If you had a vaccine, get a reminder now, the virus expert warns

The spread of the Delta variant means that you may need an extra dose.

The deployment of vaccines helped abandon the national average of new COVID cases in the last six months in the last six months. But over time, experts and managers have started to question whenCallback shots will be needed Make sure they can always protect against the virus. The recent arrival and the spread of the delta variant, which is supposed to be 60% more transmitted than the contagious alpha variant - has increased pressure on the situation, with some officials concerned thatNew epidemics could soon hit Low vaccination areas. But according toAngela Rasmussen, PhD student, a virus and scientific expert with the vaccine and the infectious disease organization (Vido), anyoneObtained Johnson & Johnson Vaccine will probably need a booster shot as soon as possible.

RELATED:If you have Pfizer, it's when you need a booster, Director of Management.

In a tweet published on June 22, Saskatoon, based in Canada, Rasmussen, addressed to the idea of ​​administering a second shot to recharge the vaccine at dose as questions about its ability to protect against the Last variant were concerned about some officials. "If you are in the United States and you have J & J [Johnson & Johnson], I encourage you to talk to your provider whether it's something you should think. If you live in a community with a community with a community with a community Low global vaccination, I suggest you suggest. Consider it strongly, "she urged.

Rasmussen argued that the additionA second shot of mRNA vaccine Such as Moderna or Pfizer would be more likely to provide the protection necessary for the distribution of the Delta variant. In a thread of tweets, she explained: "We know that heterologous vaccination (mixing and match) with a vectorized vaccine by adenovirus (J & J, Astrazeneca) is safe and produces robust immune responses. We know that Thematic schemes at 2 doses of Arna or Astrazeneca are very protective against the variant of the Delta, but a single dose is not. [and] We know that the single dose dose is very protective against a Serious but not as protective disease against symptomatic diseases and mRNA, which means that it is less protective against infection. "

She added that, although there is not enough data to see exactly how much the J & J vaccine is counterclaining the Delta variant or if a mRNA booster will offer additional protection, it was convinced that the extra dose would behave in the same way to other vaccines and increases overall efficiency. . And as symptomatic carriers are more likely to diffuse the virus, additional doses could helpslow or prevent serious epidemics.

RELATED:If you have this vaccine, you can have low antibodies against the variant of India.

While disease control and prevention control centers (CDC) indicate more data before a second shot can not be recommended, the Rasmussen Council has been echoed with a growing number of experts who believe those who have obtained those who got Johnson & Johnson vaccine.Need to get a booster. "There is no doubt that people who receive the J & J vaccine are less protected against the disease" than those who have two doses of the other moves,Michael Lin, PhD, Professor of Neurobiology and Bioengineering from Stanford University, "said Reuters. "The principle of taking easy measures to prevent very bad results, it's really a certainty."

Similar to some other experts, Rasmussen said she had just taken a mRNA booster after receiving a dose of J & J vaccine in April. She urged public servants to solve the growing problem as soon as possible.

"We should not wait to make recommendations on this topic," she wrote. "In the United States and more and more in Canada, there are numerous mRNA vaccine supplies that will expire before they can be shipped to other countries. We only need to examine the climb of Delta. United Kingdom to see the crucial importance of getting people are fully vaccinated as possible. "

RELATED:It will be "at least" that well before needing another shot of Covid, says the doctor.

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