20 ways your home can give you cancer

These innocent image items can issue harmful chemicals that can increase your risk of cancer.

Durking in your Safe Refuge could be a very dangerous collection of pollutants causing cancer. Your bed, candle, carpet, sheets - even your tap water can contain or emit harmful chemicals that can increase your risk of cancer.

All cancers are not avoidable, but with simple changes around the house, you can dramatically reduce your risks. Read this special eating this, not that! Health Report on the Top 20 Cancer-Caring Household Articles - and our safer options recommended - and put the "Sweet" in "Home Sweet Home".


Your tap water

Woman hand's filling the glass of water.

The titles have made national news just last year: the pollution of nitrates in American drinking water can be the cause of 12,594 cases of cancer, according to peer analysis, "" first national analysis "by the goal non-profitEnvironmental Working Group and researchers from the University of the Northeast.

So, what are the nitrates anyway? They are a naturally forming compound created when nitrogen combines oxygen or ozone. Nitrogen is essential for all living beings - and in the form of nitrate, nitrite or ammonium, is essential for plant growth. Many fertilizers use nitrogen as an essential growth ingredient. But high levels of nitrates can be dangerous for health, especially for pregnant women and babies according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

RX: If you suspect that nitrates can be in your drinking water, you can test it. Contact your statecertification officer For a list of laboratories in your area that can test on your drinking water. Well water is a particular risk. If your drinking water comes from a well, do itTested regularly, at least once a year, after installing a processing system to ensure that the problem is controlled.


Your carpet

Close up portrait of woman feet on floor at home with digital tablet.

Everyone blames the family's dog to give gas. But consider the carpet. According toEnvironmental Protection AgencyMany rugs are made from synthetic fibers treated with chemicals that "out of gas" are they at a time, give off gases in your home. A group of activists calledThe Environmental Health Center Does a study on six of the largest carpet manufacturers in the United States and found that the 12 carpets they have tested positive for toxic substances related to cancer, hormonal disturbances, respiratory disorders and development health problems In children, among others.

And you know that "new carpet" smell? While you can associate it with the excitement of a new or renovated house, this smell actually comes from chemical compounds related toComplications of the eyes, nose and respiratory.

RX: Head of polypropylene, nylon or acrylic mats and go with healthier options such as wool, jute, sisal, mohair or organic cotton.


My bed and your bed mattress

Close up photo of young man demonstrating quality of mattress.

One-third of your life has passed to sleep, but when you discover what can be hidden in your mattress, you risk losing eyes. It can be filled with potentially toxic synthetic materials. In July 2007, a new regulation was adopted so that all mattresses should be required to delay the flame. In order to meet the flame requirements, a mattress must be able to withstand exposure to a blowtorch for 70 seconds, which requires a loss of the mattress in potentially toxic flame retardant chemicals.

RX: Look for a biological mattress or 100% wool without toxin, organic or 100% wool for yourself and your child (especially a baby!). Look for labels that sayGetStandard Organic Textile -Global-orGolsOrganic Latex Standard. GOTS is a rigorous certification, which means at least 95% of mattress materials are certified organic.


Your cotton pillowcases and sheets

Big white soft pillows on a white luxury cozy bed with clean white sheets.

We have just spoken about your mattress. Now come between the leaves. Many sheets and pillows consist of cultivated cotton in a conventional way, which is one of the dirtiest crops and most pesticides in the world. The National Federation of Wildlifereportsthat, according to the US Department of Agriculture, "84 million pounds of pesticides have been applied to 14.4 million acres of nation cotton in 2000 and more than two billion fertilizer books have been distributed on these same fields ". It's scary. Whenever possible, buy organic cotton bedding and be aware that your choices have extensive ramifications.

RX:Here is the big news: There are many excellent alternatives, including bamboo, linen and organic cotton. Take the passage of classic sheets and sleep well


Your fabric softener and dryer leaves

putting softener to washing machine

Ok, we talked about your mattress, we talked about your conventional cotton leaves. We must now talk about how you wash these leaves. You may want to stay away from conventional fabric softeners and dryer leaves. TheNewspaper of Toxicology and Environmental Health find that some sheets of fabric softeners emit toxic chemicals. Among the most harmful ingredients: benzyl acetate (relative to pancreas cancer),benzyl alcohol (Irritating from the upper respiratory tract), ethanol (related to the disturbances of the central nervous system), at the limonene (known carcinogen) and chloroform (neurotoxin and carcinogen), among others.

RX: If you want a non-toxic option, try the fabric softener of the natural lavender smell of the seventh generation or the natural softener of the Ecover. Both are of good choices because they are made of natural products and natural essential oils instead of severe and potentially toxic chemicals. Another healthy option are eco wool dries.


Your cosmetic and beauty products

Testers of different lipsticks in the cosmetic store.

Yes-cosmetics and personal products make us look like and feel better, but do you always use the same articles if you knew they could have a negative impact on your health? University of California, Berkeleyreports That some chemicals commonly found in makeup and beauty products can contribute to the development of cancer-parabens is of particular concern. A common preservative used in foundations, body moisturizers, anti-aging creams, anti-shaving cream / gels, shampoos, conditioners and more parabens help prevent bacterial growth from forming in your favorite products. But beware ... Parabens can act in endocrine disruptors by imbranching estrogen, which is particularly concerned because excess estrogen can lead to tumor growth. Being safe, be without paraben.

RX: Scan the ingredient lists of the products to make sure you buy; Parabens usually appear on lists of ingredients like methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben and butylparaben. The action of breast cancer has an excellent resource that listsBeauty without paraben, non-toxic beauty and personal product options To make life health easier!


Your air freshener

Air freshener spray aerosols in action.

Air sanitizers are everywhere: bedrooms, bathrooms, cars, etc., and their ingredients go widely undisclosed due to regulatory protections on the ingredients of consumer products and perfume formulations - withPotentially dangerous chemicals Hide behind a black capture box - any terms such as "perfume", "perfume", "perfume" or "perfume". theBuilding and environmental log reports Whether it allows companies to hide harmful ingredients such as phthalates, formaldehyde and many other conservatives (many of which are known to carcinogens) in their products - without the connoisseur of the consumer.

RX: For a more natural and non-toxic alternative, try undergoing perfumes, made with 100% plant-based materials. Or maybe, instead of using air sanitizers, eliminate the actual source of smell (we look at Kitty liteter!) Or open a window and turn on a fan. Finally, not the least, our favorite stench winner? A box of baking soda - a smart, safe and effective way to reduce odors.


Your scented candles


They can be an essential part of your autonomous routine, but experts say that your love of scented candles can breathe in dangerous toxins. One of the main culprits? Fragrance added. TheNational Institute of Health (NIH) has published a survey of certain fragrant consumer goods showing that products emitted more than 100 volatile organic compounds (VOCs), some of which are classified as toxic or dangerous by federal laws. Paraffin is a problem too. Most candles are made with paraffin wax, which come from petroleum and oil candles emitting a variety of chemical compounds causing cancer, such as toluene and benzene.

RX: Here's how to define the healthy atmosphere: opt for natural wax candles that use soy. They are considered as the cleanest because they produce only about one-tenth of the soot created typically by paraffin candles!


Your baby bottles and plastic water bottles

Three kinds of bottles and cups with water for baby

The fantastic plastic, except when it's not the case. Most of us are exposed to many plastic products every day, baby bottles with toys to spatulas. But all plastics are not created equal. The research suggests that, while all plastics can launch chemicals so scratched, gradient or heated, some plastic byproducts are particularly dangerous, such as BPA (bisphenol a) -and can cause cancer in humansSome of a crowd of other serious problems with accumulated accumulation in the body. The BPA is located in many plastic products, dental sealants and cashier recipes to stabilize the ink.

RX: Do you want to limit BPA in your life? Wear your own bottle of glass, steel or ceramic; Use only baby bottles and other child food products that clearly indicate that they are without BPA.


Your wardrobe (specifically your clothes cleaned dry)

Luxury walk in closet / dressing room with lighting and jewel display.

Dry cleaning is dirtier than you think. According toNational health institutes Dry cleaning can be a toxic and probable carcinogenic process due to the use of a chemical called perchlorethylene, or perc.

RX: Look for green dry cleaners in your area or try to wash your clothes at home. We will leave you in a small secret: according to some fashion experts, many dry cleaning labels are not accurate, which means that the garment can actually be able to be washed by the machine (soft cycle) or by hand.


Your sofa and your love

Condo Resort Interior Living Space.

Take a seat for this one: it's a story of a security measure. In 1975, California adopted a law requiring furniture manufacturers to treat their products with flame flame retardants, which protects against fire (at that time often caused by cigarette founded). Soon, all American furniture included flame retardants. But later, it has been found that these chemicals could migrate products into people who use them, causing endocrine disturbances and neurotoxic effects, especially for pregnant women and children.

But here are some good news: California Updatethe law In 2013, and in 2014, the transmission of new regulations indicate less likely that flame retardants will be part of the filling materials used for sofas and other padded furniture. Yes, this means that manufacturers are in the use of these chemicals!

RX: If you make a sofa (or other padded furniture), buy and want your new room to be non-toxic, pay attention to labeling and make sure you check the mark so you know some. The store or website may not have all the information.


Your granite counters

contemporary kitchen with a breakfast bar and polished stone work top.

The granite counters are requested for their durability and their beautiful appearance, but they can yield radon gas potentially being higher than the levels considered safe. The radon is "a natural radioactive gas causing cancer that you can not see, feel or taste," according to theEnvironmental Protection Agency.

TheJournal of radio chemistry and nuclearPublished a study that found that the radium content of some colored granites was greater than others. (The radium is the immediate chemical precursor of the radon, which means that the radon emission is directly correlated with the radium content.) Sometimes the color rings the alarm: red and pink granites had a red radium content 3.5 times higher than that of black or gray granite.

Now, most experts say that the amount of radon emitted by your average granite counter is not sufficient to affect health, but the only way to know certainty is to test your granite counter. Note that the EPA indicates that all houses are tested for radon - regardless of counter equipment.

RX: Knowledge is power. For more information EPA on the radon, go tothis page. And if you renovate your kitchen, consider Quartz or Corian countertops.


Your nail polish

Manicure nail

If you like painting your nails, this warning is for you: several chemicals commonly found in nail polish and nail products are known carcinoges. Many nail polish contain formaldehyde, a hardening agent, that theAdministration of workplace safety and health Said can raise the cancerous risks, as well as butyl acetate, solvent and ethyl methacrylate, the main ingredient of acrylic nails. Exposure to these carcinogenic chemicals can also result in damage to the central nervous system and reproductive problems.

RX: Nail polish enthusiasts do not fear fantastic non-toxic nail polish options free of formaldehyde and other carcinogenic chemicals. Look at itpurchase guide Sierra Club to find the right for you!


Your transformed food plastic wrapped


It is designed to please your buds and patiently wait for your desires on your pantry or your refrigerator shelves, but there is an annoying truth that hides in your processing food: if it can withstand the test of the Time (3 to 6 months at least) without being bad, without being bad, it can also increase your risk of cancer. Ato studyPublished by BMJ has shown a correlation between consuming ultra-transformed foods and a number of health disorders, including cardiovascular heart disease, coronary, as well as cancer. Additional research should be carried out, but the results of the study suggest that increasing consumption rates of highly transformed foods can lead to a growing burden of cancer in the coming decades, "warns researchers.

RX:The big news? You do not have to give all the processed foods. Check these15 homemade swaps for the worst ultra-transformed foods And use real ingredients you can find in your kitchen to do them.


Your painting

Painting room

Love the smell of a freshly painted house? You can love it less after learning that this new smell of paint comes with a hidden cost to your health. The painting of the house is one of the most common sources of volatile organic compounds or VOCs - which are known carcinogens. Here's why this is: painting continues to release low levels of these toxic chemicals in the air for years after application. And as you could imagine, the exhibition is the most powerful when you are inside.

RX: Water-based paints tend to be safer than solvent-based paints.here Are some of the best ecological paint options so you can spice your home safely!


Your old books

Laptop and book lying on a desk in classic library

If you are in collecting old books, you can also fill your shelves with more than dust-dust - cancer causing a chemical that can be persistent around them. Because very old books tend to develop mold,ethylene oxidemay have been used for Sterilize and fumiratethem at a time of their lives. Although the chemical is the most dangerous for people who pivot it on books or other articles, traces can always be present.

RX:Unless you spend a good amount of time inhaling the pages of your books, you probably are not going to be exposed to sufficient ethylene oxide to cause chronic health problems. However, you may want to consider keeping old books enclosed in a glass cabinet in case!


Your radon level

Architect Checking Insulation During House Construction

Although most objects caused by cancer of your home are visible, a very dangerous element is not:radon. This colorless, odorless and odorless radioactive gas is natural, forming the decomposition of radioactive elements, such as uranium. Unfortunately, these elements are in the ground and the rock in the world and are incredibly common. The radon gas in the soil and the rock has the ability to fill the air and withdraw in groundwater and surface water. Although he is present outside and, it's the radon inside your home that is the most dangerous for your health.

According toEnvironmental Protection AgencyRadon exposure is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers and the second cause of the cause in general. Each year, 21,000 people die from lung cancer because of radon, with about 2,900 of these deaths occurring among people who have never smoked. The EPA estimates that nearly 1 home in the United States has undergone high radon levels. So there is a decent chance that you are at risk. That's why most domestic inspectors suggest having a radon test performed during the house buying process.

RX: Have a radon test done in your home, via a home kit or by a professional. The average interior radon level is about 1.3 pesticized per liter (PCI / L), by the EPA. If your levels are 4.0 PCI / L or more, you must take action to remedy the situation. Even if you need to install a radon attenuation system, the cost is small to remedy a vast health risk.


Your attic

Hallway interior with folding attic ladder.

Most of us avoid spending time in our attics, often dark, dark and filled with insulation to keep the cold from our house. However, as the renovation projects of the home of DIY are more and more popular, some people choose to take a Reno attic by themselves, which can be a big mistake. According to Epa, only one mine near Libby, Montana, was the source of more than 70% of all the victories, used to make insulation, sold in the United States from 1919 to 1990. Unfortunately, there was also a deposit of Asbestos at this mine, then all the original vermiculite from there was contaminated by asbestos. Unfortunately, the product has been heavily used during this period to make insulation and could be in your walls right now. If disturbed, asbestos can be disclosed in the air and inhaled. No amount of exposure is safe because it can cause a number of diseases, including cancer.

RX:You can determine if your isolation is libby by consulting photographs on the EPA website and comparing it. If so, you should not even think about touch. Instead, hire a professional to delete it. In addition, if you are concerned about insulation in places that are not visible, you can have chosen it.


Your popcorn ceilings

popcorn textured ceiling with LED bulb light fixture and glass cover.

Pop-corn ceilingsA look obtained using a textured spray made with asbestos lung cancer - was a great trend of the 1930s across the 1990s. The method has often been used to reduce costs because it is acted an inexpensive way to hide the ceiling imperfections. Although the EPA has begun to adjust asbestos materials applied by spray through national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants in 1973, existing stocks of suppliers and installers were exempt and later used during years to come. In 2020, many owners consider them as a false fake design and choose to delete them. However, if you try to do the job, you could put your whole family at risk of developing lung cancer.

RX:Although all popcorn ceilings are not contaminated by asbestos, you should always take precautions while withdrawing a house. There are a number of tips available online, which consist of wearing a mask and ensuring that family members and domestic animals are not in the room during the move process. Preferably, hire a professional to do the right job for you. Do not forget that asbestos is not dangerous, except that it is disturbed - so even if you have popcorn ceilings contaminated by asbestos, you do not put the life of anyone in danger anyone unless you disturb them.


Your food

Pickles in jar

While many of us are aware of theThe "dozen" dirty "ewg Most fruits and vegetables contaminated with pesticides, there are other food guilty because of less known cancer in your refrigerator and your pantry. "You might not realize thatSmoked and savory foodscommonly preserved in the pantry and refrigerator can increase the risk of developing stomach cancer, "saysKIMBERLY JOHUNG, MD, Ph.D., an oncologist and director of the gastrointestinal radiotherapy program. These may include pickles, smoked or marine fish and meat, or anything else marinated for this affair.

RX: "Try to avoid smoked food, fish and meat preserved with salt, and marinated vegetables as much as possible", encourages Dr. Johung. If you eat them, consume only moderately. Instead, she suggests filling out your diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

And live your happiest and healthiest life, do not miss these101 The most instance habits on the planet.

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