Ovarian cancer by numbers

Read on to see if you are at risk.

It does not seem just that the organ responsible for the miracle of life can lead to a potentially painful death. And yet, the ovaries responsible for the reproduction function and located on each side of your pelvis - are easy objectives for cancer. Worst worst, ovarian problems, including ovarian cancer, can be difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are vague. The signs of ovarian cancer might include:

  • Abdominal bloating, indigestion or nausea.
  • Changes of appetite, such as a loss of appetite or complete feeling.
  • Changes in intestinal fluctuations.
  • Increased abdominal push.
  • Fatigue or low energy.

Just the kind of symptoms you could attribute to a bad burrito. So, what is your probability of getting ovarian cancer? And when should you be checked for that? Here we examine ovarian cancer by the numbers.


Approximately22,530 women in the United States. will receive a diagnosis of ovarian cancer in 2019, according to the American Cancer Society. This represents 1.3% of all new cancer cases that will be diagnosed in 2019.


In 2019,13,980 US Women which have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer will die of the disease. This includes all stages and types of ovarian cancer, and also takes into account women who have undergone different cancer treatments.


Ranks of ovarian cancerFifth in the death of cancer Among the women of the United States, this disease represents more deaths of more feminine reproduction cancer than any other type of reproductive cancer. (By the way, theThe leading cause of death among US women is heart disease.)


About half of the women diagnosed with ovarian cancer are63 years or more. The older age and family history are the main factors that increase the risk of developing ovarian cancer. Women with a family history of ovarian cancer are encouraged to launch ovarian cancer projections at the age of 30.

18 years and over

Reports the national coalition of ovarian cancer: "Although there is no systemic screening test to detect ovarian cancer, the following tests are available and should be offered to women, in particular Women at high risk for the disease:

  • Pelvic examination: Women aged 18 and over should have a mandatory annual vaginal examination. Women aged 35 and over should receive an annual rectocavinal examination (doctor inserts fingers in the rectum and vagina simultaneously to feel abnormal swelling and detect tenderness).
  • Transvaginal Sonography: This ultrasound, carried out with a small instrument placed in the vagina, is appropriate, especially for women at high risk for ovarian cancer or for those with an abnormal pelvic examination.
  • CA-125 TEST: This blood test determines whether the level of CA-125, a protein produced by the ovarian cancer cells, increased in the blood of a high-risk woman for ovarian cancer or a woman with an examination Pelvic abnormal. "


Ovarian cancer accounts for2.5% of cancers in women. It is also the 11th most common cancer for women. A woman's life risk for the development of ovarian cancer is 1 out of 78, but additional factors, such as family history or never be pregnant, can increase this risk.


Unfortunately, ovarian cancer survival rates are much lower than other forms of cancer, which can be due in part to the difficulty of detecting. TheThe average age of the death of ovarian cancer is 70. The age of death of ovarian cancer depends on the scene in which it has been diagnosed, the age of women when diagnosis and processing options at the time of detection.


14.8% of patients with ovarian cancer are diagnosed in the early stages of the disease. This means that ovarian cancer has been detected before spreading to other parts of the body, such as uterus or lymph nodes. Women diagnosed at the beginning of the early stages had a higher survival rate than those that were diagnosed at the end of the steps, or after the spread of the disease.


On47% of all women diagnosedOvarian cancer has a relative survival rate of 5 years, including all the steps combined. Women who have been diagnosed in the localized phase (ovarian cancer did not extend), the regional phase (ovarian cancer has extended to the surrounding organs) and a distant stage (cancer of the ovary expanded to other parts of the body) are included in this calculation.


On1.3% of women In the United States, you will receive a diagnosis of ovarian cancer at some point in their lives. However, overall, the number of cases and deaths of ovarian cancer declined in the United States in recent years.


Of all women diagnosed with ovarian cancer, only14.9% were diagnosed in the localized phase. This means that cancer has been confined to the ovaries themselves and has not yet extended to other parts of the body.


On90% of ovarian cancers are identified as epithelial tumors. These are tumors that are formed on the exterior layers of the ovaries. There are many subtypes of epithelial tumors, which are classified by the way they grow and other features.

1 in 870

Approximately1 of 870 women Who are 40 years old have a likelihood of developing ovarian cancer over the next 10 years. The risk rate increases slightly for women every 10 years of age.


On20% of cases of ovarian cancer are mainly attributed to genetics. The majority of these cases were due to BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutated genes. These mutations are rare but genetic tests are recommended by theNational Network of National Cancer For women with high risk.


The risk of ovarian cancer is reduced by about 35% for women who use oral contraceptives for five to nine years. This reduced risk continues for at least 10 years after women cease to take control of births, but the risk increases slightly as women's age.


There is more than30 different types of ovarian cancer And each type is classified by its type of cell. All types of ovarian cancer begin with one of three different types of cells: epithelial, germinal or stromal cell.


Women who used or taken menopausal hormones have a20% higher risk of developing ovarian cancer that women who have never taken these hormones. This includes hormones that ensure estrogen alone or that provide both estrogen and progesterone.


51% of the carcinomas of ovarian cancer are diagnosed in step III, which is an advanced stage of the disease.Step III means that cancer is in one or both ovaries and extended to the mucosa of the abdomen or lymph nodes at the back of the abdomen.


63.5% of patients with ovarian cancer Who are 20 years of age or older and have been diagnosed with Phase I or II have received chemotherapy as part of their treatment plan. In other cases, patients may have had radiotherapy, surgery or combination of these treatments.


Women who have worn a term child and gave birthReduces their risk of ovary cancer by 40%. Women have reduced their extra 14% risks for each child they had after their first. In most cases, this risk reduction is only linked to ovarian cancers of endomettrievous carcinoma and cell carcinoma.


TheThe ovarian cancer mortality rate has decreased by 2% each year from 2007 to 2016. The decline of this mortality rate can be attributed toReductions of prevalence sickness and advanced processing.


Researchers at Queens University have developed a test they say could identify ovarian cancer "two years earlier than the current methods. Since ovarian cancer is diagnosed at the late stage - when it can not be done - "develop simple tests like these that could help detect the disease earlier is essential," said the Dr. Rachel Shaw, Responsible for Research UK Cancer Research,BBC.

And live your happiest and healthiest life, do not miss these30 things that the oncologists do-No to treat cancer, but to prevent obtaining it first.

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