This daily habit increases your risk of dementia, the study says

New research shows that you should avoid this common mistake when using your devices.

When it comes to staying healthy, it's still important to listen to what your doctor tells you is the best. In many cases, good advice is to avoid surplus, whether it's food, drinks or even some activities. According to new research, there is a surprising daily habit that you could not consider being excessive that could put you at higher risk of developing dementia. Keep reading to see what you could accidentally hover over.

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Listening to too hard music on your headphones can cause hearing loss, which increases your risk of dementia.

man listening to music on headphones outside in front of a brick wall

A recent analysis of the acoustic society of America warns that people with prolonged exposure toNoise levels of 70 decibels or more are at risk of developing hearing problems later in life. This level, which is about as hard as a TV at the normal listening volume or running a vacuum cleaner, is easily exceeded with headphones while listening to music at more than 50% volume,Eat well reports. With this in mind, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about half of all children, adolescents and young adults aged 12 to 35 are going toRisk of hearing loss.

Unfortunately, research has shown that having a decrease in auditory capabilities puts people tohigher risk of dementia development later in life. A 2011 study published inJama Neurology found that out of 639 participants tested on an average of 12 years, those with light auditory loss were twice as likely to showSigns of cognitive decline compared to those who have an unaffected audience; Moderate auditory loss increased the risk of three times; And a diagnosis of serious hearing loss made a person five times more likely to be diagnosed with dementia.

Hearing loss affects certain areas of the brain, which can lead to dementia over time.

senior man of color listening to music on couch with his hands behind his head

Researchers believe the relationship betweenResignation and hearing loss The direct result of a lack of stimulus, with imaging studies showing that your brain can start fighting once it stops receiving as much entry of your ears because it is used to. "The deterioration of the peripheral hearing aid over time decreases the contribution of the major brain audience centers"Ana H. Kim, MD, Director of Otological Research in the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery of Columbia Herbert University and Florence Irving Medical Center in New York, "said Healthline in 2018.

Finally, the main brain hearing centers weaken. "This then creates a vicious circle of the decline in hearing capacity, an aggravation of the executive function and a growing risk of dementia," kim explained. She also added that the difficult people of hearing tend to isolate socially once the communication becomes difficult, increasing their risk of cognitive decline.

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Most auditory losses are avoidable, according to experts.

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Unlike popular belief, losing your ability to hear over time is not necessarily a forgotten conclusion.Hearing loss related to age Is it not so much a biological event that results from external factors. "Medical communities and audiology, as well as the general public, do not understand that significant auditory loss is not part of the normal healthy aging, but largely represents noise-induced hearing loss", "Daniel Fink, MD, President of the Silent Coalition Board, said at Healthline. "We should be able to hear well in old age, which is usually not true in industrialized societies."

Fink explained that the new technology makes it more likely than the youngest generations inadvertently damage their ears at an alarming rate. "Especially for young people ... the use of the personal audio system is the main source of exposure to leisure noise. [When] they reach mid-life, probably at the beginning of the mid-1940s, they will also be difficult To hear that their grandparents are now in their 70s and 80s, "said Fink.

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You can protect your ears with some simple tools and tactics.

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In addition to taking care not to steal your songs with 11 with your atria, there are other ways to protect yourself from theEffects of noise exposure. Appliances such as the Apple watch now offer the possibility of monitoring the duration during which you have strong sounds, alerting you when you have spent acceptable limits safely. Decibel Reader Apps are also available for smartphones that can help you identify dangerously strong environments.

According to Harvard Health, it is also better to bring Earrings or anti-noise earphones Concerts, sporting events and other festivities where strong sounds are common. And you should take breaks during prolonged listening sessions with your headphones.

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Categories: Health
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