17 subtle signs that you could have breast cancer

Finding a size is not the only signal you need to be on the point of view.

When a woman examines itself forbreast cancer, There is usually only one thing she is looking for: a bigger. Unfortunately, this indicative sign is only one of the many can lead to a diagnosis.

While a bump remains the most commonly reported symptom,A 2016 studyCancer Research UK found a six in six woman diagnosed with breast cancer, a problem totally different from their doctor. The problem is not everyone from appointment books as quickly as they should once something happens. "These women are more likely to delay the physician compared to women who are not to bet on", "said the author of the studyMonica Koo, PhD. "It is crucial that women know that the size is not the only symptom of breast cancer. If they are worried about the symptoms of the Lord, the best thing to do is to have it checked by a doctor as soon as possible . "

And according to the 2020 data of Braticancer.org,a woman on eight (About 12%) In the United States will develop invasive breast cancer during their lives, making all the signs of disease all the more importantly. To make sure that you catch a symptom, as subtle as possible - as soon as possible, take a look at these less known signs that you could have breast cancer. And for more potential problems, you should be aware of your aging, discover30 health problems each woman over 30 should start looking for.

Your chest changes colors.

women breast cancer support charity

Another symptom of inflammatory breast cancer is when your skin of chest becomes pink or reddish on more than half of the chest, something that can be difficult to say to those with darker skin tones. "Sometimes these coloration changes can be difficult to find in African Americans and in obese patients with very big tits"Ricardo H. Alvarez, MD, leads the Breast Cancer Center Institute in Cancer Treatment Centers (CCTCs), said on the CCCA website. And for harmful habits, you should be aware, discover30 things you had no idea could cause cancer.

You have a red spot on your chest.

woman holding pink ribbon for breast cancer

Have you noticed a random red spot or rash on your chest? Do not assume automatically that it's nothing. It could be aInflammatory breast cancer signAnd should be examined by your doctor, even if it seems as harmless as minor sunburn.

Your chest seems to have been bruised.

breast cancer doctor

If your chest begins to have an appearance murdered without any other reason for discoloration, theMAYO Clinicsays it could be a sign of inflammatory breast cancer - something that can easily be confused with an infection. And for things you can do to improve your general well-being, see100 simple ways to be a woman (a lot) healthier.

Your plazel lymph nodes are swollen.

woman talking to her doctor in the waiting room with forms

Most people always look for bumps in their breasts, but do not forget to check your lymph nodes for swelling. "Many patients who end up diagnosed with breast cancer that expanded to the lymph nodes have no symptoms in the chest, no change in the breast structure, but they came for a consultation because they feel some thing under their arm, "saysAlvarez. "It can mean that chest cancer went to the lymph nodes and there is now an invasion of lymphatic nodes."

You have enlarged lymph nodes around your necklace.

Woman at the doctor being treated for asthma

Your armpits are not the only subtle place you could encounter swelling of the lymph nodes due to breast cancer. According toMAYO ClinicThe same problem can also occur above or below your collisions - a location that most people do not even realize that they have a set of lymph nodes in the first place. And for more red flags that are not always so obvious, check40 subtle signs Your body tells you that something is seriously false.

You meet a tenderness or abnormal pain.

Woman Feeling Sick and Nauseous at the Doctor's Office Hand Sanitizer Germs

You could feel a certain tenderness around your rules and it's totally normal. If you encounter persistent or severe pain, however, and you know it's not due to your menstrual cycle, theAmerican Cancer Societysays it should be checked. Althoughbreast cancers Do not normally cause pain and tenderness, it's always a possibility.

You hurt your chest that will not heal.

an older woman talking to her doctor while in the office

Whether on your chest or on your nipple, a wound that does not seem to cure is particular attention. "This can be a sign of Paget's breast disease, a rare form of breast cancer," says alvarez. "This disease comes from the nipple. This is usually not invasive and is most often diagnosed in patients aged 70 and 80." And for warning signals other types of serious conditions, seeThese are all cancer warning panels are hiding for view.

The skin on your areola or your chest looks irritated.

Woman talking to her doctor

If you encounter an irritation around your nipple, the skin of Areola - or your chest, your body could show a symptom of breast cancer. Whether it's coat, crust, stranding or buckling, once you see it, you will be able to say immediately that something is wrong, says theMAYO Clinic.

You meet abnormal landfills.

woman confused talking to her female doctor

While breast milk nipple discharge is totally normal, if you notice the discharge that is clear or bloody, it's something you should be checked because it could be a sign of breast cancer, says theNational Breast Cancer Foundation. If you have discharged it's milky, it could be something else, likehormonal changesor some use of drugs.

Your chest shape has changed.

Senior woman with short gray hair talking to white male senior doctor, empty nest

There are many different reasons that your breasts change shape over the years, whether due to pregnancy or age. Be aware of these changes and make sure you get them to your doctor, however, because theDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC)Says it could also be a subtle warning sign for breast cancer. And for more useful information,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

There is a fat on the skin of your chest.

breast cancer doctor

Notice some couples in the skin of one of your breasts might not seem like a big problem, but it could be a sign of breast cancer, says theMAYO Clinic. The problem, which is called orange skin, because of its resemblance of the texture of an orange peel - could be a sign of a more invasive breast cancer type.

Your skin texture has changed.

Female patient showing a doctor her arm rash

While the skin looks like an orange skin is one thing, breast cancer could also appear with other texture changes. According toNational Breast Cancer Foundation, the skin that looks scaly and red should also be examined by a doctor.

You have a reddish or purple nipple.

woman at doctor's office - female health concerns

Note your nipple change colors is not an excellent sign. According toHolly Pederson®, Director of Medical Breast Services at Cleveland Clinic, it could be a symptom of cancer and could also involve flagles and irritation. "Cancer can be from the nipple," she told Webmd. "The nipple will look reddish or purplish; it does not look normal. It is in fact the tumor cells invading the nipple that caress the different skin if it is breast cancer."

You encounter swelling.

doctor talking to a female patient at a checkup

Of course, the breasts of all swell a little bit during their period of the month. But if your swelling is unexplained, it is only on one side, or affects only the part of the chest, the change of appearance could be a subtle sign of breast cancer, says theAmerican Cancer Society.

Your nipple turns inward.

old woman looking at x-ray with doctor and asking questions

If your nipple begins to turn in advance when it has not been retracted before, this could be a sign of inflammatory breast cancer, which is much more aggressive than other types of breast cancer, says theAmerican Cancer Society. For this reason, you should make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible to discuss any changes regarding changes.

You meet a contraction.

vietnamese woman smiling at her doctor

While swelling is one thing, another sign of breast cancer is quite the opposite: having a narrowing, especially only on one side, says the National Breast Cancer Foundation . It's an easy sign to neglect if you do not pay attention, but it could make all the difference to catch a case of early breast cancer.

Your Areolas had much thicker.

Woman at the doctor's office

You probably have a good idea of how your Areolas are usually alike at this point - they have been on your body for some time, after all, if you notice a thickening, it's something to check. It can also take place in the breast's skin too, says the American Cancer Society .

Categories: Health
Tags: Cancer / Symptoms / women
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