7 myths on coronavirus immunity you have to stop believing

You think you are safe to catch Covid-19? Still think.

With tons of true, false and constantly modified information on Covid-19, it's easy to mix. But one thing is certain: if you think you are immunized against the virus, you are mistaken. Discover these seven myths on coronavirus immunity to stay healthy during the pandemic.


I have antibodies so I'm immune

Positive COVID-19 test and laboratory sample of blood testing for diagnosis new Corona virus infection

Antibody tests are becoming increasingly available in health care providers across the country. If you test positive for antibodies, it means that your body can have already recovered from COVID-19. But just because you have already had it, it does not mean that you can no longer refuse it.

"We do not know if these antibodies can offer protection (immunity) against infected being again", reports theCDC. "It means we do not know at that moment if antibodies make you safe from the virus." More studies need to be conducted before it is proven that you can not get the virus a second (or third) time. Even if you test positive for antibodies, keep track of your area's instructions and wash your hands frequently.


I was sick in January so I am immune

Ill person blowing his nose with closed eyes

When Covid-19 began to resume the cycle of information, you may have glanced at the list of symptoms and the thought "Yup, I've already had it." But do not assume that since you were sick in January, you have ever had the virus. The symptoms of coronavirus can easily be confused for a cold or flu.

According toDr. Lisa Lockerd Maragakis, M.D., P.P.H.From John Hopkins Medicine, both Covid-19 and the flu can, "causing fever, cough, body pain and fatigue; sometimes vomiting and diarrhea". Both may also be light or severe and may cause pneumonia.

So, unless you have a viral test (which has not been developed in January), there is no way to know what disease you had.


I had my influenza vaccine so I'm immune

Medical assistant preparing an intramuscular injection of a vaccine in a clinic

It's always a good idea to have an influenza vaccine so you can potentially avoid getting other naughty diseases. However, a shot of the flu or a Tamiflu prescription will not protect you from becoming COVID-19. Although the symptoms of these viruses are similar, the influenza shot does not deal with coronavirus characteristics and is ineffective.


My family member had had it and I did not have it so I am immune

woman holding thermometer and checking forehead of sick boyfriend.

If one of your household members is sick, it is important for them to self-isolate. If you were less than careful and besieged with your member of your sick family, but you did not get sick of yourself, you can assume that you are immunized against Covid-19.

But if they were not tested, your family member may have had the influenza or a different disease. It is also possible that you have contracted coronavirus from your household member, but you were asymptomatic. According toA study published inMedicine of nature, up to 44% of those who have COVID-19 do not have any symptoms of the virus or were presicomatic.


I wear a face mask so I'm immune

man wearing the face mask

If you follow the latest guidelines and you wear a cloth mask in public, a way forward! But it is important to remember this facial mask is not so much to protect you but protect others. Wear a facial mask is attentive and safe, but it will not be safe from catching Covid-19.

According toThe Mayo Clinic, "Wear a mask in public does not make you safe from the virus, but if you are currently infected and you do not know, you do your part to stop spread."


I am young and / or healthy then I am immune

Young friends having barbecue picnic in the nature, playing guitar, playing badminton, enjoying sunny summer day outdoor

If there is something we learned in recent months about COVID-19 is that this virus does not discriminate against its infectant. Even if you are young and healthy, do not make the mistake of thinking that you are immunized to catch the virus.

ARecent Report of the CDCDiscovered that on 508 hospitalized people for COVID-19 by March 16, 2020, 38% had between 20 and 54 years. Half of the victims of coronavirus who ended up with the intensive care unit (ICU) were less than 65 years old.

Even if you are young and healthy, you can always be infected with the virus and even experience serious or fatal symptoms. Take precautions seriously and do your best to protect yourself from the virus and stop spread.


I take tons of vitamin C so I am immune

vitamin b capsules

Taking care of your immune system is great, especially when Covid-19 spreads around the world. But vitamin C and other supplements that support immune health can only help your body fight the virus if you get it and do not do it safe from your body.

According toOregon State University, men and women should get about 400 mg of vitamin C each day. Add a healthy diet and daily doses of other essential nutrients and vitamins and you will keep your immune system in advanced shape. But keep in mind, you should always be careful of the virus. A strong immune system does not mean that you are immunized against Covid-19, it simply means that you are ready to fight in case you get it.

And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these Things you should never do during the coronavirus pandemic .

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