20 ways not catching Covid other people

Here's how to protect yourself from the dangers around every corner.

Every day, a record number of people in the United Statesare diagnosed With the coronavirus - and the toll of death also increases. As these figures increase, your chances of contracting the infectious and mortal virus. Now, more than ever, it is crucial to protect your health in order to avoid becoming a statistic.Eat this, not that! Health Compiled a list of ways that you can avoid getting sick of other people - and none of them include complete isolation! Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Avoid communal foods like buffets

variety food buffet

It's not that you can capture food food food, which buffets encourage common portions, meals and socialization, which the CDC warns will increase your risk of infection.


Avoid occasional kisses

Kiss on a cheek. Tall grey-haired handsome man wearing a blue shirt kissing a woman on a cheek

Obviously, your other significant might not be cool with a non-kiss rule, but certainly use the discretion when you decide who you choose to exchange saliva. Even managers in France, where cheeks kiss is the norm, advise people to keep their lips on themselves. "The reduction of physical social contact is recommended. This includes BISE," said French Health Minister Olivier Véran told reporters earlier this year.


Wave, never shake

Two friends with protective masks greet with waving to each other.Alternative greeting during quarantine to avoid physical contact

While pumping the fist may seem too relaxed from a way to greet your boss, experts encourage people to be very careful about their meeting..


Social distancing

three people wearing face masks - stay away

As the coronavirus novel is spreading rapidly in community environments, health experts encourage "social distances" practices. "As more areas, local communities can start using tools that encourage social distancing," said Dr. Nancy Messonnier, Director of the National Vaccination and Respiratory Diseases of CDC, said. "The goal of social distance is to limit exposure by reducing face-to-face contact and preventing propagation between people in community contexts."


Avoid congested places

young woman wearing a hygiene protective mask over her face while walking at the crowded place

Once again, in large groups of people, any disease or virus tends to spread faster. This is why many gatherings, including museums, amusement parks and conventions, are closed and canceled as a result of the coronavirus epidemic.

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Avoid public transport

sinesswoman wearing protective mask while traveling by public transportation.

Buses, trains and even uerers are some of the most sprouts. First of all, people are usually packed in small spaces, which facilitates the spread of the droplets. In addition, several people ride them every day and there is no way to actually disinfect each surface between runners between the riders. If you can not avoid taking the train or a bus, be incredibly careful to touch surfaces that could be contaminated and make sure you wash your hands immediately after.


Avoid contacting narrow contact with sick people

with sneezing at city street, woman without protective mask while spreading flu,cold, Covid-19

Whether someone is your colleague or other significant, if they show symptoms of illness, stay away! SpeakCDCThe main main route of Novel Coronavirus is a person - between those who are in close contact between them (about 6 feet) and via respiratory droplets produced when an infected person cough or sneezing. "These droplets can land in the mouth or nose of people who are nearby or possibly being inhaled in the lungs," they explain.


Avoid touching your eyes, your eyes and your eyes

businessman taking off glasses rubbing dry irritated eyes

Another novel key coronavirus - and other diseases, including the cold and the spread of the flu - consists of touching someone or something that is contaminated and touching your face. The CDC strongly suggests resisting the urge to touch your eyes, nose and mouth before washing your hands.


Try to stay out of health environments


As can bedemonstrated by the center of lifeIn Kirkland, Washington, currently the epicenter of the new coronavirus epidemic in the United States, health environments are one of the worst place of illness. If you can, try staying outside the doctor's offices, hospitals and retirement homes, where you risk meeting sick and contaminated people.

RELATED: Dr. Fauci says that most people did it before capturing Covid


Work from home if you can


If a person from your office is sick - with the flu, the cold and the coronavirus nantail-he is a good chance that you can get sick too. That is whyMore and more companies-Including Twitter-Affvered to their staff to work remotely during the new coronavirus epidemic.


Avoid sharing drinks with others

Women share fruit cocktail

Because the new coronavirus is viral, you must refrain from sharing drinks with anyone, especially if they are sick!


Do not share your toothbrush

Grandfather In Bathroom Wearing Pajamas Brushing Teeth With Grandchildren

Although it is unlikely that you share your toothbrush with even your family members closest, during this frightening epidemic, you may want to remind everyone to get their own teeth cleaning apparatus and his separate cups !!


Clean and disinfect frequently affected objects and surfaces

Female hands holding a mobile phone and wipe the screen cloth

Because something of the objects to the surfaces can be contaminated by Covid-19, you must take extra cleaning precautions to avoid getting sick, suggests the CDC. Keep regular domestic cleaning sprays or wipe at your fingertips because they can help disinfect everything that has been contaminated before you infect!


Avoid places where the disease has been reported

Businesswoman closing her business activity due to covid-19 lockdown. Owner with surgical mask close the doors of her store due to quarantine coronavirus damage. Close up sign of bankrupt business due to the effect of COVID-19 pandemic.

There are covers for a reason. If you go somewhere, people are sick, you are more likely to make you sick yourself. In particular, avoidbars and restaurants.


Politely recall others to cover their mouths when they sneez or cough

man coughing

One of the main ways to prevent propagation disease is to cover your mouth when you sternate or touch. If you notice anyone, whether it's your own child or your boss - failed to follow this safety procedure, you should regulate them politely to do it.

RELATED: 7 side effects to wear a face mask


Be smart about communal areas

Many colorful plastic balls in a kids' ballpit at a playground

There aresome places that highlight farming grounds for germs-The gymnasium, children's play areas, the mall and even the grocery store. Obviously, you can not avoid some of them completely, but you should exercise extra caution when you are there. For example, be sure to wipe gym equipment, shopping cart handles or other surfaces that can potentially be contaminated. Also, wash your hands or disinfect them as quickly as possible after touching them.


Wash your hands often

Washing hands with soap

If your mother did not teach you how to wash your hands properly, there's no time as the present to learn. The CDC suggests washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds - especially after being lit to the bathroom, before eating and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. Also, be sure to dry them because the virus is more likely to cling to wet hands dry.


Invest in hand disinfecting

The riskiest thing a person can touch for COVID-19

Although washing with soap and water is the preferred method of hand disinfecting, if they are not readily available, use a hand-based hand disinfectant with at least 60% alcohol. However, "always wash your hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty," says the organization of health.

RELATED: 9 side effects of the use of hand disinfecting, according to doctors


Stay up-to-date on vaccinations

Our batting average ranked from last month but that's the reality

TheCDC Always suggests staying up to date on all your vaccines. Staying healthy is the key to a strong immune system, which will make you less vulnerable to the contracting diseases of others.


You do not want Covid-19, trust this doctor

Female patient in oxygen mask sleeping, nurse standing by, surgery preparation

"I know the data indicate that 40 to 45% of us will not exercise any symptoms of coronavirus, but believe me, you do not want to catch Covid-19,"said Dr. Leo Nissola. "When infected, patients see a wide variety of symptoms (no pleasant, some fatal) and, in some cases, there are several reports that they can linger for months, possibly a life, which is called The post-Covid syndrome. So, is different from the flu and common cold. The fall and winter season also brought a seasonal influenza - and a large Covid-19 surge. I repeat: You do not want to share your air with someone else, but those of your household. "So" do not share your air "and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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