If you get a Booster Pfizer, expect these side effects, the new study says

A study of more than 4,500 people shows what you could see after getting your third dose of vaccine.

Study after study found that the availability currently availableVaccines against COVID-19 Offer a lot of protection against the virus. But the arrival of several variants had some health experts concerned by a monitoring dose so that vaccines remain effective against mutated strains. In the United States, disease control and prevention centers (CDC) have required a third shot, citing a lack of data on how vaccines remain effective over time and how people could respond at the extra dose. Now, new research has initial information about the side effects you may be able to wait after getting a specifically pfizer call back.

RELATED:If you have Pfizer, it's when you need a booster, Director of Management.

The conclusions come from a study conducted in Israel, where people aged 60 and over were offered at a third dose of the vaccine since the end of July. When a survey of side effects was carried out by about 4,500 people whoreceived a booster pfizer From July 30 to August 1, 88% reported having felt "similar or better" in relation to how they felt after their second shot of the therapeutic scheme.

TheMost common side effect was the pain in the arm or the injection site, 31% of the respondents who reported him on the investigation. Another 15% of respondents felt other common effects commonly reported after the first two doses, including muscle pain, fatigue or fever, while .4% reported thoracic pain or shortness of breath. the rest of the booster.

According toRider, Head of the Israeli Health Care Innovation CLALIT Santé Services who managed the study, the results are "initial and self-reported". But the data allow a startComparison of immediate side effects, noting that "it turns out that in most cases they are similar or less in the booster."

"Although we have not yet long-term research on the effectiveness and safety of the third reminder dose, for the management of personal risks of anyone aged 60 more, these conclusions continue to point to the Benefit of immunization now, with careful behavior. Among the adults and avoid gathering in closed spaces, "said Balicer in Reuters.

RELATED:If you have Pfizer, you can have this delayed side effect, a new study indicates.

While long-term studies and information can always be missing when it comes to side effects, new Pfizer data share on July 28 have found that aBooster plan of his vaccine Could afford protection beyond the creation of two standard doses. TheSuggested data Whether people aged 18 to 55 who get a third dose, see their antibody levels against the delta variant shots more than five times from what they were after the second dose. During this time, people aged 65 to 85 have seen an even greater tip in antibodies after a third shot, giving them more than an increase of 11 times antibodies compared to what they had followed their second dose.

During an interview of August 8 on NBCMeet the press,Anthony Fauci, MD, Chief Advisor White House Covid, said thatshots Would probably be necessary to maintain the effectiveness of the two CRNA vaccines currently available. "If you look at the Pfizer- [efficiency rate] data descended from the 90s to about 84 after a few months," he explained. "The recent data for Moderna show that it does not really go down, but everyone supposes, and I think sooner or later, you will see an attenuation at the point where we are going to have to give an extra boost to people."

However, Fauci explained that officials still needed more data to make a decision. "As soon as they see that the level of sustainability of protection decreases, then you will see the recommendation to vaccinate these people. But, he added:" Vaccines always do what you originally wanted. 'They prevent you from getting out of the hospital [and] to prevent you from becoming seriously ill. "

RELATED: That's what it means that if you have Pfizer and had no side effects, a new study indicates .

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