Engineering advice that keep the winter disease away
Protect yourself from debilitating cold weeks and flu.

The colds and the Flus are like stalkers in a horror movie: they went after your spouse, your colleague, your neighbor, are you next ??? You do not need to be. Here are 15 advice approved by the doctor eating this, not that! Health to keep the winter disease away.
1 Clean your toothbrush
Clean your toothbrush

Rinse your toothbrush after using it's not exactly the most effective method to get rid of germs. According toDr.Carolyn, MD, NDExpert in health, diet and nutrition, they are one of the biggest guilty of winter disease. "They must be soaked in a 3% hydrogen peroxide on a daily basis during the period of cold and flu," she suggests.
2 Frequently change air filters
Frequently change air filters

The planes are one of the worst places to catch a winter disease, namely because of the stagnant air. Do not transform your home into an airplane cabin. Dr. Dean suggests to regularly modify the filters of your home to make sure to circulate air free from dust, mold or bacteria - all the things that make you more vulnerable.
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3 Get your influenza shot
Get your influenza shot

This may seem obvious, but if you want to avoid getting the flu, make sure to get a lug, reminds Monique May, MD. TheCDCRecommends that anyone over six months get it every year and that the time has come if you did not do it. Not only can this reduce your chances of dying influenza and the likelihood that you end up in the hospital, but can reduce the severity of your illness if you get sick.
4 Wash sheets and towels twice a week
Wash sheets and towels twice a week

Sheets and towels can be some of the most germs sheets of your home, according to Dr. Dean. In winter, you must wash these sheets twice a week as a preventive measure. If someone from your home is sick, try to avoid using the same towels as if you do not want to find yourself under time.
5 Wash your hands. A lot.
Wash your hands. A lot.

According to Dr. Mintz, the best thing to do to avoid getting sick is washing frequently. "It helps prevent viruses that you may have contracted someone else in your system," he says. To do so correctly - each time - do not miss these essential elements20 facts that will change the way you wash your hands.
6 Use hydroalcoholic gel. A lot.
Use hydroalcoholic gel. A lot.

Wear a disinfectant with you at any time, perhaps suggests. While you may think of getting your hands sanitizer after shaking someone's hand, you should use it after twisting a handle handle, using the ATM, or on public transit.
7 Try to avoid hitting all the hot spots of germ
Try to avoid hitting all the hot spots of germ

"Winter diseases are caused by viruses"Matthew Mintz, MD, FACP, says eating this, not that! Health. "They are transmitted from humans through cough via cough and through direct or indirect contact. And when it's cold outside, more people are inside, closer." While you can not quarantine all season, there are some places that are germs that others - like public transport, children's indoor play spaces, gym and rooms of waiting for the hospital. Try to avoid spending time in these places as much as possible during the winter months. If they are unavoidable, make sure to bring your disinfectant by hand and try not to get in touch with anyone coughing, sniff or show other disease symptoms.
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8 Work on your well-being routine
Work on your well-being routine

Dr Mintz emphasizes that the concept of going outside with wet hair will make you sick is a total myth. And search on zinc and vitamin C in disease prevention is also incomplete. However, one of the simplest ways you can prevent you from focusing on your well-being. "When your body does not work well, your immune system can be compromised, which makes you more susceptible to disease," he says. Sleep enough sleep, maintain a healthy diet, exercise and keep stress at a minimum will keep you much healthier than drying your hair.
9 Avoid sugar
Avoid sugar

According to Dean, the sugar compromises the immune system and depletes the magnesium of immunity. "The sugar causes magnesium deficiency because 28 magnesium molecules are necessary to metabolize a sugar sugar molecule of sucrose - and 56 molecules are necessary to metabolize a molecule of fructose," she explains.
10 Try to alternate hot and cold water in the shower
Try to alternate hot and cold water in the shower

Dean Mitchell, MD,Offers a natural method for stimulating the immune system. "The best experts I talked about believing the key to naturally activate the immune system - alternating hot and cold water for 30 seconds when you shower," he says. "It seems to have an impact on our nervous system that signals a high alert for the immune system to reduce viruses and infections."
11 Keep your hands away from your face
Keep your hands away from your face

The cold, influenza and other respiratory viruses are transmitted by contact with an infected person, then touch the eyes, nose or mouth, reminds Monique May, MD. Therefore, touching your face is one of the simplest ways to get sick! If you have to wash your hands first.
RELATED: 30 things you should not do when time gets colder
12 Take caution when shoveling the snow
Take caution when shoveling the snow

According toSteven Reisman, MD,The cold and the flu can be the least of your winter worries. One of the most dangerous diseases in winter is the occurrence of a heart attack during the shovel of the snow. "The snow shovel is a known cause of heart attack," he explains. "The cold air can cause a constriction of the blood flow to the heart and reduce the supply of oxygen to the heart. This in combination with the increase in heart rate and blood pressure and thus sudden overvoltage of work or demand on the heart can precipitate a heart attack. "
To reduce your chances of undergoing a heart attack while sinking snow, he suggests to warm up first so that blood flowed, using a small shovel, and trying to delay your snow later in the morning. "Early in the morning is a" main hour "for heart attacks because blood is more likely to hide. Cardiac crises also tend to be more severe in the morning," he says.
13 Take good vitamins
Take good vitamins

You can not just take a vitamin C bouquet the second that you start feeling sick and expect you to feel miraculously better. The best way to avoid becoming sick is to build your immunity, which you can do with the help of a daily custom vitamin, suggests Arielle Levitan, MD, co-founderYou vitamin llc. She suggests trying one that contains key vitamins to support immunity, such as vitamin D3, C and B vitamins. "You can also take supplements C, D and Zinc when you get off with something," she adds.
14 Amp your magnesium
Amp your magnesium

Dean, author ofThe magnesium miraclesuggests building your immunity with magnesium supplements. "Magnesium works as a powerful booster immune system to fight and / or prevent colds and flu," she explains. The manner in which it involves increasing the activity of the portion of the immune system involved in the formation of antibodies (immune response) and to act on cells - make them more active to protect themselves from microbial, bacterial attacks and viral. You can also get your magnesium via food. Dr Dean suggests organic green leaves such as curly cabbage, spinach and chard, as well as pumpkin and pumpkin seeds.
15 Consider a chiropractic fit
Consider a chiropractic fit

The immune system has a physical rooting. "When your spine is misleading, it causes additional stress on your nervous system, which alters the ability of your body to fight diseases," explainsAllen Conrad, BS, DC, CSCSMontgomery County Chiropractic Center in North Wales, Pa. "Chiropractic adjustments can increase your immune system, which can help prevent your body from wearing the cold season and the flu." And live your happiest and healthiest life, do not miss these50 irregular habits on the planet.