10 ways your winter speed makes you sick

You will never take your gloves in the same way

Winter Weather Reviews: The same clothes destined to protect, you risk getting sick. It can come like a surprise. During this period of the year, which does not wear the same gloves, hats and scarves every day, never thinking about what can be hidden? This is this, not that! Ten ways of health that your winter equipment makes you sick, according to health experts.


You do not wash your gloves

Hands in the ski gloves creates a snowball winter day

"Due to touch, gloves have a large number of bacteria," saysMarina Yuabova, DNP, FNP. "Yes, indeed, we touch surfaces with our gloved hands, but everyone touches on their side thousands of times a day. So every time your infected gloves and / or your dirty hands touch your face, there is will have a high risk of winter infection. Grims of colds and flu. "To prevent the spread of infection,Allen Conrad, BS, DC, CSCS, Chiropractic center of Montgomery County in North Wales, PA, suggests reversing gloves every two weeks. In addition, Dr. Yuabova suggests negating only your hands when you touch objects often affected by others. "This includes using touchdown buttons on the ATM or elevators," she says. In addition, never use your teeth when you leave your gloves! You could as well lick a handful handle.


You wear too many layers

man in several hats and scarfs in stressed on colored background

One of the biggest winter myths is that, too cold, can make you sick - when, in fact, overheating could also be a culprit. "New research shows that the cold is better for the immune system than being too hot," saysDean Mitchell, MD. As a result, super heavy counterillages can be worse, sometimes more sweatshirts and lighter jackets when they moved outdoors in cold weather. "The cold stimulates the immune system to enter high speed!" he adds. The wearing of too layers can also cause perspiration, which can lead to dehydration and can also cause a lack of mobility. Wear what you need to stay warm, but do not do it too much.


You do not wash your scarves

Pile of knitted winter scarfs on straw basket

Many of us avoid washing our scarves. After all, many of them are made from materials such as wool and cashmere. In addition, they only touch our neck, so how could germinis be? According toAssociation for professionals in the control of infections and epidemiologyIn addition to gloves, scarves are the most germs winter equipment. "Allaying and sneezing into our scarves and touching common surfaces like door handles with our gloves, we potentially transfer bacteria and viruses," saysRyan Steele, do, a Yale medicine allergologist. In addition, sometimes they cross your face or are placed directly under the chin. If the fabric allows, wash your weekly scarves with hot water or detergent.


You do not screw your wet winter clothes

Grey wool gloves with a pattern hanging on a leash

Make sure to wash your equipment at any time, they become soiled and do not let them stay wet, increasing the risk of mold, Nasia Safdar, medical director of the infection control department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, saidAarp. For example, if your gloves are wet to touch the snow, do not push them into your pocket and forget them. This hot and humid environment could be the ideal place for race mold!

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You wear synthetic hats and do not clean them

man in several hats and scarfs in stressed on colored background

The hats protect our ears and keep our heads warm during cold days. But carefully choose the material of your winter hats, warns Dr. Yuabova. "Choose hats based on natural fibers such as wool, cotton or bamboo," she suggests. This is because the hats touch our hair and skins and can accumulate dead cells from the skin and oils of our hair. These materials tend to breathe and wash better than synthetics, which is important because it maintains that you have to wash at least every four weeks.


You wear erroneous big boots

man in several hats and scarfs in stressed on colored background

Hot winter boots are a must. However, many people wear the wrong size, which can have a negative impact on your feet - causing light bulbs, onions and possibly arthritis. "For our feet to be hot, choose your boots very carefully - dimensioning is very important," says Dr. Yuabova. "You have to make sure you have enough space to overcome your toes while wearing hot socks."

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You wear the bad socks

Feet in woollen socks by the mountains view

Just like hats, selection of tissues of your socks should not be a reflection afterwards. Dr. Yuabova suggests sticking to natural fibers so that your feet are not transpired and raising bacteria.


You do not taint your shoes

A person is cleaning and spraying agent on men's suede casual boots for protection from moisture and dirt

One of the main things you want to avoid when it comes to your feet, wet wet, as it encourages the growth of bacteria, explains Dr. Yuabova. Spray your shoes with a protective barrier at the beginning of the season will help protect this from happening. "Spray boots with waterproof sealing," she says. In the case where the liquid passes inside the boots, the meticulous drying is important to prevent the growth of fungal spores inside the boot.


You do not wear socks with blurred boots

Woman in jeans wearing warm, fuzzy sheepskin boots ,walking on the street

It may be tempting to stick your feet directly into your blurred winter boots or furs, because that's what they are destined, right? However, think about what's happening when your feet starts from transpiring them, leaving hardened material. Hello, Foot fungus! If you want to keep your feet happy in the long run, and your stinky boots, find a pair of comfortable socks to wear with them.


You incorrectly use the cuffs

Wool Handwarmers with Christmas Decorations and Lantern Light

You know these hand inserts that make much more tolerable cold weather? They are surprisingly hot for bacteria. "DIYers contain bacteria after being reused," says Conrad. Not only will you avoid reuse, but also make sure you do not spill your gloves. "They must be washed after each use to avoid spreading germs," ​​he says. And live your happiest and healthiest life, do not miss these70 things you should never do for your health.

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