That's exactly when the overvoltage of the Delta variant will be the worst, explains the expert

The variant has weeks to go before it will hit its peak in the US, the former head of the FDA indicates.

The light at the end of the tunnel with respect to the Pandemic of Covid seemed so close before a new strain, calledDelta variant, began circulating in the United States, unfortunately, the delta variant is so transmissible that it does not even feel vaccines for disturbing infections inFully vaccinated individuals. And the experts warn that it is likely that we have not seen the worst of this new variant but hardly, in fact. A former official of the United States and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has identified exactly when the overvoltage of the Delta variant should reach its highest levels across the country and, if it is right, we always have a long way to go.

Currently, disease control and prevention centers (CDC) indicate that the Delta variant represents nearly 58% ofAll cases of COVID In the United States, the variant was only responsible for only 31% of the cases of two weeks before and 3% at the end of May. This indicates that the delta variant spreads rapidly throughout the country - andScott Gottlieb, MD, former head of the FDA, explains that it is unlikely to give progress at any time soon.

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Gottlieb recently said that the worst ofDelta variant surge can still be months more. During an interview of July 14 on the CNBCSafeGottlieb said that the variant will probably continue to spread in the United States over the next three months. "Delta's variant will make a way through the country during the August and September course, perhaps in October. That's what modeling shows, that's what we expect," A- he said. "The summit of this epidemic will be at the end of September ... it seems to be what happens."

Despite many CVVID restrictions being lifted since theCDC has changed its recommendations For people vaccinated in May, Gottlieb said that some areas should consider reinterpreting them, in particular parts of the country were immunization rates are low and climbing cases. Among the eight states that have seen theirDouble double covid During the last week, according to the data ofThe Washington Post, six vaccinated less than 50% of their residents.

"I think we are in a national situation at the national level, where the forecast of public health must be dictated by the prevalence, what is the local risk," said Gottlieb. "We are not going to have any national mandates. This will be a very regional epidemic. If you are in a place where there is a dense propagation - and there are parts of the country where it is very dense now - I think People have to start taking precautions. "

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But they are not only unvaccinated people who should be on the lookout, said Gottlieb. It also recommended that entirely vaccinated persons can always be vulnerable to the virus in these areas should consider reading COVID precautions. This includes people over 65 who are immunocomproduced or have other high-risk health conditions. A new study of July 6 of Israel analyzedThe recipients of Pfizer who had revolutionary infectionsand found that 40% were immunocompromised and 94% had at least a comorbidity.

"I would take precautions at this stage at this point until the epidemic evolves," said Gottlieb, referring to vulnerable people in areas at risk. "Unfortunately, the worst is yet to come up. This will get worse before it improves in terms of propagation of this infection right now."

RELATED:If you did this after your first shot, you are at risk of the delta variant.

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