Things you should never do when someone has a crisis

Mythbusting your misconceptions could save someone's life.

Imagine that you are at the cinema of the cinema when, suddenly, the guy in front of you in the line of concession falls on the ground, trembling violently, popcorn spread everywhere - he has a crisis. Or you talk to your mother at the mall when her arm begins to contract and looks empty, answering your voice.

What would you do? Whatshould you do?

Many of us would work or would probably panic. Seizures can be absolutely terrifying. Some are totally disabled, while others are not so obvious - in each case, that's what happens when the electrical activity in the brain becomes Haywire. And chances are, you know someone who had one. About 3.4 million people in the United States live with epilepsy, according to theCDC. But you can also have a crisis for many other reasons. That's why eating that, not that! Health has spoken with medical experts to find out someone to enter a seizure.


Do not panic

Teenager trying to get back on her feet while receiving support from an elder

We know it's a difficult. Seizures can be frightening if you have never seen one. Looking at someone you care about falling on the ground with convulsions is one of the most difficult things you can imagine. But now is not the time to panic. "Take a deep inspiration and do not be afraid," says Patty Shafer Rn, MN, Senior Director of Health Information with theEpilepsy Foundation. "Helping someone to have a crisis is easy. Remember these three things: stay. His healing. Be simply with them, keep them in a safe place and turn them on their side if they lose consciousness. "


Do not let them wander

man getting first air to injured woman after car accident on road

You might be surprised to hear that everyone has no convulsive crises. "The convulsions could look like a tonic-clonic seizure - you shake, to have a very rigid body tone, collapse and lose your consciousness," says Dr. Lance Lee, Glendale neurologist, California. "But it may also be that you look and do not answer. Some people have just taken things or to contract involuntarily, arm or leg waving uncontrollably." Some people even wander during seizures. So make sure they do not work in traffic or do not fall on the stairs - they will not be aware of their environment.


Do not try to give the CPR

First aid training on street

When someone has a crisis, they can make your mouth, transform rigid and pass - their skin can even turn a little blue. Do not try to give them rescue or CPR breaths, unless otherwise specified by the emergency staff. "Their heart will beat like crazy and their blood pressure, so it's the state of cardiac arrest," says Dr. Lee. "So, the CPR is not necessary because their heart works." During a tonic-clonic seizure, one might seem that the person stopped breathing - this happens when the thoracic muscles get. Their breath will come back slowly to normal while their muscles relax.


Do not let them stay on the back

 man has a dizzy spell or a heart attack. Woman comes to the rescue

One of the most important things you can do to help someone have a crisis is to transform them from them if they fall. "A person having a crisis could drool or vomit, then choke if they are on the back," says Dr. Elizabeth Felton MD, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurology at theThe University of Wisconsin-Madison.


Do not try to remember them

woman measures the blood pressure of an senior adult

Severed crises sometimes make a person abuse violently. You should never try to restrict someone with a crisis - it can lead to an injury. According toEpilepsy FoundationPeople do not fight on purpose during a crisis, but if you are trying them when they are already confused, it could make the person more agitated and aggressive.


Do not give them a stick to bite

Tongue depressor

People sometimes fear that a person with a crisis of a crisis engulfs the language, so they try to force a stick in their mouth to bite. But it's dangerous. First of all, they have uncontrolled convulsions, they could bite you severely. Or strangle on everything you are trying to give them. "Do not put anything in their mouth - it includes your fingers!" said Dr. Felton.

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Do not leave them alone

woman comforting sad friend at restaurant

Make sure the person is in a safe environment during a crisis is essential, so if you see, stay at their side. Encourage other spectators to retreat and give the person a room. This can be confusing and embarrassing to wake up on the soil surrounded by frightened faces of complete foreigners. Do your best to calmly explain what happened, who and where you are, and do not let before you can do it.


Do not let them stay in the water

Male boy struggling underwater drowning in swimming pool.

If anyone has a crisis in the water, get them out and call 911. Noyade is a major risk factor. "You can drown when you have a crisis in the water, whether you are in a pool or bath," says Shafer. "If you fall face to face, it takes only half an inch of water to cover your respiratory tract."


Do not hesitate to call 911

Hand Holding Smartphone With Emergency Number 911 On The Screen

Try time input if you have your watch or iPhone. If it lasts five minutes or more, it's time to call 911. "The convulsions that last too long can cause complications, and it is a medical emergency," says Shafer. It recommends that you call 911 if it is the first seizure of the person, or are injured, pregnant, or they have more than a crisis in a row without finding consciousness.


Do not attempt to give them pills

woman with pills

It is not safe to put something in a person's mouth when they have a crisis. If they are not completely awake and do not know what's going on, or to have convulsions, they might puzzle. "Some people with epilepsy are prescribed rescue medications, used either during a prolonged crisis to help stop it or after a seizure to prevent more than one at a time," says Dr. Felton. "If the emergency medicine is a pill, it should not be given during a seizure if they are not."


Do not expect them to return to normal right away

Passerby calling ambulance while checking pulse of unconscious woman outdoors

It takes time to get back on an electric storm in your brain. The poster phase is the technical name of the time immediately following an entry when your brain and body start recovering. It usually lasts between 5 and 30 minutes, but may be longer in the case of more serious seizures. "Some patients can be confused or appeared" for a moment, "said Dr. Felton. The person will be in an altered state during this phase and can undergo a loss of memory, drowsiness, headaches, nausea or a deficiency of speech. In rare cases, patients can experiment withPOSTITAL psychosis, characterized by hallucinations, paranoia and aggression. Call 911 if you suspect the poslecty psychosis.


Do not assume it's epilepsy

Medical doctor pointing with pen to the brain poblem on the MRI study result

The seizures are a light symptom of epilepsy, but you can have seizures without being diagnosed with the disease. "We really look at whether it was a capture provoked or not likely to help determine if a person has an epilepsy," says Dr. Lee. "Not caused means that the person is otherwise healthy, no fever, no drugs, a normal scan of the brain and blue, they have a crisis. The crises provoked occur because of a reason. You have an infection to the Bladder, a bladder infection, you had a high fever, your electrolytes are out of control, your body is under a lot of stress. This can happen to anyone. I could have a fever of 105 and have a crisis crisis. This does not mean that you have an epilepsy. And as a doctor, I would not treat these seizures at all. I would treat fever. There is a huge difference. "


If you have epilepsy, do not miss your medications


Speaking of medicines - If you have epilepsy, you follow your treatment plan is essential. "We have many excellent medicines to treat convulsions," says Dr. Lee. "Sometimes people are worried about side effects, but there are so many more benefits than harm in these drugs. When you have a crisis, you might fall into the bathroom alone and hit your head. You can drive and crush your car, and end up killing yourself or someone else. This is the kind of consequences we are talking about. "Drugs are very effective when taken correctly - According to the Epilepsy Foundation, They work on 7 out of 10 people, so do not stop taking them without your doctor. And live your happiest and healthiest life, do not miss these70 things you should never do for your health.

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