If you notice this in your mouth, your risk of heart disease is higher

A quick check at home can help you determine if your cardiac health is in danger.

There is no denying cardiac disease should be a concern that all Americans consider. According to disease control and prevention centers (CDC), heart disease comes from about 1 out of 4 deaths in the United States, making it the countryN ° 1 killer. But on the basis of the representations of the sudden chest and collapse, we often see on television and in the movies, it is easy to feel like a cardiac event that can hit anyone at any time without warning. However, whether or not you are up to an increaserisk of heart disease Has not obliged to be a mystery - and that does not necessarily require several trips to the doctor for various tests and projections (although it is always a good idea). Research shows that rapid verification of your mouth can help you determine if your heart disease is high. Read on to know what to look for.

RELATED:If you notice this at night, your risk of heart disease is doubled.

If you miss your teeth, your cardiac risk is higher.

Man Missing Tooth

A 2019 study presented at the US College of Cardiology of the Middle East Conference analyzed the risk of cardiac disease among adultswho lost teeth because of non-traumatic reasons. Researchers have observed data on more than 316,500 people from the United States from 40 to 79 years. The researchers found that 13% of all patients studied had cardiovascular diseases, but those who reported having taken place at the tooth of the tooth had a higher risk.

According to a statement that accompanied research, the authors found that those who reported having at least one missing tooth, but still have teeth, were "more likely to develop cardiovascular diseases, even after adjusting other factors such as. Body mass index, age, race, alcohol consumption, smoking, diabetes and dental visits. "

The risk of developing heart disease is highest in missing persons all teeth.

Senior woman taking the teeth out

If you miss all your teeth for non-traumatic reasons, you have the highest risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The researchers found that 8% of the participants in the study were egrisals, which means they had no teeth. The percentage of those who were enervated and had cardiovascular disease was 28%, while 7% of participants are not missing teeth developed by cardiovascular disease.

"Our results argue that there is a relationship between dental health and cardiovascular health," "Hamad Mohammed Qabha, MBBS, the main author of the study and the main medical and surgical trainee at Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, said in a statement. "If a person's teeth fall, there may be other underlying health concerns. Clinicians should recommend that people in this age group receive adequate oral health care to prevent diseases that cause a loss of teeth in the first place and as potentially another way to reduce the risk of future cardiovascular disease. "

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Experts say there is a link between missing teeth and inflammation causing heart disease.

doctor holding tooth

According to the American Dental Association (ADA), a loss of teeth may occur due to an advanced form of the erase disease called periodontitis. The ADA says that researchers suspect that the bacteria and inflammation related to periodontitis can increase its risk of heart disease.

"Several studies bindChronic inflammation of periodontitis with the development of cardiovascular problems. Some evidence suggests that oral bacteria can be related to heart disease, arterial blockages and stroke, "explains ADA.

Inflammation of any kind has been regularly linked to heart disease, butInflammation in the mouthSpecifically is a risk because your mouth is only a part of some parts of your body connected to the outside world. Once you have an accumulation of oral bacteria, it can enter your blood, where it can browse anywhere throughout your body. Researchers believe that once the bacterium arrives at your heart, it can triggerInflammation in heart ships And can also infect cardiac valves, according to Penn Medicine.

One of the best ways to prevent heart disease is to prevent the disease of the gum.

Cropped shot of a handsome young man brushing his teeth in the bathroom at home

The ADA says that "given the potential link between periodontitis and systematic health problems", one of the best ways to reduce your risk of heart disease consists of preventing the disease from the gum. Step 1 With regard to your oral hygiene simply brushing your teeth twice a day and cleaning between your teeth with dental silk once a day.

But even if you do these two elements of everyday life, you should always be looking for oral health problems because you do not clean it well enough. Other Symptoms of gum disease Include persistent bad breath; gums that bleed during brushing and dental silk; red, swollen and tender gums; Pus between your teeth and your gums; gums that have moved away from your teeth; loose or separating teeth; And changes in the way your teeth fit together when you dorce, by ADA.

RELATED: Eating this nut once a week is erupting your risk of heart disease, the study says .

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