, queso and spicy queso. On June 15, after the internal tests carried out by interstate food products, the company announced at the FDA that the hot chili chili roasted of the brand must also be recalled.

The FDA says to throw these products immediately.

plate of salsa and tortilla chips
Shutterstock / Olga Miltsova

A public health alert issued by the FDA on June 25 scheduled now that consumersshould not buy or eat all Products manufactured by Little Hatch's. The regulatory organization indicates that, if the stores are always drawing these products from shelves, consumers should avoid any product limit of the company, which includes a cream cheese dip of Jalapeño, a Queso, a spicy queso, a roasted chili salsa environment, and Chile Salsa hot roast sold in 13.5-oz. or 14-oz. containers. The products have been sold in the natural exhausting and the lucky Denver, Colorado market, as well as whole dishes from Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, New Mexico, Utah, Texas and Wyoming.

The recalled foods can be contaminated by dangerous bacteria that can make you sick.

petri dish with e. coli bacteria
Shutterstock / Souvikonline200521

The FDA has found traces ofListeria monocytogenes In the retail samples of the recalled products, inviting an inspection of the company's manufacturing facilities. The investigators of the FDA determined that 23 out of 149 of their samples tested later contained theBacteria causing disease.

Listeria monocytogenes Can lead to listeriosis, an infection that usually causes seizure symptoms, including diarrhea, fatigue, fever and muscle pain. However, disease control and prevention centers (CDC) indicate that the condition can causeMore serious health problems, especially in pregnant individuals, newborns, the elderly and immunocomized. The condition leads to an average of 260 deaths to the US each year.

Related: For more product recall warnings sent directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

This is what if you have these products at home.

Woman cleaning fridge with gloves
Shutterstock / Andrey_Popov

If you have recently bought Little Hatch's products, the FDA says ofthrow them away Immediately and follow these steps: "Wash the interior walls and refrigerator shelves, cutting boards and countertops, as well as utensils that can have contact with contaminated foods; Then clean them with a solution of a tablespoon of chlorine whitening at a warm water gallon; Dry with a clean cloth or a paper towel that has not been used before. "

If you have consumed these products and you are concerned about your health or know symptoms of the disease, contact your doctor immediately.

RELATED:If you take one of these 6 supplements, the FDA has a new warning for you.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: News / Safety / Shopping
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