30 health errors that you do not know you do

Modify your behavior to be your healthiest self.

Eating fast foods, omitting to exercise, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, avoid the doctor ... Everyone knows that some lifestyle habits, practices and choice arebadly bad for your health. However, there are many health errors that you probably do without even realizing it. The good news is that all have an easy solution - and eat this, not that! Health will tell you how.


You apply heat to an injury

Patch and stiff neck

"This first instinct could be your first instinct to apply heat in painful areas, but it could actually aggravate your injury," says Dr. Thanu Jey, Director of the Clinic toYorkville Sports Medicine Clinic. "The application of heat to painful areas can really make things worse," he explains. "If you have undergone a recent injury, an inflammation to the damaged tissue is likely to follow. Although the heat feels good and releasing steep tissues, it promotes an increase in inflammation, which can lead to further loss, pain and loss of mobility. "

RX: Instead of heat, Dr. Jey immediately recommends glaze injury and stop using this area to prevent damage.


You suppose "organic" or "all natural" means that it's good for you

woman checking food

According toUSDA, certified organic foods are "cultivated and transformed according to federal directives, among many factors, soil quality, animal breeding practices, parasite control and weeds and the use of additives" . But that does not mean they are healthy. For example, processed foods like macaroni and cheese - or even candies - could be "organic", but most nutritionists would never recommend.

This can also apply to supplements and vitamins, says Monique May, MD, MHA, cooking doctor at MDM. "There may be no harmful impurities. They are not regulated by the FDA because they are not drugs. Taken in excess, they can actually be harmful. There may also be interactions with prescription drugs than You could take. "

RX: Do your nutritional search for food. With regard to vitamins and supplements, always check with your doctor before taking anything.


You do not wear solar cream all year round

middle aged woman applying sunscreen lotion on face on the beach

Everyone knows in Slather on sunscreen in summer. But this is not a clear ritual of personal care during the rest of the year. "Solar cream for your face is a compensation all year long," saysKathleen Cook Suozzi, MD, a dermatological surgeon and director of aesthetic dermatology for Yale medicine. "Patients underestimate how chronic daily exposure in ultraviolet radiation accumulates and leads to the aging of the skin and the risk of skin cancer."

RX: "Even in winter, a sunscreen should be applied to your face," says Suozzi. "Do not forget to think about the snow!"


You breathe in your mouth

woman breathing with her mouth open

Breathing of mouth - common to allergic people - is not as innocent as you think. "The breathing mouth isconducive to illness, "says Maggie Berghoff, MSN, FNP-C, a functional practitioner nurse.

RX: Breathe through your nose. If you notice that you are one mouth mouth because of allergies, talk to your health practitioner on possible remedies. "Breathing through your nose will help eliminate symptoms, increase critical nutrients in the body and keep your get healthier Gut," said Berghoff.


You do not brush or do not crush your teeth enough

woman cleaning her teeth with dental floss and smiling while standing against a mirror in bathroom

Many people make brushing and caring for a daily ritual. But according to the dentist Jeffrey Sulitzer, DMD, Clinical Director forSmiledirectClub, they do not do enough. "Boasting - or jumping - brush teeth and dental floss two to three times a day can have a long-term negative impact on health," he says. "While most people know that brushing and dental floss can keep your teeth clean, they do not know that brushing at least three times a day and the dental silk once a day can reduce the chronic inflammation of gums and support dental structures. " It points 15 years of studies that show that the reduction of chronic inflammation of gum disease with good oral hygiene can positively affect diabetes, heart conditions and overall health.

RX:Sulitzer recommends a brushing routine and regular bristles, as well as trips twice a year to the dentist. "It can do so many things for your overall health and well-being," he says.

RELATED: 20 signs that your tooth pain indicates something more serious


You clean wounds with hydrogen peroxide

Female disinfects the wound on his knee pouring with oxygenated water

You have a cup. What is the first thing most people do? Clean it with hydrogen peroxide or frictional alcohol. It's a non-no, says Rachel Swively, MD, an emergency medicine doctor and a Practitioner toxicologist in New York. "The use of hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol to clean cuts and scratches can be irritating to the skin, healing healing and harm the tissue," she says.

RX: Clean a wound by running it under water for three to five minutes. "Current water is the most important for eliminating debris and bacteria," says Swively. Put it sec, then apply an antibiotic ointment like bacitracin.


You do not follow the hydration equation

Close up focus on female hand holding glass african woman drinking still water

Many health experts recommend drinking eight fluid glasses eight times a day, also called 8 x 8 rules. However, several external factors - including exercise, climate and sodium consumption and other foods and Dehydrating drinks - can leave your body need more hydration. And some people mistakenly believe that all fluids count. "Do not drink enough water - and thinking that coffee behaves towards your cash consumption - is one of the biggest involuntary health mistakes," said Michelle Reed, do. Coffee is a diuretic, she points out.

RX: When determining the amount of water you should drink daily, consider everything you eat and drink, the climate you are in and how much you are doing exercise.


You skip meals


Eliminate meals to hit your weight loss goal may seem like a good idea. But that could lead to predices, says Reed. A 2015animal study I found that skipping meals modifies the metabolic process, resulting in insulin resistance, a precursor of diabetes. The study also revealed that skipped meal mice has accumulated more belly fat than mice allowed to nibble all day.

RX: Eat smaller meals throughout the day instead of skipping meals.


You do exercise inside

Woman on exercise bike

Although any fiscal quantity is beneficial for your health, do your training sessions Al Fresco can seriously increase health benefits. "Working outside allows you to remove many healthy habits at a time," says Berghoff. "You breathe fresh air to increase oxygen and nutrient levels, exposing your skin to the sun to synthesize vitamin D and stimulate mitochondrial health, and you look at nature, which decreases stress and cortisol hormone. Gras storage. " Another bonus? You will improve your circadian rhythm, which helps you sleep well, maintain energy during the day and improve your digestion and metabolism.

RX: Try to exchange your interior workout for an outdoor training several times a week.


You complete with calcium


One of the biggest mistakes for women is being over-completing with calcium without balancing it with magnesium, saysCarolyn, MD, ND, founder of RNA Reset. "When women consume too much calcium without sufficient magnesium, not only will it create stress in the body, but excess calcium will not be used correctly and can become toxic because magnesium is essential for absorption and the Calcium metabolism, "she says. Too much calcium and too little magnesium can cause shapes of arthritis, renal calculations, osteoporosis and calcification of the arteries potentially leading to cardiovascular disease.

RX: Before you start taking vitamins or supplements, talk to your doctor. Ask them to recommend a balanced diet specific to your individual health needs.


You do not sleep enough

Man in bed suffering from insomnia

Everyone knows that sleep is crucial to feel your best, but many people do not realize that not enough can seriously have a serious impact of your physical and mental health. "The lack of sleep puts the stress on the body and depletes the body of mineral anti-stress mood - magnesium - as well as other nutrients improving mood, such as B1. This can lead to mood swings, A cracking, a lack of energy, fatigue, depression and anxiety, "says Dean. Sétoonine, the cerebral chemical of the sensation that has increased from certain drugs, depends on the magnesium for its production and its function." The lack of Sleep will also affect your energy levels, concentration levels and cognitive functions, "she says.

RX: Dean recommends having enough sleep. Adults aged 18 to 64 should be between seven and nine o'clock every night. Those over 65 should have seven to eight.

RELATED: 15 ways to sleep after 40 years


You do not take time for preventive care for back pain

Physiotherapist doing healing treatment on man's back

Most people do not think about the care of preventive pain from the back - they wait for pain to strike. "Preventive care for back pain can help prevent degenerative arthritis," says Allen Conrad, BS, DC, CSCS, owner ofMontgomery County Chiropractic Center.

RX: "Back pain affects millions of people each year, and more people today seek alternative preventive health methods instead of drugs or surgery," said Conrad. It suggests chiropractic care, massage therapy and regular stretching, which can help protect the muscles and tendons of the injury and prevent the degeneration of the spine.


You eat too high sugar fruits

green grapes bunch in bowl

All fruit sugar is not created equal. "Eating fruit can be part of a healthy diet, but some fruits are higher in sugar than others," says Conrad. "The higher fruits of the glycemic index are very high sugar and must be eaten with moderation. For example, grapes have more sugar than chocolate. Make grapes a daily part of your diet, instead of others Fruits like apples, could cause weight. Gain. "

RX: Consume more fruits raised in fiber and sugar, such as cherries, grapes, apples and pears.


You are asking for antibiotics for viral infections

woman holds medications

When you are sick, your first instinct may be to give me a medicine. But antibiotics only work on bacteria. "They do not do anything for viruses, which are the most common cause of colds and sinus infections or throat," says sluddly. "Taking antibiotics when you have a viral infection can cause side effects such as diarrhea and bacterial resistance of breed." This helps create strains of bacteria too strong for antibiotics.

RX: If you have a virus, Shivley recommends taking anti-inflammatory as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, drink plenty of liquids and rest. "Your immune system will take care of the rest," she says.


You suppose wheat is the healthier choice

Bread border on dark wood

Wheat products are often considered healthy because of their high fiber and vitamin content. But pay attention to fine printing. "Foods that say" multi-cereals "," high fibers "or" 100% wheat "may not be an entire cereal product", explains Michaea Gale, RD, LDN, MEDSTAR Harbor Main Clinic Dietian Hospital in Baltimore .

RX: "When selecting wheat products, look for the word" All "at the beginning of the list of ingredients," says Gales. Products that carry the fully total grain stamp guarantee that all grain ingredients are integers.


You clean the wax of your ears with a tip q

Woman is cleaning ear with a cotton swab

Many people rely on Q-Tips to keep their ears clean, but it's another fake of health, says sanitary. "The insertion of a Q (or other object) in your ear can actually pack the wax deeper, causing an impaction that can mince your hearing and cause pain," she says. In addition, pushing objects in your ear can cause a perforation of the eardrum.

RX: Instead of using tricks Q, soften the wax with drops of rush (carbamide peroxide) and irrigate your ear with hot and clean water using a bulb syringe.


You do not drink enough water before reaching food

Water pitcher

"People are often feeling hungry and think they have to eat, in reality, they really have thirsty and need to drink water," says May. "As a person feels thirsty, he or she is already dehydrated." Drinking water helps rinse the impurities of the body. By helping to fill your stomach, it can decrease the meal and nibbling, which can cause weight loss. Being hydrated can also prevent headaches, fatigue, kidney calculations and constipation.

RX: When you get the desire to snack, hydrate first.


You avoid the shot of the flu because you think it "gives you influenza"

Doctor vaccinating women in hospital

In the 2017-2018 influenza season, theCDC It is estimated that about 48.8 million people fell ill with influenza, 22.7 million were so sick that they went to a health care provider, 959,000 hospitalized and 79,400 died. Guess how many of them have influenza to get a vaccination against influenza? According to health experts, zero.

"The influenza vaccine can not give you the flu because it is done with an inactivated virus that can not infect people," says Shosve. "If you develop symptoms such as body pain and a low-grade fever after obtaining the influenza vaccine, this is usually because the vaccines are intentionally returning from your immune system to prevent you from contracting this disease. An immune system Revint can make you feel sick for a short time, but it is much better than contracting the flu, which can cause respiratory failure and death. "

RX: Be incredibly careful where you get your health information. The shot of the flu is not a subject that most health experts are divided. Just get it.


You are eating "Health foods" with added sugar

Woman picks up yogurt from grocery store shelf

You eat super-health foods that has a lot of nutrients. But if it contains added sugar, you might find yourself with a nutritional deficit. "While yoghurt is undoubtedly a great source of probiotics, yogurts with added sugar can reduce the benefits of probiotics to none," saysMarc Milstein, Ph.D.

RX: Opt for yogurts that have little or no added sugar - they are much better for the intestine and the brain.


You follow a non-personalized diet

Woman talking to a nutritionist

Any diet that you are should be personalized to your biochemical unique, says Maggie Berghoff, MSN, FNP-C, a functional nurse practitioner. "Everyone is different, and what can be useful for a person can be detrimental to the other," says.

RX: Consult a health professional to discuss what you need to do to get optimal health.


You are always dung


The vaginal showers is a long ritual that is a waste of time, says Shively. "The vagina is a self-cleaning organ, keeping healthy with secretions, a good pH balance (slightly acid) and an army of useful bacteria," she explains. "Douching is useless and disturbs this delicate balance, making you prone to infections such as yeast and bacterial vaginosis. If you have a vaginal infection, the vaginal showers can push the bacteria more inside, put yourself at risk of pelvic inflammatory disease.

RX: Leave your care of the body of purification, and withstand the desire to buy that summer summer.


You take the batteries of your carbon monoxide detector

Close-up Of Electrician Hands Removing Battery From Smoke Detector

Almost everyone is guilty of taking batteries of a carbon monoxide beep sensor. After all, he is super boring. But a biper detector may indicate that he needs new batteries or can mean high carbon monoxide levels, says Shively. "As carbon monoxide is odorless, it is important to have a detector that works, because high levels can go unnoticed until it is too late," explains. The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headaches (something you could assign to the boredom), nausea, dizziness and fainting. It can be fatal.

RX: Try to change the batteries of your detector if it continues to go off. Remember investing in an intelligent home air quality detector that is not so boring, likeAirhings Wave More. If you think your home has a high level of carbon monoxide, you move to fresh air, call the fire department and consult your doctor.

RELATED: 100 ways your home can make you sick


You do not take into account the link between mental health and physical health

women therapy

When physical symptoms occur, do not forget the mind-minded connection. "I see so many people in my practice who suffer from IBS and other intestine-related disorders," said Theresa Mr. Peronace-Onorato, MACP, SAC, specialist in certified traumaAnchoring points advice. "They come into the therapy believe that their stomach problems are completely separated from their mental health problems. »

For example, many people do not realize that 95 percent of serotonin, also known as the "happy chemical" well-being, is in our digestive tract. "Most people think of serotonin as neurotransmitter existing only in the brain," she says. "It is not surprising that when mental health problems reduce gravity, patients find their stomach problems have as well. »

RX: When you start pills for health problems, consider talking with a mental health professional.


You are not verifying contraindications drugs

man with prescription medications

There is a reason why doctors are diligent on recording all drugs, vitamin supplement and take. But sometimes, something slips through the mesh of the net. "In the world of mental health, it is rare to see a patient who is prescribed two drugs that are harmful when taken together," says Peronace Onorato. "For example, I have seen it quite a few people who had made progress with an antidepressant, to learn it was at the origin of their blood pressure medications to become less effective or very ineffective. Because antidepressants can be testing and error, according to one of the biochemistry, and they can take weeks at work, it can be discouraging for patients to learn the medicine that finally works for them will have to be arrested .

RX:When drugs are prescribed by different physicians, it is important to check with your pharmacist to make sure there are no contraindications. "This can be prevented by ensuring that all medicines used to all doctors involved, as well as to paste a pharmacy when presenting the orders," says Peronace-Onorato.


You do not keep an eye on your IMC

BMI calculation

According to a study published inThe lancet71% of American men and 62% of women are overweight or obese. "The reason it is so important to be so important is that serious health problems - including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and kidney disease - are associated with an IMC greater than 23 years," has declared John Chuback, MD, Certified General Surgeon of the Board and author ofMake your own cheese. Even more alarming: In 2013, 13% of children in the United States were obese, which corresponds to an IMC of 30 or more. "Given the reflection statistics, it seems to be a problem that goes placed or nation for future generations, unless major philosophical and behavioral changes are produced."

RX: Start paying attention to your BMI. "This change process begins with each of us as individuals and as family units," says Chuback. The exercise, including the formation of force and development on nutrition is crucial to maintaining obesity at the bay.


You do not clean your bottle of water

Stainless thermos bottle on a wooden table sprayed with water

It's easy to forget to give your bottle of water a good wash. Most people tend to rinse it several times, then fill it. This could be dangerous, says Daniel Atkinson, GP Clinical lead totreated. "Once you have consumed the water, there are still tiny particles of water in the bottle," he says. "If I am not cleaned for more than two days, harmful bacteria can begin to multiply. If the bottle is not thoroughly cleaned between use, it is possible that this harmful bacterium can be present in the water. You consume. "

RX: Wash your bottle between uses. "As a guide: If your bottle is empty and you do not intend to fill it relatively quickly, it could be enough to give it a good clean," says Atkinson.


You think that the vapade is less harmful than smoking

Man smoking electronic cigarette

The recent epidemic of death and disease-related diseases should be sufficient to dissuade people from vaping. "The vapade can produce formaldehyde and other carcinogenic chemicals, and some of the aromas can produce chemicals that damage pulmonary tissue," saysRichard Martinello, MD, a specialist in infectious diseases with Yale medicine.

RX: Do not smoke, do not vaple. For tips on how to quit smoking, visit theAmerican Pulmonary Association website.


You do not wash your hands when you think they are dirty

The hands of a man who washes his hands with soap dispenser

Many of us wash our hands only when we think they are dirty, which is a huge mistake, according to Martinello. "Our hands pick up germs throughout the day and some of these germs can make us sick," he says.

RX: Always wash your hands before eating and after using the bathroom. "Soap and water are perfect for eliminating dirt from our hands," says Martinello. "The water-free painser is very active against most germs and is particularly useful when our hands are not visibly dirty or we are not near a sink."

RELATED: 20 facts that will change the way you wash your hands


You do not know the symptoms of stroke

Man with chest pain

If you suffer a stroke, enter the hospital as soon as possible can save your life. "During a stroke, about 1.9 million brain cells die per minute," says Neurosurgeon Chris Mansi, MD, CEO ofViz.ai. When a patient arrives at the emergency room with stroke symptoms, the time sensitive situation requires diagnosis and treatment as quickly as possible. "Delays in treatment can increase the risk of the patient with a mediocre result such as paralysis or death, regardless of treatment," he says, noting that studies have shown that he could take nearly 30 minutes and sometimes up to 116 to identify an occlusion of large vessels. on a radiological image.

RX: Know the symptoms of a stroke. If you think you may live one, go to the emergency immediately.


You do not eat enough

Hungry woman

Weight loss seems to be a simple equation: consume less energy than you spend. However, according to Gale, some people make the mistake of not consuming enough. "The limitation of calories too low can lower your metabolic rate and make your body store more fat," she says. "When you return to your normal food admission templates, you can not burn calories at the same rate you have done before, which requires you to pack on books."

RX: Talk to a nutritional expert and follow a power plan that offers all the nutrients you need. And live your healthiest life with these 50 secrets to live at 100 !

Categories: Health
Tags: tips / Unhealthy
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