20 surprising things that affect if you have a heart attack

Read before it's too late.

Despite decades ofhealth Campaigns, heart attacks are still too frequent: each year, 715,000 people will have a heart attack, or one of 44 seconds, say that disease control and prevention centers. Although stereotyped symptoms and causes of a heart attack are well known - chest pain and high-fat diet, for example - there are many risk factors and common behaviors of physicians say that their patients do not say Do not realize can lead to a heart attack, but they want them to know.Eat this, not that! Health Asked a group of top MD to reveal these surprising things that can affect if you have a heart attack.Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these 19 ways to ruin your body, say health experts.


Your trip

Man eating an hamburger while driving car

"Astudy in theNew England Journal of Medicine noted that traffic exposure increases the chances of a heart attack in people already at risk, "saysJD Zipkin, MD, Associate Medical Director of Northwell Health-Gohealth Urgent Care in New York. "Other studies have shown that longer travel times also increase the risk of weight gain, stress and high blood pressure, which are all risk factors for cardiac disease."

RX: No need to get out of the grid. Be just aware of how your trips - and usually work - affects your diet and mental health. If you find yourself regularly inflating your top to traffic or at the scale of burgers, many times a week, it might be time to try healthy tactics such as relaxation exercises and meal preparation.

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You get the flu

Sick man having fever, drinking hot healing tea and touching forehead in bed,

"If you usually do not get the influenza vaccine, this statistic can be a good reason to start:Studies have shown that people are amazingsix times more likely have a heart attack in the week following the flu that after that, "says Cara Pensabene, MD,EHE Health At New York. Why? "When you have the flu, the typical immune system response is to react and generate an inflammatory response. Unfortunately, this can also cause inflammation of the heart and blood vessels."

RX: Each adult should obtain an influenza vaccine each year, say disease control and prevention centers. While you are there, ask your doctor if you should be immunized against other diseases that affect the elderly, such as meningitis, pneumonia and shingles.



woman lying on sofa and watching tv.

"An occasional frenzy manufactures can be practically harmless, but you are frequenting the frenzy leaves you sedentary for long periods, which can be difficult on your whole cardiovascular system," says Pensabene. "TheAmerican Heart Association says that most adults are sedentary for six to eight hours a day, and even though these people are moderately active the rest of the time, they are always at higher risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attack. "

RX: The occasional netflix frenzy makes life to live. But make sure you get a lot of physical activity when you are not on the couch. The AHA recommends adults to get at least 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity (such as running or swimming) or 120 minutes of moderate physical activity (such as fast walking) every week. If you work a work of office, find ways to be more active during the day, if you are simply standing and walking more.


You drink diet soda

Women hand pour or fill drink in glass, double glass of soda on wooden table

Studies show that people who drink dietary sodas and other artificially sweet drinks have a higher risk of metabolic syndrome. It is when your body has difficulty transforming insulin, which is a precursor of type 2. diabetes and it is a risk of cardiac attack.

RX: Exchange sweet drinks and food drinks with tap water, selectzers or homemade water infused with fruits. Avoid artificial sweeteners.

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You did not go to college

Harvard University campus

A 2016 study published in theInternational Journal for Health Equity found that people without college diploma were twice as likely to have a heart attack. "Just know if you have higher education diplomas, it's not to blame," said Pensabene. "These impact impact identifiers such as social status, life environment and work satisfaction, which could easily generate higher stress and probability of heart disease."

RX: Whatever your educational status, be attentive to stress in all areas of your life - two important cardiac health advice this enhanced study.


You take the ibuprofen

Boxes Of Prescription Painkillers Ibuprofen

"While patients with cardiac risk factors may be invited to take some aspirin at the dose of their doctors, other counter drugs should be avoided," said Richard Heanaker, MD, Chief Medical Advisor forYour doctors online.

RX: Talk with your doctor from all over-the-counter medications and supplements you are taking. "If you have cardiac risk factors, it is important to avoid non-inflammatory anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen," says Holaker.

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The period of the year

calendar November

"Cardiac attack rate for the US increase during holidays, from Thanksgiving at Christmas," said Tomas H. Ayala, MD, FACC, a cardiologist withMERCY MEDICAL CENTER In Baltimore, Maryland. Why? It might be the stress relating to the season, or the cold, which increases the risk of a heart attack (read to discover why).

RX: Take action to handle feelings of stress, depression or isolation during the holiday season - relax, meditate, hold the links, exercise or talk to a professional.


The moment of the day

Clock showing 1am

"While heart attacks can occur at any time of the day or night, they are the most common early in the morning," says Ayala. In fact, studies show that heart attacks are five to six times more likely to occur between 1 and 5 hours and morning heart attacks tend to be more serious than those that occur at other times.

RX: Be aware of the symptoms of heart attack. If chest pain wakes you early in the morning, do not assume it's stomach burns.


You are depressed

Woman with tablet indoors on sofa at home feeling stressed, mental health concept.

"Depression is associated with a higher risk of heart attack," says Ayala. Why? Feelings of sadness and isolation Tax the heart, just like anxiety or stress.

RX: If you feel socially isolated or depressed, talk to your doctor about the best action plan. You could also benefit from a discussion therapy.

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You had your broken heart

Sad unhappy handsome man sitting on the sofa and holding his forehead while having headache

"Heartbreake, or broken heart syndrome, is a real condition," says Anuj Shah, MD, a cardiologist and a director ofApex heart and vascular in New Jersey. "We believe that this is due to a sudden push of catecholamine or nerve hormones. Even a sudden thrust of negative emotions can lead to heart problems."

RX: Do not suffer in silence. Maintain social connections and look for professional help for your grief if necessary.


Lack of sleep

hispanic woman at home bedroom lying in bed late at night trying to sleep suffering insomnia sleeping disorder or scared on nightmares looking sad worried and stressed

"People who have healthier sleep hygiene have a lower risk of heart attacks and cardiac problems," says Shah. According toA study carried out by the CDC, People who slept less than 7 hours per night reported more heart attacks - with obesity, type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, three conditions leading to heart disease.

RX: The experts, including the US Foundation of the SLEEP, recommend that adults get 7 to 9 hours of sleep one night.



tired exhausted stressed woman

"A very strong and frequent snoring could be due to obstructive sleep apnea," says Shah. Sleep apnea has been associated with high blood pressure and other health problems. And according to the National Sleep Foundation, snoring itself is associated with a risk of cardiovascular disease. People who snore have a stronger chance to live thickening in the carotid artery, that doctors think they can be caused by snoring vibrations.

RX: If you snore, talk to your doctor.




Diabetes, even predicted or diabetes, can increase your risk of heart attack, explains Robert Malizia, medical director associated with the urgent care of Northwell Health-Gohealth. Diabetes causes the construction of sugars in the blood. This damages the mucosa of the arteries, which can lead to cardiovascular disease.

RX: The risk of diabetes development of type 2 increases more than 40 years, so that theAmerican Association of Diabetes Recommends regular diabetes screening for all adults over 45. If you have diabetes, take steps to ensure that it is controlled: Make sure you are in accordance with drugs, diet, recommendations lifestyle and monitoring.



Snus - a box of Snus, a moist powder tobacco product

"Everyone knows that cigarette leads to smoking at a higher risk of heart attacks, but surprisingly, many people have no idea that other forms of tobacco can also increase their risk," says Shah. "Studies take place to know if vaping increases the risk of heart attacks or not."

RX:If you smoke or use chewing tobacco, stop. It's never too late to enjoy your heart. "Just like smoking increases your risk of heart attack, after two to three years of quitting, your risk begins to approach that of a non-smoker," said Kevin Reiter, Northwell Health-GoHealth Associate Medical Director Urgent care. Do not assume that steam is healthy - if you do your steam, pay attention to what researchers report on its safety.

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To sleep

woman sleeping on sofa

Just like not to have enough sleep, it's bad for your heart, it's too much. An examination of the research published in theJournal of the American Heart Association I found that earning more than eight hours can increase your risk of heart disease: nine hours have been linked to moderate risk and 11 hours were associated with an increase of nearly 44%.

RX: Get seven to nine hours - no more, no less. Talk to your doctor if you have trouble staying in the area.


How much alcohol do you drink

Alcohol wine glasses
Kelsey Chance / Dessplash

"People know that too much alcohol can lead to liver problems, but many people do not realize that too much alcohol also leads to cardiomyopathy - an enlarged heart and weakened - to put people at risk of Cardiac attacks and sudden heart arrests, "Shah said.

RX: For cardiac health and to reduce your risk of cancer, experts say men should be limited to two alcoholic beverages per day and women should not have more than one.


Cold temperature

Man Clearing Snow From Path With Shovel

"Being too cold can lead to a vasospasm or a sudden narrowing of the arteries, causing a heart attack," says Shah. According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLAbout 100 men die heart attacks every year shortly after the shovel of the snow.

RX: If you have heart problems, talk to your doctor before shoveling the snow; You may want to outsource this chore. "I often say to my patients who are not physically fit not to go out in the snow and start shoveling without first getting their cardiologist's clearance," says Shah.


You are postpartum

Tired Mother Suffering From Post Natal Depression

Having a baby is not commonly called the risk factor for heart attack, but it's. "After pregnancy, there is a higher risk of cardiac problems, called postpartum cardiomyopathy, which can lead to heart attacks and arrhythmias," explains Shah.

RX:If you or lovers have recently gave birth, familiarize yourself with symptoms of heart attack that can affect women (and many of them can be non-traditional, such as nausea or back or jaw) and make sure. You only close to people know about them.


Your stress level

Man stressed while working on laptop

The idea that stress or shock can cause a heart attack around so long, some might assume that it's just a Sitcom gag or an old wife started. It's not. "Chronic stress can increase the risk of cardiac attack, especially among middle-aged men," Ayala said. "And a sudden sharp stress - for example, the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, or even a strong emotional argument - can lead to a cardiac muscular failure and, rarely, to a sudden cardiac arrest."

RX: Keep stress in your check, talk with your doctor about cardiac tests and eat a healthy cardiac diet. "A full diet, based on plants, is the basis of the healthiest heart diet," advises Ayala. "If you choose to consume skinny animal proteins, look at the fish, especially omega-3 fatty acid fish. I say to my patients to target a diet 45-30-25: 45% of low glycemic calories / Glycemic (mainly vegetables, fruits and legumes), 30% of lean protein and 25% of fats. "


You had breast cancer

woman in white t-shirt with breast cancer pink ribbon

"Have breast cancer, and some other types of cancers can lead to a greater chance of heart attacks - due to cancer itself, as well as certain chemotherapy or radiotherapy," Shah explain.

RX: If you have been treated for breast cancer, ask your doctor about your heart attack and be alert for possible symptoms.And pass through the healthiest life,Do not take this supplement, which can increase your risk of cancer.

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