Eating this twice a week willow your risk of heart disease, the study says

The researchers found that the food was particularly good for fighting high blood pressure.

Currently, you know that keeping your heart healthy involves more than just exercising. But when it comes to creating a diet capable of strengthening your cardiovascular health, you may forget an important food element. In fact, you can dramatically reduce your risk of heart disease by eating a food especially twice a week. Read it to see what magic snack should not miss your kitchen.

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Eating yogurt twice a week considerably reduces your risk of heart disease.

A bowl of fresh yogurt on a table with a wooden spoon

Many already like yogurt to be an easy and versatile snack, you can garnish with fresh ingredients. But a great study published in theAmerican Journal of Hypertension In 2018, it is found that there may be even more to love, establishing a link between eating two or several portions of yoghurt per week and aReduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

"We hypothesized thatAdmission of long-term yogurt could reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems because some of the previous small studies showed beneficial effects of fermented dairy products, "Justin Buendia, PhD, one of the authors of the study, stated in a statement. "Here we had a very large cohort of hypertensive men and women, which were followed up to 30 years old."

Entering the recommended portions can drop the risk of coronary disease by 20%.

Woman Eating Yogurt Anti-Aging

Researchers at the University of Boston and Harvard Medical School reviewed health records of more than 55,000 women with high blood pressure between 30 and 55 and 18,000 men aged 40 to 55 years. Each participant then kept a daily diet newspaper and any medical diagnosis, including a heart attack, a stroke or other conditions.

The study showed that those who are two weeklyPortions of yogurt Or more, men were 19% less likely to undergo a heart attack than those who have not consumed the dairy product. Women saw a good decline, or 30% less likely to experience cardiac emergency. But the men and women who have eaten yogurt have regularly seen their risk of developing a coronary disease by 20%.

"Our results offer important new evidence that yogurt could benefit cardiac health or as a constant part of a diet rich in fiber-rich fruits, vegetables and grains," said Buendia in the declaration.

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Beware of what are the ingredients in your yoghurt before adding them to your diet.

woman buying yogurt in the grocery store

If you want to start integrating more yoghurt into your diet, you should not recover any product the next time you are in the grocery store. According to the Clinic of Cleveland, a lotYogurt marks Are packed for sugar stuffing - even when made with real flavors of fruits and other sugar-free flavors are full of unhealthy artificial sweeteners that can bring your body to croup candy later.

Instead, the best option is to work with something unwinding that you can dress at home with fresh ingredients. "Plain yogurt and not face is preferable"Julia Zumpano, RD, told Cleveland Clinic. "The original and Greek style are excellent sources of protein, calcium and probiotics."

A recent study also found that drinking milk consumption can be good for your heart.

Young man at home drinking milk

Other recent research has shown that yogurt may not be the only dairy product that can increase cardiovascular health. A new study published on May 24 in theInternational Journal of Obesity founddrink milk Every day can also be very good for your heart.

Researchers behind the new report - consisting of a team from the University of Reading, the University of South Australia, the Institute of Australian Health and South Medical Research, College University London and the University of Auckland-observed nearly two million participants from the United Kingdom and we include other important population studies and distinguished people who have consumed higher levels of milk. They found that Regular milk drinkers Which disgusted at least one glass of milk a day had a risk of less than 14% coronary disease.

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