Should I blow my button? (and other skin issues responded)

Your skin is your first line of defense against chemicals, UV rays, viruses, bacteria and more.

You probably do not think that way, but your skin is the largest organ of your body. Yes, the largest organ - and this organ is your first line of defense against chemicals, UV rays, viruses, bacteria and more.

As a result, it is also quite vulnerable.

Seemingly trivial things like water, bug bites and sweat can have an impact on your cutaneous rashes and non-fun fungal infections, not to mention things you know are serious problems, such as sunburn and skin cancer. To protect your skin and yourself, make an annual pilgrimage (at least) to your dermatologist to make sure your "derma" is in advanced shape.

But what to ask them? Eat this, not that! Health spoke to the country's best derms to compile a list of 15 key questions. Do it and transpire more!


Are there any changes in my moles, beauty brands, spots?


You get an exposure to the sun even when you do not think you are. Cloudy days? To verify. Snowy winter day? To verify. Rainfall day? Yes! UVA and UVB rays never rest, so it is essential that you stay above all the sunshings or moles that seem suspicious. It is important to be checked each year to monitor any potential abnormality, especially because some skin cancers are not also directly related to UV exposure.

RX: As soon as you notice something strange, whether it's a spot, a point, a mole or a bump, what the dermatologist to have them checked. And make annual visits even if you do not have something strange. Early detection counts.


What types of skin cancer are most likely to get?

Mature Woman In Consultation With Female Doctor Sitting On Examination Couch In Office

Different ethnic groups are higher for different skin cancers. Latinos, Chinese, Japanese and Caucasians tend to growBascelular carcinoma-The most common type of skin cancer. The second most currentsquamous carcinoma-It more common among African Americans and Asians of India.Melanoma-The most murderous form of skin cancer is rare among African Americans, Latinos and Asians, but have a greater tendency to show an advanced disease at the time of diagnosis than Caucasians. Unfortunately, melanoma, while Rarer for these groups is often more fatal.

RX: Worried you could have something? Pay attention to your abcdes. Consider a warning sign if you have a mole that is:Asymmetrican irregularBorder,VSOlor who is not uniform, aDgreater than a pencil gum, or aEBypass in terms of size, shape, color.


What is this bump / brand / nodule that will not disappear?

dermatologist doctor inspecting woman skin for moles and melanoma

Not a perfect thumb rule, but bugging bites and buttons generally disappear in a month, while more serious conditions likeBascelular carcinoma habit. A itching place that will not disappear could beringworm (No worm involved!) A common fungal infection, which is easily treated. Other skin disorders, such as eczema or rosacea, without Curabe, can be managed very well.

RX: If you have a bump / brand / nodule that does not disappear in a month: make an appointment with your dermatologist and make it check. If you have a disease like ringworm, it could be contagious - not a gift you would like to pass!


What is the best way for me to keep an eye on Moles at home?

Man Scratching His Hand

People from all ethnrics should make a monthly self-examination of the skin. Here's what you want to search:

  • The bleeding lesions, o've or crust, do not cure or last more than a month can indicate a basal cell carcinoma.
  • Excrescences or non-hemalized wounds and ulcerative wounds next to the areas of physical trauma, inflammations or previous scars, particularly if on the legs - may indicate a cell squamous carcinoma.

Remember your abcdes-We can not recommend it enough, it could save your life or the life of someone you like.

RX:All of these warning signs justifies a visit to the dermatologist. Skin cancer can be treated very successfully, but is the hardest when it is detected early!


How can I get enough vitamin D while still being in the sun?

Yellow soft shell D-vitamin capsule against sun and blue sky on sunny day

There is a good reason why vitamin D is known as "Sunshine Vitamin". This crucial vitamin is made when your skin cholesterol is exposed to sunlight, which is why you can have enough sun is a key to maintaining optimal vitamin D levels in your body.

Essential for maintaining strong bones, vitamin D tells cells of our courage to absorb calcium and phosphorus-two of the most critical minerals to keep our bones healthy.

RX: It has been suggested bySome Vitamin D researchers To maintain healthy vitamin D levels, you must expose a good amount of skin (think shorts and tank top, or less ...) in the sun, without any sunscreen, for 5 to 30 minutes at least twice by week if you are lighter. skin; Those whose darker skin may need longer.


What are your favorite non-toxic solar screens?

woman customer choosing sunscreen lotion at the pharmacy store

Ready to hit the beach, you immerse yourself in the pharmacy to enter a bottle of fast sunscreen, only to confront a fiery wall of sunscreen products. We all went there, standing-for a long crisscrossed weather while you take a bottle after a bottle, trying to make chaloles that might be best for you.

So who buy? All solar screens are not created equal. He is intelligent to talk to your Derm what is the best for you. But before you present your appointment, do a little search. Conventional chemical solar screens are completePotentially toxic chemicals Like oxybenzone, octinoxate (octylmethoxycinname), homosalate, octisalate, octocrylene and avobenzone - many of which are hormone and endocrine disruptors - which mimics hormones that our bodies produce. They can interfere with everything from fertility to our reproductive system to our metabolism - and are particularly bad for small ones that systems are still developing. Small quantities can have a more important negative impact on children.

So what is the safest sun cream? The mineral solar screens, which use zinc or titanium dioxide, physically block the UVA and UVB rays based on the skin, while more dangerous chemical solar screens actually absorb the rays.

RX: Finding the right mineral sunscreen can take a test and an error. Some can be thick and leave a chalky white residue behind. And if you have sensitive skin, an intelligent protocol is to search for bottles labeled for children!


How many sunscreen should I really put?

happy woman relaxing in the garden smiling as she applies sunscreen or skin cream

More than you think. Think of the shooting glass: to really cover your whole body, you want to put an ounce or once a sunscreen. And for the face? Think at your fingertips: you want 3 to 5 grams of sunscreen for optimal facial blanket. And a word to the Sage: Do not forget to apply to the chest liberally, the scene of many damage to the sun (freckles, sun spots and lines, oh my!) On so many people. Yes, it's more than what you are probably used to, that's why it's essential for us to share. Talk to your dermatologist on what's right for you.

RX: While a high SPF number can make you feel more protected, theEnvironmental Working Group Let it know that it is actually far better to properly apply a SPF lower solar screen, a higher SPF than smooth.


Do people with dark skin still need a sunscreen?

Woman Woman in bikini standing in the sun on beach and looking into the water

Remember to have a darker skin means that you do not have to worry about solar protection? Still think. People of all skin tones need sunscreen. Dark darker people naturally produce more melanin, which is the pigment that gives the skin, the hair and the eyes of their color. And it is true that you have more melanin than you have, the less UV rays penetrate in your skin ... But it is: skin cancer and photograph it do not discriminate. "People who have dark skin tones often believe that they do not risk cancer of the skin, but it's a dangerous misconception," says Dermatologist Maritza I Perez, MD, Senior Vice President ofThe Foundation of Cancer Skin. In fact, while the incidence of melanoma is higher in people with light skin, one July 2016to study showed that it is more mortal in people of color.

RX: What kind of sunscreen is the best for those who have darker skin? This is the issue of a million dollars. Creams with physical sun blockers like zinc will be very white and ash on darker skin tones. Not ideal. But we found the one we love - called"Invisible Druche Soleil" Made by Supergoop, a unisex SPF 40 product that happens clearly and feels like a skin primer since it is smooth and mattified. Ask your doctor if you will agree.


Where do you see signs of sun damage?

Dermatologist examining the patient in the clinic. problem skin with birthmarks. closeup

You are probably well aware of some of the damage from unprotected days at the beach (Hello, Sunspots!) But skin cancer can appear in areas that do not often see the light of day. Think of the buttocks, the groin, under the nails, your scalp, on the bottom of your feet ... It is logical to have a dermatologist check at about the end of the head.

RX: The total body analyzes are only if they are ready to enter your birthday costume so that your doctor can make sure you have nothing cause for concern. We want you to know what to expect so you can also be comfortable as possible.


Can I go to the sun when you take this prescription?

Hand holding medicine capsule pack at the pharmacy drugstore

Excited for the summer and the sun? Discover before hitting the beach if one of your medications could make you a lot more sensitive to sunlight and burning you more easily, a reaction called photosensitivity. If you are on a drug that causes photosensitivity, beware: even a small sun exposure could give you an average burn.

RX: While your dermatologist is probably welded carefully to start - it is essential to share all the medications you will see if one of them could cause a reaction.


Should I use a water filter for my shower?

running water of shower faucet

As we mentioned earlier, your skin is the largest organ of your body. Yes, the largest organ, which is why the chemicals absorbed by the skin can penetrate quickly and affect our body. Unfiltered shower water can contain myriad chemicals, such as chlorine, as well as bacteria and mushrooms less than beautiful charming shower head. And Shocker: The shower in chlorinated water can cause more chlorine absorption than drinking. In fact, a recentNIH study Reports that you also have a higher risk of cancer and other swimming health problems or shower in chlorinated water than to consume it.

When selecting a filter, talk to your dermatologist to see which substances have been found in the water supply in your area. Choose your shower filter accordingly to eliminate or reduce these specific contaminants.

RX: Look at the Postal Code Postal Code Postal CodeTAP-Water database To learn more about the water in your area and consult this understanding.Shopping Guide for Filters!


Does my diet affect my skin?


You know the saying: you are what you eat. And this is also true for our skin as for our body. Kind of. Not enough research has yet been done to draw a definitive link between the particular foods and the health of the skin, but this is well known: a diet that keeps you in good health inside the interior, To keep you outdoors, and vice versa: if you eat badly it will appear on your skin. Another simple rule: drink plenty of water. The dehydrated skin can be dry, itchy, and the terrming tone and overall complexion may seem uneven, with more perceptible fine lines.

RX: You can read aboutMyriad food advice for your skin-Do not exaggerate too much on fatty foods like fries, cut off dairy products or limiting sugar. These will work for some but not others. If you think your diet affects your skin, make an appointment with a dermis and a nutritionist to see what's right for you!


What ingredients in the skin products I want to stay away?

Female Friends Looking At Product In Pharmacy

The United States is a country that regulates more or less, with the exception of the personal care industry. Many potentially toxic chemicals abound in our beauty products. But you can do things to avoid these ingredients and choose products that are not harmful to your health. Look at your products onSuperficial, a searchable "toxicity" database in beauty products and talk to your doctor's main ingredients to be monitored in your products.

RX: If we had to choose an ingredient, we want you to look for, it's Reports that this common curator used in foundations, body moisturizers, anti-aging creams, shaving cream / gels, shampoos, conditioners and more help prevent bacterial growth from forming. But parabens can act as endocrine disruptors by imbranizing estrogen, which is particularly concerned because excess estrogen can be linked to breast cancer. To be safe, beparaben. Discover this big guide on the Paraben-Free,Non-toxic beauty and personal product options From the action of breast cancer, it will help you make the healthiest choices.


Does it go for me to blow a button?

Woman popping her pimple in bathroom

With acne affecting up to 50 million Americans a year, depending on theAmerican Dermatology AssociationThis is a question we all have. And when it comes to zits, the law of Murphy is still in play: the more important the event, the more we are likely to get a button. And there, it's just begging to be skipped. But should you do it? No, according to dermatologists. Why? Although it may feel good to blow up, many can be wrong when we start choosing our face. We can squeeze you before it's ready, driving the pus deeper into our skin, which has just exacerbated things - causing more inflammation, or that we could make a bigger injury that can take more than time to heal that the original defect. Some buttons are more ready to be jumped than others. Talk to your doctor to see when you may be able to perform a self-intervention and when you have to remember.

RX: If you just have to blow up this button, check thedirection From the dermatologist certified by the Council, Meghan Feely, MD, FAAD, who practices private practices in New York and New Jersey, and is also a doctor attending the Department of Dermatology of Mount Sinai, as shared by the ADA. Best guided as Marred!


What treatments would work for my skin?

Close-up Of Beautician Giving Epilation Laser Treatment On Woman's Face

Everyone's skin is different, so what worked for your best friend, may not be the best option for you. A treatment can be incredible for your brother, your mother or colleague, while another will get you the desired results. It is essential to go to the dermatologist's office and share the concerns of your skin care, as opposed to the fight against a list of things you have heard.

RX:Find a doctor with whom you feel comfortable. A good dermatologist will listen to your concerns carefully and make prudent and conscious recommendations that work for you. Living a happier and healthier life - Do not miss these essential elements 70 things you should never do for your health .

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