21 coronavirus "healthy" habits that are not

These well-intentioned errors could increase your risk of contracting Covid-19.

You wash your hands and cover your mouth. You stay indoors and wear gloves when you grocery store. You suppose you do everything you can to stay healthy and avoid coronavirus. But some habits that may seem healthy actually contribute to the propagation of CVIV-19. Consult these 21 "healthy" habits that you may have adopted at this pandemic that could put you at risk of contracting the virus.


Relying on the disinfectant of the hands

African American Woman Disinfecting Skin With Hand Sanitizer

The hand disinfectant is a great way to eliminate certain bacteria on your hands when you are in a pinch. But if you have access to running water and soap, handwashing is a better way to make sure you have washed the germs after being in public. According toDisease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC)"Alcohol-based hand disinfectants can quickly reduce the number of microbes on their hands in some situations, but disinfectants do not eliminate all types of germs."

RX: Wash your hands frequently, especially if you are in public, to prevent the propagation of COVID-19. If it is not possible, use a generous amount of hand disinfecting containing at least 60% alcohol to kill certain bacteria that you may have been exposed and wash your hands as soon as you are capable.


Keep gloves when traveling from shopping

choosing, looking grocery things to buy at shelf during coronavirus crisis or covid19 outbreak

You can reduce your risk of touching droplets that can contain the virus if you wear disposable gloves on your critical races. But if you put your gloves on, touch objects in the store and leave them in your car and touch the steering wheel, you simply deploy these germs on your own personal surfaces. According toWorld Health Organization (WHO)"The use of contaminated gloves caused by inappropriate storage, moments and techniques inappropriate for questioning and removal can also cause germs."

RX: If you plan to wear disposable gloves when shopping, put them carefully and throw them away before entering your car. Never reuse gloves. In addition, consider the goods you have affected with gloves before throwing them, such as your wallet or keys. Disinfect these items before touching them again.

RELATED:Your ultimate survival guide and supermarket is here!


Eat snacks in your car

Woman eating potato chip with car

You exhibit some essential races and know that you will probably be hungry. To avoid social interactions, you stop at a restaurant and bring snacks nibble in your car. Although it seems reasonable, it is important to think about what you can touch while you are in public. If you are exposed to the virus and germs of the virus, eating bags of the bag can spread these germs to your face.

RX: Try waiting for you to go home and you can wash your hands before eating. If you have to eat a snack, make sure you wear gloves in public and you remove them before touching the food. Consider your hands carefully before bursting these M & M in the mouth.


Re-use your facial mask

man in red sweater using medical mask

TheCDCRecently modified recommendations: Now, it "recommends wearing face coatings in public contexts where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain, particularly in areas of major communication-based transmission." The facial mask aims to not broadcast droplets to other people, in case you are infected by coronavirus but asymptomatic.

You can use a scarf, a fluid or another fabric object to follow these guidelines. But it is important to remember that when you wear your mask in public, it can easily be exposed to germs or droplets of other people around you. If you put it on a surface at home or you reuse again, these germs can spread to your face.

RX:If you use a face mask during the public, wash it before using it again or put it home. Wash your fabric mask in your washer and dryer with a steady laundry detergent is the best way to kill all the germs that may have landed on it.


Put your hair

mask to avoid contagion walking down the street

If you have long hair, it's a good idea to secure it and get away from your face before going out in public. But if you have forgotten to do it before running your first essential race, do not worry about it now. If your hair has touched sneezed or coughing surfaces with a person who had the virus, it is possible that these germs can spread to your locks. If you are used to putting your hair in your mouth or playing with your hair, so morty your nails, it could be transmitted to you.

RX: The natural oils of your hair can help kill germs. According toDr. Adam FriedmanGeorge Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, these oils kill microbes and organizations that can bind to hair but can not eliminate them. "Using the shampoo, there are molecules loaded with surfactants that will bind to dirt, oil, bacteria, viruses - and turn them off or kill them," he says. "Wash the hair will prevent the material on your hair to be maintained."


Using the Gym Apartment Racemads

Senior man in sports clothing in gym working out with weights

Although most public gymnasiums are closed at that time, you may be able to sweat to be on a hotel complex or gym. But before jumping on this treadmill, think about twice on the potential for capturing or propagation of Covid-19. You will need to use the same buttons as other people have touched and respiratory. You can also hold the handrails on the treadmill or touch other hot spots in the gym that can be contaminated.FIGATIOND did a studyAnalyze bacteria found on gym equipment. The study discovered that the average treadmill had 74 times more bacteria than a tap handle.

RX: You are safer staying public places and exercise at home. If you need to use a hotel complex or gym from the hotel, carefully clean the equipment with a disinfectant wipe before jumping. Do not touch your face or your mouth while you are in the gym. Wipe up the equipment again when you finished and wash your hands thoroughly.

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Choose food from your teeth

man driver looking at rear view mirror to pick teeth with finger

Before getting out of your car to run in the pharmacy, a flash of this spinach salad that you just eaten can enter your mind, forcing you to choose the teeth. But if you have already touched articles in public, your fingers may have been exposed to the germs that broadcast the virus.

Glue your fingers in your mouth and you simply move these seeds closer to your mucous membranes, which can cause an infection. According toAssociation for professionals in the control of infections and epidemiology, "When we touch sick people or touch dirty surfaces, we contaminate our hands with germs. We can then infect you with these germs by touching our face."

RX: When you are in public, it is crucial to be aware of where your hands are at any time. It is common to touch your eyes, mouth or nose without even realizing it, but it is a solution that the virus can spread. Keep your hands away from your face until you can wash your hands well.


Sharing communal snacks

Charcuterie cheese board at a private event

You have a socially distanced alley with some neighbors and bring out healthy snacks so everyone will enjoy. But before putting this bowl of walnuts in the middle of the socially distanced circle, consider how this interaction will endanger you. Sharing snacks in a common bowl spreads germs from the fingertips of a person to all others.

While your neighbors seem healthy, they could have COVID-19 and simply be asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic. By studying the previous cases of transmission, theCDCFound, "The Covid-19 Business Survey in Singapore has identified seven groups in which pretymptomatic transmission is probably occurred."

RX: If you want to be a host for a socially distanced party, distribute individual portions packaged with snacks. Granola bars or pre-packed walnut portions are healthy snacks that are not conducive to the spread of the virus.


Doing overtime

Businessman working overtime in office.

If you are like a lot during this period, you took your home work with you. Working remotely has its advantages: You can stay in your pajamas and you can be a little more flexible with your hours of work. But working at home can also make it difficult to separate your personal life from your professional.

If easy access to your work has turned you into a productivity worker, your sleep schedule can be the first to suffer. And jumping in sleep can damage your immune system, which you have to fight coronaviruses. According toNational Sleep Foundation"Without Sleep Sleep, your body makes less cytokines, a type of protein that targets infection and inflammation, effectively creating an immune response."

RX: Do not be drowning in work, no matter how productive you feel after a 14-hour day at the computer. Keep a regular sleep schedule so that your immune system remains healthy. The National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to nine hours of sleep every night for adults.


Greet your neighbors

woman traveler wearing face protection in the prevention of coronavirus.

If you and your neighbor go outside to bring your garbage to the sidewalk at the same time, you can make a conversation. Any type of human interaction at this stage is probably more than welcome. Just make sure to stay on your side of the street. TheCDCRecommends with the general public with social distancing guidelines at this stage, including: "stay at least 2 meters (2 meters) other people."

RX: Six feet intervals is further than you think. Make sure you maintain a safety distance to help you stop the propagation of the virus.


Cultivate a quarantine stache

Bearded man in kitchen

If you work remotely or you do not work at all, you can find a unique opportunity to do something crazy about your appearance, such as the growth of a handlebar mustache. But this could be dangerous for your health. Although theCDCDoes not claim that facial hair contributes to the propagation of coronavirus, this can complicate the treatment of CVIV-19 symptoms.

With face hair, a respirator may not fit correctly on your face. On aInfographic published by the CDC, "If you have to use a respirator with an expiration valve and have one of the face hairstyles, it can interfere with the valve to operate properly."

RX: You do not need to shave you to stop coronavirus propagation. But keep in mind that if you need to look for treatment and that a respirator is placed on you, your face hair could be a problem.


Take a jog on the way to the neighborhood

Runners athletes running training legs on road in residential neighborhood

If you are in an area at home or home orders, commit yourself in leisure activities is really the only thing you can do outside your home. This includes walking, jogging or cycling on local paths and trails. Since everyone goes crazy, you can be surprised to see hordes of people on paths that were sorry. With so many people on these narrow trails, it may be impossible to maintain social distance, to put you and other people at risk.

RX: If there is an influx of people on local trails, you may need to make changes to your jogging schedule. Considerate winding through different neighborhood streets that are not as crowded. Push your jogging time at the early morning or at the end of the evening so you can avoid the most popular times and stay away from people.


Use public transportation

Ill young man feeling sick, wearing protective mask against transmissible infectious diseases and as protection against the flu in public and transportation.

If the threat of Covid-19 was not present, the use of public transport would be an ecological way of managing your races and circumvent the city. But buses and metrogues are not healthy places to be right now because they have put you nearby with other people who can be infected with the virus.

AStudy published in Osong Health Perspectives and Public ResearchAnalyzed 70 samples of Portland bus and trains. The study found several types of bacteria, including staphylococcus. "We have found floors and fabric seats to be bus zones and trains that have shown particularly high levels of bacteria," researchers said.

RX: To stop the propagation of coronavirus, it is important to stay away from the crowds as much as possible. If you have other transport options, such as your own car, a bike or walking, use them instead of buses or trains. If you need to use public transport, cover your nose and your mouth, try not to touch anything and wash your hands thoroughly once you have arrived at your destination.


Returning meals cooked at home to friends and family

Woman Bringing Meal For Elderly Neighbor

It may seem like a gentle gesture to bring tuppes filled with food to your friends and family during this difficult period. But you may have been sighted or coupled with these items, and even if you do not show coronavirus symptoms, you can always have it and disseminate it unconsciously.

According to the director of the CDC,Dr. Robert Redfield, "A significant number of infected individuals remain asymptomatic. It can be as important as 25%. It's important because you now have people who may not have symptoms that can contribute to the transmission and we learned that we learned that we learned that 'In fact they contribute to the transmission. "

RX: You do not need to completely spend your good deeds for the fear that you transmit the virus. Consider sending grocery stores or a delivery of meals to your loved ones. If you want to cook for your friends or family, leave the food at their door and make sure they are cautious to handle the items. Allow them to keep your disposable food containers instead of recovering them.


Cleaning with a damp cloth

woman maid in apron is cleaning, wiping down office glass table surface with spray bottle cleaner, wet rag

Keeping your own home is one of the best ways to make sure the virus does not live at home. The disinfection of surfaces that are frequently affected is the key, but wiping areas of a damp cloth or towel will simply not help you. According toCleveland Clinic, your sink faucet, your fridge and your oven handles are some of the most sprouts of your kitchen. It is important to treat these germination areas by disinfecting them correctly and regularly.

RX: Use a disinfectant cleaner or diluted whitening to regularly clean surfaces in frequently used areas. TheCDCRecommends washing and disinfecting frequently affected areas in your home, including tables, wallets, light switches, countertops, handles, offices, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets and sinks. "


Sharing puzzles and board games

Board game

Puzzle and corporate gambling exchange programs have become popular in some communities. Although it's a great way to keep everyone busy, pay attention to the negotiation of items with other households, because you never know who has the virus.

TheNational Institute of Health StudiedHow long coronavirus remains active on different surfaces. He found that the virus "remained active on plastic and stainless steel surfaces for two to three days under the conditions of this experiment. It remained infectious for 24 hours on 24 hours on cardboard and four hours on copper".

RX: Puzzles, board games, books and other shared items have recently been affected or sneezed by your neighbors before catching them. Disinfect these elements before manipulating if possible. Otherwise, wash your hands thoroughly after touching borrowed or shared objects.


Covering your face with your hands

covers her mouth with his hand, posing outdoors in summer park

If you do not have a face mask or if you left yours at home before your essential race race, you may think that a good compromise is to cover your nose and your mouth with your hand if you are too much close to people around you. But touching your face is a big no-no.

According toA study published in the American of Infection Control newspaper"," Infections can be transmitted by self-inoculation. Auto-inoculation is a type of contact transmission when a person contaminated hands bring subsequent contacts with other body sites on oneself and introduce contaminated equipment to these sites. "

RX: If you are not 100% safe, your hands are clean, keep them away from your face, especially when you are in public. If your fingers have been exposed to germs that wear the virus, touch your face, including your nose, your eyes or your mouth, you can be infected.

RELATED:Sign up for our newsletter for new coronaviruses, food safety and daily recipes - just in your inbox!


Do not talk to friends and family

Frustrated sad woman feeling tired worried about problem sitting on sofa with laptop, stressed depressed girl troubled with reading bad news online, email notification about debt or negative message

If you do not go out, do not visit the houses of friends, and do not go out with family members who are not in your immediate household, you do this social distancing. But just because you can not physically visit your friends and family does not mean that you can not connect with them virtually. Your health depends on it.

According toStanford Medicine, the social connection is important because it can "result in a 50% increase in longevity, strengthen your immune system, help you recover more quickly and even lengthen your life".

RX: You do not need to isolate yourself completely while you are isolating socially. Reach your hand on friends and family members by email or video chat. Engage with your friends about social media and telephone conversations. Keeping these connections will help you stay happy and healthy through this strange weather.


Use handkerchiefs

Using reusable textile, pure cotton colourful handkerchiefs for blowing nose instead of single use paper tissues

If you are an environmental lawyer, you can assume that handkerchiefs are a better choice than disposable tissues. Although it is better for the environment, using handkerchiefs while we are dealing with the threat of Covid-19 may not be the best option.

Even if you do not feel symptoms, you can be infected with the virus. If you are blowing on a handkerchief and leave it on a surface of your home, a family member can touch it, then touch their faces, spread the virus in your household.

RX: Although it can go against your environmental views, use disposable fabrics to blow up your nose. Throw your fabrics worn in the trash immediately and do not leave them on surfaces of your home.


You push to do exercise

Woman fainting during exercise at home/

Exercise is a healthy way to reduce anxiety while keeping your body and your strong immune system. But if you push yourself too much, the benefits of health exercise can take up you. If you are an active person, with so much time on your hands, it is tempting to push you in workouts of two or three hours.

However, it is important to keep your immune system strong right now, so you can fight against the virus if you catch it. On aStudy published in immunology and cell biology"It is proven that several immune parameters are deleted during prolonged periods of intensive exercise training".

RX: The moderate daily exercise reinforces your immune system and stimulates your mood, which can make your social isolation more bearable. But it's important to listen to your body and take time if you are painful or tired. Do not push yourself too hard and do not engage in intense exercise sessions that last more than 90 minutes at a time.


Obsession with the virus

Coronavirus outbreak: A woman reading news/updates about coronavirus and getting anxiety/depression

It is important to stay up-to-date on the latest coronavirus regulations in your area. Learn about propagation through the news is also a good idea because you drag in quarantine. However, obsessed over the COVID-19 has expanded and contemplate with 24-hour press tracks and 7 out of 7 days, can withdraw its nerves and mental health, cause unjustified and dangerous stress.

Dr. Leonard Calabrese, doFrom the Clinic of Cleveland, it is important to know in Nix Stress to keep your immune system in good health. "The elimination or modification of these factors in his life is essential to protect and increase the immune response," he said.

RX: Your mental, physical and immune health is important, now more than ever. Keep aware of the latest virus news from your area, but limit the time you spend so as to ruminate current events. If you find yourself stressed, turn a healthy intake, such as logging, reading or drawing, to mitigate your mind.

And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these40 things you should never touch because of coronavirus

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