This could determine if you catch the delta variant - and it's not vaccination

The extremely contagious strain has officials who come back to public health protections.

After constant weeks of decline, Covid-19 case numbers have descended in the wrong direction. The propagation of the variant of very contagious delta is currently feeding a national surge, with all 50 states and Washington, D.C.,Report an increase in cases and 38 See an increase of 50% or more during the past week, CNN reports. Fortunately, studies have shown that those who are fully vaccinated are alwaysWell protected against the virus. But according to a former official, there is a factor outside the immunization status that could determine if you catch the delta variant: carry the right type of facial mask.

RELATED:Vaccinated people who get the alternative delta have this in common, who says.

During an appearance on the CBSFace the nation On July 18th,Scott Gottlieb, MD, former Commissioner at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), suggested that non-vaccinated persons in some parts of the United States should take additional special precautions when it comes to selecting PPE. "Delta is so contagious that when we talk about masks, I do not think we should just talk about masks," he said. "I think we should talk aboutHigh quality masks. The quality of the mask will make the difference with a variant that spreads more aggressively as Delta, where people are more contagious and exuded more viruses and try to get N95 masks in the hands of vulnerable individuals in places where that is really epidemic, I think it will be important. "

Gottlieb went so far as to recommend that people who received both doses should consider wearing high quality face coatings. "Even in cases where they are vaccinated, if they want to add another layer of protection, there is an offer of N95 masks right now. There is no shortage. There are many masks available for the health workers, "he said. "It could be something we start talking about getting better quality masks in the hands of people, because I think it's going to be hard to mandate these things right now."

Other officials have supported the idea ofBring mask mandates In some places struck by new epidemics. "In areas where there are a small number of vaccinated people, where business increases, it is very reasonable for counties to take more mitigation measures, such as theMask rules Get out of [Los Angeles], "U.S. General SurgeonVivek mourthy, MD, said at an appearance of July 18 on ABCThis week. "And I anticipate that this will happen in other parts of the country - and this is not contradictory for the councils of the CDC."

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Fortunately, research has shown that the entirely vaccinated people are much less likely to have a serious infection with the Delta variant. A study of the U.K. found that two doses of the Pfizer vaccine are96% effective against hospitalization With the strain. "Even if you have a revolutionary infection - which, again, it happens in a very small minority of people - it is likely to be aLightweight or asymptomatic infection"," Said Murthy at CNN in a separate interview later on the same day.

Nevertheless, Murthy pointed out that the youngest children under 12 who can not be vaccinated yet are still at risk. These issues led California to challenge the CDC recommendations that masks should be optional for entirely vaccinated teachers and students, choosing to respect itsMask mandate for public schools in K-12 During the upcoming school year,The New York Times reports.

But with research noting that the now dominant strain causes viral loads in patients on1,260 times higherThat cases considered in the pandemic, Gottlieb warned that the continued propagation of the variant of very contagious delta could have serious consequences. "Most people will be either vaccinated, or have already been infected, or they will get this variant of Delta," he said. "And for most people who get this variant of delta, it will be the most serious virus they get in their life in terms of risk of putting them in hospital."

RELATED: If you are completely vaccinated, these are the 5 symptoms of COVID to search for .

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Tags: Coronavirus / News
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