Dr. Faisci warns not to do that if you have Pfizer

The health expert warns the public after a recent study.

Covid-19 vaccines available in the United States have all been deemed very efficient. But as the delta variant quickly spread to become the dominant tension,Revolutionary infections In the entirely vaccinated people, people have become more worrying for some. But during a recent interview,Anthony Fauci, MD, head of the White House Covid, took the time to prevent people who got the vaccine against Pfizer to not do one thing as a result of a new study.

RELATED:If you did this before your vaccine against Pfizer, you may be more protected.

Appearing on CBS 'Face the nation August 15, Fauci was asked about a recent study that found theModerna vaccine will be more efficient against the strain of Delta arising. Asked by the hostNANCY Ropes Whether or not that anyone has originally had a Pfizer vaccine should look for a modern callback shot when they become available, Fauci immediately repulsed.

"This study, first of all, is a pre-imprint study [and], it has not been fully examined by peers," he said. "I do not doubt what they see, but there are many variables of confusion about it when we started when we started, the relative amount of people in this cohort, which is Delta versus alpha. We have Already implemented boosters for compromised immunogens. It is clear that we want to make sure we get people, if possible, to get the boost of the original vaccine they had. "

The new search in question refers to a pre-imprint study conducted by NFRECE and the Mayo Clinic, which found thatThe effectiveness of Pfizer has dropped substantially against the delta variant. The study of August 8 concluded that the vaccine was only 42% effective against the virus in July when Delta was the dominant variant, marking a significant decrease in the effectiveness of 95% recorded in clinical trials. On the other hand, the researchers found that the effectiveness of Moderna against COVID infection fell to 76% in July, 86% earlier during the year when Alpha was the most common version of the virus in the United States.

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"On the basis of the data we have so far, it is a combination of [two] factors", the main author of the study,Venky Soundararajan, PhD, told Axios last week. "Moderna vaccine is probably - most likely more effective than the Pfizer vaccine in areas where Delta is the dominant strain and the Pfizer vaccine seems to have lower efficiency durability."

But during the interview, Fauci also explained that there were other differences between vaccines that could explain the variation of the Delta variant levels. "Remember that the original dose of moderna is about three times what the dose of the Pfizer is," he said. "So you can have a difference in sustainability, but in general, vaccines that have been approved for emergency authorization and will be approved for full authorization ... are all very effective in preventing serious illness."

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Nevertheless, it may be some time beforeCallback shots become available to the general public. During an interview onCBS This morning On August 12, Fauci admitted that, if it were likely that everyone will need a covid-19 reconciliation, which he was initially received from Pfizer or Moderna, officials would not concentrate to obtain Additional doses to the vulnerable parts of the population for the time being. "We do not feel so that, with the exception of the immune compromise, we do not think we need to give boosters right now," he said.

RELATED:Pfizer only works against the delta variant if you do that, a new study indicates.

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