Drinking this type of water increases your risk of your Parkinson, studies show

If you drink this type of water, your Parkinson's risk level can be up to three times higher.

About one million people in the United States today were diagnosed withParkinson's disease (PD). A progressive neurological disorder, Pd often starts with minor tremors and leads to a jerk, stiffness and poor motor coordination, making patients difficult to walk, talk and balance.

Symptoms of Parkinson Survised when brain neurons begin to break down or die, hinder the movement of dopamine from your brain to your muscles. Beyond that, the fundamental cause of Parkinson is unknown, although the Mayo clinic says that someGenetic and environmental factors seem to play a role. In fact, recent research suggests that there is something you could do every day that can lead to increased risk to developParkinson's disease: Drink some type of water. Read on to find out what type of water is associated with higher rates of Parkinson's disease and how this can affect your own level of risk.

RELATED:96% of people with Parkinson have this in common, the study says.

Well water consumption is linked to a higher probability of Parkinson's development.

Senior man drink mineral water in gym fitness center after exercise. Elderly healthy lifestyle.

A growing correlat of research suggests that there is a correlation between drinking water andDevelop Parkinson's disease later in life. A special study, led by a team at UCLA and published in the newspaperEnvironmental Health Outlook, found that those who consume well water are statistically more likely to develop a PD. After examining the medical records and personal stories of 700 people living in the California agricultural belt between 1974 and 1999, they determined that those who finally developed PD hadconsommé of private wells On average 4.3 years older than those who did not do it.

RELATED:If you notice it while walking, it could be an early sign of Parkinson.

A lack of regulation could be to blame.

Spraying farm with pesticides

Experts believe that the link between Well Water and Parkinson could be the result of well water more likely to be contaminated with metals, pesticides, herbicides and other pollutants than filtered municipal water. "Unlike municipal water suppliers,Private wells are largely unregulated And are not monitored for contaminants. Many are dug at shallow depths of less than 20 meters and some of the crop chemicals used to kill pests and weeds can withdraw into groundwater, "saysAmerican scientist.

Larger environmental factors may also be blamed.

red farmhouse and rows of crops
Shutterstock / Bjorn Bakstad

While research seems to support an association between well water and aIncreased risk of PD, the American Foundation Parkinson Disease (APDA) stresses that the interdependent nature ofseveral environmental factors Make it difficult to choose a single factor as the sole responsibility.

Those who drink private well waters are more likely to live on a farm, are exposed to pesticides by other means, live near the farm animals and live in rural areas. "In the end, epidemiological data support the assertion that each of these items increases the risk of PD," says APDA.

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Some chemicals lead to more dangerous contamination.

Man spraying pesticides on plants in protective suit

Those who have consumed well water near some pesticides have been deemed higher than others. In particular, the study of the UCLA revealed that people drinking water water within 500 meters of sprayed fields with pesticides had an increased risk of 66% later in developing PD. Those who drink well water near the land treated with propagitite or chlorpyrifos insecticides had a higher risk of 90%. This translates into almost doubled risk of SomedayPARKINSON.

"The chemical with most data linking it to an increase in risk PD is paraquate," said APD, referring to a chemical herbicide used to kill weeds. The exposure to Paraquat is "associated with a risk of PD of 2 to 3 times on the general population", the organization warns.

If you regularly consume well water, especially in areas being sprayed with chemical pesticides or herbicides, make sure you have your water filtered and regularly tested.

RELATED: If you do it at night, this can be an early sign of Parkinson, the study says .

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