How not to get a cold / virus

A simple trick can significantly reduce your risk.

It seems that the season begins earlier each year. Not the holiday season - we know that begins earlier every year, but the cold season and the flu. Technically, the flu season starts around each year October; When fresh temperatures, people spend more time inside, making the transmission of a virus or two much easier. The adult receives on average two to three colds a year.

If the influenza season last year seemed more than most, you are right: it lasted 21 weeks, the longest of a decade. Experts believe that there is about abillion colds every year. But with something descending is not inevitable. There are simple steps you can take to increase your chances of avoiding bugs.

How not to get a cold

The experts are almost unanimous on the best way to avoid caught a cold or flu virus: wash your hands regularly, and wash them well. (Or use a disinfectant for alcohol-based hands.)

Colds and flu are widespread most often when someone is sighting or coughing the virus in the air, a close contact with someone who transports a virus (like by hugs or shake hands), or touch Surfaces where the virus hides, then touching their eyes, nose or mouth.

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And these surfaces may be the places you are waiting for the least. We all know the importance of washing your hands after using public toilets, but several surfaces are great. The researchers found that the elevator buttons are 40 times a toilet seat, cell phones are 10 times germic and restaurant menus have 100 times more bugs. Another study revealed that half of the caddies at an average grocery had E. coli bacteria on the handles. Scientists from the University of Arizona made a study on germs in office spaces and finds the rest room, not the bathroom, a germinal point of access - when the researchers put a germ of Synthesis on the handle of a desktop pot, it spread to almost all the surfaces in the office within four hours!

All this is to say: your best shot is to be conscientious to wash your hands or using a generous gicle of hand disinfectant after touching busy surfaces. Buy disinfectant for hands in hand and plaque in your handbag, car, bag or briefcase. Use it after opening the coffee door and before you sit to enjoy your milk coffee, once you have gave your dinner menu to the server, or once you have released public transport. You can buy Travel Packs Size of antibacterial wipes to bring with you to the grocery store to wipe the basket handles.

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In terms of hand washing, if you think you've shown lax on this, you are certainly not alone: ​​a recent study revealed that 97% of us do not do it properly. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends washing with soap and water for 20 seconds, the time it takes to sing "happy birthday" twice.

There is no need to become paranoid and start the price of dangerous material costumes to put on each time you leave the house - just do the washing of hands or disinfecting a quick part of your routine, and you can really increase your chances of staying well this season.

How not to catch the flu

In addition to following the above steps, you can reduce your risk of getting the flu by getting an annual influenza vaccine. The CDC recommends that each adult get each year; The agency claims that it can reduce your chances of getting the flu from 30 to 60 percent.

RELATED: When do not get vaccinated against influenza


If you get down with a cold or the flu, the best thing to do is to practice self-care with these old standby: rest, lots of liquids and over-the-counter medications to reduce the symptoms and lower fever . Both cold and flu are caused by viruses, antibiotics will not help. That said, if you feel one of the following symptoms, it's a good idea to call your doctor; They might indicate that you have developed a secondary infection that needs to be treated.

  • Fever greater than 101.3 F (38.5 c).
  • A fever that lasts five days or returns after a period of three days.
  • Shortness of breath, wheezing or breathing difficulties.
  • Gorge graves, headaches or sinus pain.
  • Plachats of red, brown or black mucosities. (Unlike popular belief, yellow or green phlegm does not always mean a bacterial infection and antibiotics need.) And to live your happiest and healthier life, do not miss these50 irregular habits on the planet.

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