10 ways to know if it is prudent to return outside

Here's how to know when it is totally correct to go "Back to normal".

With all the contradictory information reported, you might be confused when it is prudent to return outside, given the pandemic. So we asked doctors their opinion on how to know if it is really sure to put an end to the isolation of oneself and get "return to normal". Here are what they said.

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When we have a vaccine

Doctor disinfects skin of patient before vaccination

"Getting the mass of the vaccinated population is the only way to significantly increase safety in a spectacular way," says Dr. Benjamin Ticho. "Then, the shortest answer to the question is as follows: a few months after the implementation of widespread vaccination."

"Although we were expecting the vaccine, in order to return to" normal ", we need to see a decrease in the total number of CVIV-19 cases that currently occur in some parts of the country," said Dr. Khawar Siddique,Spine Docs + Orthopedics.


When we have antibody tests

Male And Female Scientists Using Microscopes In Laboratory

"A key will be the ability of each person to take a blood test and determine whether or not he did antibodies to Covid-19," says Libby Pellegrini MMS, PA-C, medical expert toRxSaver. "If you have the antibodies, you can be more certain (but not certain 100%) that it is prudent to engage."

"Generalized tests can be performed to determine which is already immunized so that they can be revealed in society, even in very contagious areas," said Dr. Virginia Thornelly.


When we have a flock immunity

Crowd of people in a shopping center

"If a large group of people - the flock - is immune to a virus, it is unlikely that an individual in the middle of this group is infected,"writingDr. Eduardo Sanchez, a Physician of the American Heart Association for prevention."The virus has a very difficult time crossing the flock. The immunity of the flock, then occurs when people in a community are protected from a virus and his illness associated with some extent that people who are not immunized are always protected because of the high population. Immunity. "


When there are no more carriers

woman outdoor wearing medical face mask, social distancing, sitting on a bench, isolated from other people

"From a scientific perspective, self-isolation stops when the last person has recovered," saysVirginia Thornley, M.D."Even when restrictions are lifted, as long as a person is infected in the community, it is best to keep your custody and practice social distance and get through a frequent hand. And wear a face mask."


When we flatten the curve

Doctor wearing protective gloves holding Flatten the Curve chart, sitting at the desk in front of laptop computer

"We have to wait for the trajectory to be beaten so far that a bit of a new recovery could no longer trigger all," saysDr. Gardner Sharryn, Pads Ed Consultant. "As the wave even worse two in the Spanish flu epidemic."


So, should you listen to your state officials when they say it's secure, even if they do not agree with health experts?

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp

"This is a call for judgment," saysDr. Christine Traxler. "Some states will open before health leaders say it's really sure that people are near others. The reason why health experts say that this is due in case the rate of infection increases in The state. This means that your chances of getting the infection are higher than if infection rates are known and have been considered weak in your community. "


What should you do if you are not immune and the governor and health leaders indicate that you can start going to go places?

Dressed in full protective gear a healthcare worker collects a sample from a mature man sitting inside his car as part of the operations of a coronavirus mobile testing unit.

"This is a situation where the tests were made in your state on a large number of people. The Department of Health has determined that the infection rate is low and decreases. They also determined that, if You get sick, there are enough health care resources to take care of you, "says Dr. Traxler." These professionals will recommend what places you should be able to go safely and what recommendations for social distancing that you need do to be as safe as possible. "


Do you have to listen to your boss if he says he came to work?

man in glasses feeling sick, wearing protective mask against transmissible infectious diseases and as protection against the flu in public transport/subway, using and looking at smartphone

"Is the supervisor or the owner clearly indicated that policies are sick and that these policies will be applied? Aann Poston, MD, a doctor withMedical vibifierAt New York. "Supervisors who provide the message you need to follow the CDC guidelines to stay at home, but then encourage you to come to work if you do not feel well because the deadlines must be satisfied, give a contradictory message that increases the risk At work."


And if you get sick?

Woman being sick having flu lying on sofa looking at temperature on thermometer.

"First of all, remember that if you have symptoms, you must self-insulate for at least 3-7 days after you are asymptomatic," saysDr. Robert KarschOrthopedic Aica.

"Once you have the virus yourself, it is not safe to go out in public until you have had at least two negative nasal swabs that do not show you the virus," says Dr. Traxler.


What else to keep in mind

Senior woman with face mask outdoors with shopping, corona virus and quarantine concept.

"As governors reopen, it is important to stay cautious when you see seniors or public visiting places," says Dr. Karsch. "Nobody really knows what will happen, but we know that social distancing will remain important, even after we all allow themselves to come back outside."

And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 100 things you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus .

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